The Official "RIU History" Thread

The war with the south wasn't because of slavery, it was because of secession and economy.

Careful, you'll completely blow up his fantasy world. It's a beautiful place where Socialism doesn't destroy everything, internet forum scientists are taken at their word because they keep saying "science" and liberalism ISN'T a mental disease.
And why did the South attempt succession?

And what was the economic engine they sought to preserve by doing so?
And why did the South attempt succession?

And what was the economic engine they sought to preserve by doing so?

Ironic. Of course any kind of slavery is a wrongful policy. However among the reasons why the Union Feds attacked was not to rid the nation of slavery. One reason was to keep the economic status quo going. Since the Norths factories also relied on slave labor for raw materials.

The other irony is the Union telling "free white people" of the south that they must remain subjected to a perpetual political union, and if they tried to leave the Union they would be killed. Isn't that what the slaveholders told the slaves too?

If you are unable to leave a relationship because the stronger party will not permit it, you are a captive....a slave.
Ironic. Of course any kind of slavery is a wrongful policy. However among the reasons why the Union Feds attacked was not to rid the nation of slavery. One reason was to keep the economic status quo going. Since the Norths factories also relied on slave labor for raw materials.

The other irony is the Union telling "free white people" of the south that they must remain subjected to a perpetual political union, and if they tried to leave the Union they would be killed. Isn't that what the slaveholders told the slaves too?

If you are unable to leave a relationship because the stronger party will not permit it, you are a captive....a slave.

The north still had slaves before and after Lincoln emancipated them.
Careful, you'll completely blow up his fantasy world. It's a beautiful place where Socialism doesn't destroy everything, internet forum scientists are taken at their word because they keep saying "science" and liberalism ISN'T a mental disease.

There's a very specific reason why you hate science, because it shows you how consistently wrong you are on a regular basis and you're far too entrenched in your worldview to accept it for what it is, valid criticism from an authority higher than yourself

When we say these things, we back them up with evidence, when you say these things, you piss in your cheerios and call foul play or better yet, concoct some impossible conspiracy theory as to why you must be right and science must be wrong

"According to Professor Altemeyer, right-wing authoritarians are cognitively rigid, aggressive, and intolerant. They are characterized by steadfast conformity to group norms, submission to higher status individuals, and aggression toward out-groups and unconventional group members. On the RWA Scale, subjects are asked to agree or disagree with statements like: "Some of the worst people in our country nowadays are those who do not respect our flag, our leaders and the normal way things are supposed to be done" and "There is absolutely nothing wrong with nudist camps." Guess which one RWAs tend to agree with?"
And why did the South attempt succession?

And what was the economic engine they sought to preserve by doing so?
1) So the states would no longer be under Federal Authority.
2) Cotton

Certainly the economy was what it was REALLY all about, for if the Plantation owners could not work slaves, their economy that had grown up around it would no longer be viable.

You aren't really making the contention that White slave owners kept slaves just because they liked to keep slaves are you? They kept slaves because that was how they made money, not because owning a person gave them some sort of personal fulfillment they were willing to die for. Slaves picked the cotton, and cotton was king. In fact cotton was so important and so much money was being made exporting cotton to England, that the southern states assumed it would continue and that if they seceded it would last forever.

Alas slavery ended, the civil war was fought, the south was not able to secede and the sharecropper system was put in place.
Not until the great depression would a machine be made that put the sharecroppers out of business.

