Club 600


Well-Known Member
Congrats giggles!!!! Hey jig, I had a tree like that at my grammas house growing up, it had a swing on it and it sat on a hill so when you'd swing you would be like 10 feet off the ground until the swing came back to the top of the hill (I'm not sure if that's makes sense lol) I miss that house and tree still today. Good vibes to your wife's surgery as well. And thanks to everyone's good vibes on my move! We're finally moved in andmost of eeverything is unpacked and now I have to set up the grow room. I'll update yall later :)


Well-Known Member
Got the grow room just about finished up. I'm freaking whooped now though lol. Here's some pics. I still have some more to do, but it's a start. I also found a diamond earing in there! If that's not a sign of good luck I don't know what is, all of yalls vibes must have came through and oh yeah, my tap water is good enough to use so no more ro!! 6.8ph and 140ppm :) bongsmilie:hump::peace:

