SpicySativa's Organic Garden

Thanks, Don!

Ya, that Blackberry in front has been perky since day 1. Much perkier than the other Blackberry behind it, but they're both nice and healthy.

It's weird to me how much variation I get from dispensary clones that are supposed to be the same. I guess maybe they have several (or many...) mother plants of each strain, but in theory they still should be giving me identical genetics...
Major variation between the two Cherry Pies, too (on the right). The front Cherry has tiny, runty little leaves, while the one behind is going strong...

wish i could try all 3 them tasty sounding girls! you're growing two each, right buddy?? haha i have my next 4 shopping lists written out already.. maybe i should make bigger orders so i can get them faster.. 4 to 6 strains an order seemed like a lot, but now I'm already on list 5.. hahaha. may have to live vicariously through you for a couple months.. and try your top pick out.. keep killin it, homes. look forward to their maturation
2 each, ya.

Running different strains is fun, but it's tricky keeping them all 100% happy. I'm busy as fuck right now, so it's been hard to find time to give them each the personal attention they deserve...
i hear you brotha, its like dating 3 girls, you got to get to know them individually.. actually its like dating 3 sets of twins, even crazier haha.. but yep, sure is a good problem to have hahaaha
Sorry to bust in on ya but no matter what I do teas ewc vermi or what my leaves never ever get dark like any of yalls. Do yall have special secrer N yall feed them things I can keep it green but they never get dark green like ur pics spice,hyroot , don or others
Sorry to bust in on ya but no matter what I do teas ewc vermi or what my leaves never ever get dark like any of yalls. Do yall have special secrer N yall feed them things I can keep it green but they never get dark green like ur pics spice,hyroot , don or others
What you think, @DonPetro??
if its yellowing at the base of the leaf its iron def. If blotchy yellowing its nitrogen def, along edges is mag def.

also your lights could be bleaching your plants as well. Very common with 1000w. Bleaching can also cause molybdenum defs.
if its yellowing at the base of the leaf its iron def. If blotchy yellowing its nitrogen def, along edges is mag def.

also your lights could be bleaching your plants as well. Very common with 1000w. Bleaching can also cause molybdenum defs.
More indfo added into knowledge folder but like if you look aat your grow pics spices etc yalls leaves are all real dark almost like nitrogen toxicity. I can load up as much of everything I can and they only get green like the color of a green crayon never super dark green leaves. Do you think it could be a pheno or such indoors outdoors or yougins umder t5 never dark like yalls.
Hey, Mohican!

I’m back at it after a ~6 year “hiatus” - outdoor this go around, since I just moved and don’t have a “Medicine Cabinet” up and running yet.

I actually just moved about a month ago, so I got a very late start. All good. I’m sure I’ll have something to show for it in a month and a half or two. :)

What strains?

One of my best grows started in August! It was 80 degrees here that year until February :)

Holy Smoke Mulanje Gold - Mainlined for 16 main colas:

Mulanje Gold2 Colas Flash 12-26-13.png

Christmas 2013