Joseph "Jaws" Christian Chestnut

(born November 25, 1983) is an American competitive eater. The 6-foot-tall (1.8 m), 225-pound (102 kg) competitive eater is currently ranked first[1] in the world by the International Federation of Competitive Eating. He is a Vallejo, California native who currently resides in San Jose, California.
On July 4, 2007, Chestnut won the 92nd Annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, beating six-time defending champion Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi by consuming 66 hot dogs and buns (HDB) in 12 minutes, which set a new world record. The following year, he successfully defended his title by winning a 5 hot dog eat-off after tying Kobayashi in consuming 59 HDB in 10 minutes. On July 4, 2009, Chestnut outlasted Kobayashi again, by consuming a new world record of 68 HDB and winning his third consecutive title. On July 4, 2010, Chestnut took home his 4th consecutive Mustard Belt eating 54 HDB. The 2010 contest was a runaway victory, as Kobayashi did not compete due to a contract dispute with Major League Eating.[2] On July 4, 2011, he won his fifth-consecutive championship with 62 HDB. 2012 marked his sixth consecutive win, when Chestnut tied his own world record from 2009 by devouring 68 HDB. In 2013, Chestnut captured his seventh straight title, eating a total of 69 HDB, breaking his previous world record. In 2014, Chestnut captured his eighth straight title eating a total of 61 HDB.
Joey Chestnut is currently engaged, having proposed to his longtime girlfriend Neslie Ricasa just before defending his title in the 2014 Nathan's competition.



There's a very specific reason why you hate science, because it shows you how consistently wrong you are on a regular basis and you're far too entrenched in your worldview to accept it for what it is, valid criticism from an authority higher than yourself

When we say these things, we back them up with evidence, when you say these things, you piss in your cheerios and call foul play or better yet, concoct some impossible conspiracy theory as to why you must be right and science must be wrong

"According to Professor Altemeyer, right-wing authoritarians are cognitively rigid, aggressive, and intolerant. They are characterized by steadfast conformity to group norms, submission to higher status individuals, and aggression toward out-groups and unconventional group members. On the RWA Scale, subjects are asked to agree or disagree with statements like: "Some of the worst people in our country nowadays are those who do not respect our flag, our leaders and the normal way things are supposed to be done" and "There is absolutely nothing wrong with nudist camps." Guess which one RWAs tend to agree with?"

and that also describes LEFT WING AUTHORITARIANS like yourself, who demand absolute acquiescence to whatever bullshit line you are spouting this week.
Is that so?

Would you happen to have the peer reviewed scientific study that supports that?

Or would you rather just piss in your cheerios and call foul play like usual?
you just proved my point.

you demand acquiescence to whatever bullshit you are claiming.

your cute little story describes AUTHORITARIANS, tacking "right wing" on it doesnt change the nature or authoritarianism, it merely reinforces your specious association of "authoritarianism" with the phrase "right wing"

There's a very specific reason why you hate science, because it shows you how consistently wrong you are on a regular basis and you're far too entrenched in your worldview to accept it for what it is, valid criticism from an authority higher than yourself

When we say these things, we back them up with evidence, when you say these things, you piss in your cheerios and call foul play or better yet, concoct some impossible conspiracy theory as to why you must be right and science must be wrong

"According to Professor Altemeyer, right-wing authoritarians are cognitively rigid, aggressive, and intolerant. They are characterized by steadfast conformity to group norms, submission to higher status individuals, and aggression toward out-groups and unconventional group members. On the RWA Scale, subjects are asked to agree or disagree with statements like: "Some of the worst people in our country nowadays are those who do not respect our flag, our leaders and the normal way things are supposed to be done" and "There is absolutely nothing wrong with nudist camps." Guess which one RWAs tend to agree with?"

I don't hate science at all, I'm a big fan. However, I tend to scoff at junk science that relies on computer models predicting dire outcomes decades/centuries from now. Especially when it revolves around and wraps itself with the warm and fuzzy agenda of Eco-Loons and proposes solutions that just happen to be the same anti fossil fuel industry caterwauling that we've heard forever. But, I'm sure that's just a big 'ol coinkydink.

