
I know! That was exactly my response. Then in the afternoon when I woke up, from my nap, with a squirrel on me! and people think I am weird! The universe is what's weird.

On the second day of the Boston gardening show last weekend, my wife looked up toward the ceiling of the Conference Center. There was a whole lot of perforated steel covering up ducts and shit... But directly above our display was one of those huge Southern roaches (like 1.5") hanging motionless with his legs locked into the perf. We figured he was dead as he did not move at all. But now I have to allow for the possibility of it just being CN. But he would have said "hi".
On the second day of the Boston gardening show last weekend, my wife looked up toward the ceiling of the Conference Center. There was a whole lot of perforated steel covering up ducts and shit... But directly above our display was one of those huge Southern roaches (like 1.5") hanging motionless with his legs locked into the perf. We figured he was dead as he did not move at all. But now I have to allow for the possibility of it just being CN. But he would have said "hi".

He would have said hisssss, mine was so fucked up he did mind the avulsion of 4 of his lower extremities! About 1000 times better post anesthesia than Ketamine, where it's get out the tie downs!

Wait Boston you say? Did you meet the Indagrow?
No, I forgot he was from Boston. I reached out to Dyna after I remembered that Boston has a football team though. But he already decamped. Maybe @Indagrow was @indashow.

So he saw you but you did not see him. I guess he had something painting that truck flat black. I've been jonesing for just that paint job after I saw it on the new gull wing mercedes.
No, I forgot he was from Boston. I reached out to Dyna after I remembered that Boston has a football team though. But he already decamped. Maybe @Indagrow was @indashow.

DUDE, no I wasn't there.

But shit man that would have sure been nifty I got a new compound right outside of the city. This weekend involved strippers at the house, motomini madness, burnouts and massive consumption of various intoxicants/ poison. Shucks it sure would have been nifty.

And don't ask we have one rule.... No pictures.
DUDE, no I wasn't there.

But shit man that would have sure been nifty I got a new compound right outside of the city. This weekend involved strippers at the house, motomini madness, burnouts and massive consumption of various intoxicants/ poison. Shucks it sure would have been nifty.

And don't ask we have one rule.... No pictures.

You had me at strippers.... Ask if any of them left their panties at the Westin last week. A pair of aqua blue (or turquoise) quick release thongs showed up in our room on the second day. We were back in the room for about an hour when my wife says "What the hell is that?". The first maid must have missed them while the maid that made up our room after the first night must have found them behind a dresser and hoped like hell that they were ours. So she left them out next to the tv. Luckily my wife and I were together the whole day saving me a denial. But I have been tempted to run to Frederick's and get another pair and leave them in the car, or put them in the laundry.

Sorry I missed you.
If you would have had a deterrent stash for the roach this could have been avoided.

Fuck lids girl bro, this is an organic method for avoiding pesky lids...

Pro tip:
make a Tiny sign that says "roach drugs" to hang over a decoy batch of oil that is actually Organic honey. Roaches loves drugs, that's why they are always stealing crumbs and shit. Always looking for That Rock they dropped that one time... Roaches always trying to sleep on your couch, making you tube videos and shit... Roaches never wanna pay for drugs, not once...
Roaches love drugs, that's why they can't hold down a job...
Once you trap that dirty junkie roach, make another sign that says. "Tell your friends" and hang it over the roach corpse... Hope this helps... Don't let lids get you down. Live free
relocate! rent him a room

If you would have had a deterrent stash for the roach this could have been avoided.

Fuck lids girl bro, this is an organic method for avoiding pesky lids...

Pro tip:
make a Tiny sign that says "roach drugs" to hang over a decoy batch of oil that is actually Organic honey. Roaches loves drugs, that's why they are always stealing crumbs and shit. Always looking for That Rock they dropped that one time... Roaches always trying to sleep on your couch, making you tube videos and shit... Roaches never wanna pay for drugs, not once...
Roaches love drugs, that's why they can't hold down a job...
Once you trap that dirty junkie roach, make another sign that says. "Tell your friends" and hang it over the roach corpse... Hope this helps... Don't let lids get you down. Live free


relocate! rent him a room


I have parrots this would be considered as a snack. As a matter of fact my dining room was a snack for them once. Let me see if I have a picture of them. I don't but here's one off the net. They all look the same.


