has anyone successfully lowered their opiate tollerance?

know what's crazy? every time i kicked in jail, don't think i ever puked once.. shit my brains out, mind you, but never puked..

oh, i did puke once in a sting op.. i bought like 5 bags, and by the time the popo got me to the ground, i saw this door open up to an empty house, and three guys holding fully auto-weapons, and my fight or flight response kicked in before i realized they were friendly peace officers there to help me, and the one says i bought 5 bags, where are the other three.. i played if off like i lost them in the scuffle and he bought it..
after the bust, they took us to some empty parking lot to start doing paper work.. i asked the one cop if i could get out of the paddy wagon to puke, he says sure.. i hop out and start puking, and started counting the three bags i had just swallowed coming up.. ralppp, oh, that's one, hhhh, oh, number two, right there... ralphh again, oh look, there goes the third bag.. i just covered them with some dirt and got back in the van and they never did notice.. :D
also was a junky for 4 years only reason imclean is cuz i left the counrty there is no way to lower ur tolareance without setting down or stopping
I was pretty bad on opiates, got on street suboxone for a while, then quit altogether. Over a year went by and I happened to get a few roxy 30's. I snorted them all. 3 or 4 of them, which should be a lot with 0 tolerance, but I barely felt anything at all. Probably for the best... but I think suboxone perma fried my opiate tolerance. I was taking around 32mg a day of that stuff.

I believe suboxone did the same thing for me...but it also saved my life. My opiate receptors were fried before I got on the suboxone, as it still took me about 5-7 days to get any relief from them at all. Early on in my opiate career a sub would make me feel 100% better within a half hour. Towards the end when I actually saw a dr to get a prescription and try to kick opiates for good, it took me about a year of just trying to get on the medicine, as i would always last about 4-5 days and just couldn't take it anymore. Eventually I toughed it out and fonud relief, but opiate receptors can suck a big one!
That would be really confusing if you didn't have a journal link next to your avatar squid.

I can also remember subs taking a few days to start working right. Those few days were hell. And I would often end up doing some oxy without waiting long enough after a sub. Or was it taking an oxy too soon after sub? I forget... Fantastic times! not.
I've been locked up tripping. That actually wasn't that bad.... when I was getting my mugshot I thought I was at an eyedocters taking an eye test.
shrooming with the sherriff was fun for me..they tried to lock me up,but couldnt due to my "evidence snacking"..lol,but i did get interrogated for 2 hours and held in a room for 5...
im assuming my opiate tolerance would be right up with yours skuxx...same with my mdma receptors..fried.no go...
ill know the next time i get hurt i suppose..i gotta get a tooth pulled,maybe ill act like a baby and get opiated soon..been at least 7 years i think...
Full agonists too soon after a sub don't do a damned thing. Sub too soon after a full agonist will cause precipitated withdrawal.
It's cool. Both suck though wasting dope is nowhere near as bad as PW. Those are fucking terrible.
It's always best to wait as long as you can when going from one to the other.
Im so glad any opiate make's me sick...I always feel so nauseous on anything with it in it I could never enjoy it...I can't wait to stop taking Painkiller's when I get them ......The shit's everywhere by me and cheap Most of the old crew I ran with has died from it....Quite a few actually went when they started cutting the shit with fentanyl if I spelled that right? Or are skeleton's of themselves .....I used to do a lot of coke when I was younger been off it for almost 3 years and I swear life still don't seem like it used too I find a lot of thing's just don't make me as happy or pleasing as before....IDK was just saying someday's I miss those guy's
has anyone here ever actually lowered their opiate tollerance? i remember when i would split oc20s and get sprung for the whole day off half a pill it was insane. now it seems every time i take an opiate all that happens is all negative effects and no euphoria at all. there is no sweet spot if its to low i dont feel anything and if its to high i just get dope sick instantly. i just want to be on oxycodone all day for the rest of my life anyone feel the same way?
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am i the only one that weens down? the key to lowering your tolerance is to not get high! i would wait till i start getting uncomfortable then take a smaller dose than i would to get high. just to feel normal! after week or so you should be able to take a smaller dose n so on. takes discipline! this wont work if youre shooting or snorting as most people that get high like that, get high off the process.

No I wean down. Although recently I've been considering scoring illicit substances, but fortunately a voice inside my head tellso me "this isn't the best of ideas, you are not an exception, you will become the rule".

Still very tempting particularly on bad pain days, as my scripts don't last as long as the date says it should. I've always trended lightly with opiates and only told myself "no heroin" but the pain at times is excruciating and unbearable I've considered it.

Always ween down, and I usually stockpile other substances to take any edge off if I need to drop quickly. I've never had the lack of impulse control where I simply want more but it doesn't mean it can't happen to me
Im confused about the original question , are you asking if any long term opiate users have ever successfully lowered their maintenance dose ? Or are you asking if its possible to lower tolerance levels back to square one where a weak ass percodan or 30mg roxy will get you high again ?

The answer to the 2nd question is a big no , once the receptors have been flooded with opiates long term you'll never experience a low dose rush again , keep in mind that while your brain will allways tolerate high dosages after being clean your heart will not .also the entire respitory system can shut down from taking what the body used to consider a weak dose .