Well, fuck me running. Professor BigLibNobody says right wingers are bad, libs good. Get me my lobotomy and my tights, I'm switching over to the other side.
In the beginning, there was the WORD. And that word was delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
Whereupon, the prophet Rollie saw fit to begin a scroll recording the passage of time between hits.
On the second day, Gore said, "this is good", turned off the CFLs and turned on his RBG LED Multichip rig. He then said unto Rollie, "go forth and name the pastures by which the animals shall dwell in".
On the 3rd day, Rollie said "let there be sticky icky", and the mainlining, FIM, sriracha dicta promulgated forth.
On the 4th day, Rollie said "let there be Politics," and forthwith did spring the Buck 'n "Racists".
On the 5th day...I forgot...
you just proved my point.

you demand acquiescence to whatever bullshit you are claiming.

your cute little story describes AUTHORITARIANS, tacking "right wing" on it doesnt change the nature or authoritarianism, it merely reinforces your specious association of "authoritarianism" with the phrase "right wing"

So that's a 'no' then, got it
you just proved my point.

you demand acquiescence to whatever bullshit you are claiming.

your cute little story describes AUTHORITARIANS, tacking "right wing" on it doesnt change the nature or authoritarianism, it merely reinforces your specious association of "authoritarianism" with the phrase "right wing"

Do you even know what that means?
acquiescence- the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.
Show me where hes saying you absolutely can not have your own opinion?
All he did was ask you to properly back up what you are saying. I think that'd be the exact opposite of demanding acquiescence, dipsh*t. It means instead of being bullheaded, he's willing to listen and possibly accept your opinion.
You try to talk fancy, and you look stooopid!

Conservative thinking is for the past and for after doomsday type thinking, liberal thinking is for change which is the only way to improve the future. You conservatives are like an ancient tribe, buried in acquiescence in your ways.
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Do you even know what that means?
acquiescence- the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.
Show me where hes saying you absolutely can not have you're own opinion?
All he did was ask you to properly back up what you are saying. I think that'd be the exact opposite of demanding acquiescence, dipsh*t. It means instead of being bullheaded, he's willing to listen and possibly accept you opinion.
You try to talk fancy, and you look stooopid!

Conservative thinking is for the past and for after doomsday type thinking, liberal thinking is for change which is the only way to improve the future. You conservatives are like an ancient tribe, buried in acquiescence in your ways.
Do you even know what that means?
acquiescence- the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.
Show me where hes saying you absolutely can not have your own opinion?
All he did was ask you to properly back up what you are saying. I think that'd be the exact opposite of demanding acquiescence, dipsh*t. It means instead of being bullheaded, he's willing to listen and possibly accept your opinion.
You try to talk fancy, and you look stooopid!

Conservative thinking is for the past and for after doomsday type thinking, liberal thinking is for change which is the only way to improve the future. You conservatives are like an ancient tribe, buried in acquiescence in your ways.
and here we go again.

i have tio justify my opinion or im "one of THEM", and if i dont accept your bullshit story, im being mean.

leftism is authoritarianism, pure and simple, blaming it on "conservatives" and "the right wing" is just ad hom.
leftism is authoritarianism, pure and simple

"In left-right politics, left-wing politics are political positions or activities that accept or support social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. It is typically justified on the basis of concern for those in society who are perceived as disadvantaged relative to others and an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished."

"Right-wing politics are political positions or activities that view some forms of social hierarchy or social inequality as either inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically justifying this position on the basis of natural law or tradition. Within the right-wing spectrum, views differ on whether hierarchy and inequality stem from traditional social differences or from competition in market economies."

"Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by absolute or blind obedience to authority, as against individual freedom and related to the expectation of unquestioning obedience."

Come back when you learn the definitions of the words you use incorrectly. You're almost as bad as Fin
"In left-right politics, left-wing politics are political positions or activities that accept or support social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. It is typically justified on the basis of concern for those in society who are perceived as disadvantaged relative to others and an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished."

"Right-wing politics are political positions or activities that view some forms of social hierarchy or social inequality as either inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically justifying this position on the basis of natural law or tradition. Within the right-wing spectrum, views differ on whether hierarchy and inequality stem from traditional social differences or from competition in market economies."

"Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by absolute or blind obedience to authority, as against individual freedom and related to the expectation of unquestioning obedience."

Come back when you learn the definitions of the words you use incorrectly. You're almost as bad as Fin
more perverted wikiwisdom.

you may not be aware (of anything really...) but any asshole can edit wikipedia to giver it any slant he wishes.