Club 600


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone hope yall are having a great weekend:-) going to go and get some new dirt for the karma gear. I needto find a bag of promix but i have not found a retailer down here that keeps it.


Well-Known Member
And the bud material is inside the jar? Soz, I am bit lost with that one Jimmer:). Pics may indeed help. I was just going to go and buy a tube to be honest.
Here's pictures I'm only missing filling the jar put when your ready to empty, all you do is tip upside down. Oh, tp instead of filters i need filters, thats why I'm waiting till monday. 3 papers to type today.025.JPG026.JPG 027.JPG 028.JPG 029.JPG


Well-Known Member
Aye, it sure can get hot in there oldman. The wife and I often think we made a mistake even getting it. We kind of thought we could keep a lot of our plants in there over winter, but it literally gets frozen out there too. Then in the hot summer it's too hot, and at the end of the season it can get too damp....ffs. Hard life eh!:)
You need vents at the peak and fans at ground level that should help,
they also have shade material used for field growing you could drape it with.
We use small propane heaters in our greenhouses at this latitude for winter


Well-Known Member
I don't care for the ones that are all screen unless I'm doing a DIY tumbler where I'm doing a dry sift.

For bubble and dry ice hash I'll pick a bag over anything any day.

But it's really all a personal preference as I've used everything under the sun, just have been doing it for awhile to know what works ...


Well-Known Member
I'm getting a block on seeing giggs pics after I've seen them
Anybody run into this before?
I should not be blocked from anything.