Well-Known Member
guard: whats your name,BOY!?


know what's crazy? every time i kicked in jail, don't think i ever puked once.. shit my brains out, mind you, but never puked..guard: whats your name,BOY!?
know what's crazy? every time i kicked in jail, don't think i ever puked once.. shit my brains out, mind you, but never puked..
LOL..when i got locked up,dude i was with straight puked till the guard MADE him go to the med unit...
I was pretty bad on opiates, got on street suboxone for a while, then quit altogether. Over a year went by and I happened to get a few roxy 30's. I snorted them all. 3 or 4 of them, which should be a lot with 0 tolerance, but I barely felt anything at all. Probably for the best... but I think suboxone perma fried my opiate tolerance. I was taking around 32mg a day of that stuff.
lol, I think MY pic has been stolen!my pic has been stolen
shrooming with the sherriff was fun for me..they tried to lock me up,but couldnt due to my "evidence snacking",but i did get interrogated for 2 hours and held in a room for 5...I've been locked up tripping. That actually wasn't that bad.... when I was getting my mugshot I thought I was at an eyedocters taking an eye test.
Full agonists too soon after a sub don't do a damned thing. Sub too soon after a full agonist will cause precipitated withdrawal.
Yephas anyone here ever actually lowered their opiate tollerance? i remember when i would split oc20s and get sprung for the whole day off half a pill it was insane. now it seems every time i take an opiate all that happens is all negative effects and no euphoria at all. there is no sweet spot if its to low i dont feel anything and if its to high i just get dope sick instantly. i just want to be on oxycodone all day for the rest of my life anyone feel the same way?
am i the only one that weens down? the key to lowering your tolerance is to not get high! i would wait till i start getting uncomfortable then take a smaller dose than i would to get high. just to feel normal! after week or so you should be able to take a smaller dose n so on. takes discipline! this wont work if youre shooting or snorting as most people that get high like that, get high off the process.