Anyway I gotta be careful. They go walk about all the time here (terrorize the dogs, us etc....) So no roach motels.

I have parrots this would be considered as a snack. As a matter of fact my dining room was a snack for them once. Let me see if I have a picture of them. I don't but here's one off the net. They all look the same.


Anyway I gotta be careful. They go walk about all the time here (terrorize the dogs, us etc....) So no roach motels.

They all look the same? Lol. I'm laughing my head off in the garden. I'm imagining putting up a net pic of Monty or Minky and saying the same. :)

How many have you got? I bred budgies years ago. We have wild monk/Quaker parrots here.
They all look the same? Lol. I'm laughing my head off in the garden. I'm imagining putting up a net pic of Monty or Minky and saying the same. :)

How many have you got? I bred budgies years ago. We have wild monk/Quaker parrots here.

See this is my problem with my weed. I feel absolutely perfectly sober and I have ZERO short term. I hit like and started to reply, now here we are DAYS later and voila :) LOL

Yeah you know to me they look different but not really to anyone else. I can spot them more by their behavior or how they hold themselves or a little white spot here or there, my Harley - the male, has a white toe and he's a lover. The female, Ozzie would chew your arm off and use it to kill you. So I have a breeding pair of Hyacinths and currently a Moluccan rescue, an Umbrella who belonged to my older girl, we got him as an egg and I raised the little stinker. He's 24 now! The cockatiel who started it all just left me last year he was 27.5 and I still miss him terribly.
Typical cockroaches….When you turn the light on do they scatter like felons?

Ahh shit, no I should NOT tell this. These are the things we NEVER speak of, but back in the day when I worked neurosurgery in one hospital our main room was located down by the cysto room (what can I say I did not build the Operating suites). So you'd open our door and the smell of freshly sliced prostate in eau de urine would waft subtly by.

Problem was roaches are resident in every sewer where many of those small prostate pieces would go (floor drain). So occasionally when cysto was done (TURPs are usually an 7-3 procedure), and we were working late we'd often use their phones, store a pizza on their counter etc..... shhhh, don't tell them.

Anyway I'm sitting in there on a stool eating my pizza it's like 2 am and we are still picking glioma and I was hungry so I broke and dashed for a slice. I kid you not up from the drain comes this 5 inch KIILLER ROACH! That mother fucker extended his wings and hissed at me.

Now I'm a girl like most girls. My initial reaction was to squeel and run. But damn I've been scrubbed in this person's brain since 7:30 AM and it's past 2 am now and I'm hungry. So I'm thinking here.. The roach is now between me and the door ADVANCING ON ME! I'm casting my eyes about the place for a weapon (and I'm not throwing that last slice of pizza at him which was what he wanted).

My eyes light upon the spray benzoin.... I spray and he stopped flapping, glued that MF'ers wings together. I was willing to hit him outta the park with cysto's scope but why waste a good scope when I had spray glue. I left him wandering around the inside of urology's room and removed ALL evidence of our nite gnosh.

The next morning as we were stapling scalp we hear the Cysto circulator shrieking from next door :) Ahh roaches the gift that keeps on giving ;) Urology just loved us.
The last time I saw a flying roach was years ago in Tenerife. I think it's just the huge adults who can fly but it's petrifying! The wingspan was double the length so about 8-10".

I remember it well, we returned to our apartment to find what I initially thought was a small bat fly across the room. We thought 'fuck that' exited and returned with some spray. I've had a huntsman taken out of my room in Thailand and that was def on a par.
The last time I saw a flying roach was years ago in Tenerife. I think it's just the huge adults who can fly but it's petrifying! The wingspan was double the length so about 8-10".

I remember it well, we returned to our apartment to find what I initially thought was a small bat fly across the room. We thought 'fuck that' exited and returned with some spray. I've had a huntsman taken out of my room in Thailand and that was def on a par.

OUCH! If I'd had a Huntsman I'd have pitched him at the Roach. They would have been evenly matched! I could have taken bets, damn! Wish I'd known you then.