has anyone successfully lowered their opiate tollerance?


Well-Known Member
has anyone here ever actually lowered their opiate tollerance? i remember when i would split oc20s and get sprung for the whole day off half a pill it was insane. now it seems every time i take an opiate all that happens is all negative effects and no euphoria at all. there is no sweet spot if its to low i dont feel anything and if its to high i just get dope sick instantly. i just want to be on oxycodone all day for the rest of my life anyone feel the same way?
well, you've been advised to knock it, which is advice i can get behind, but if you insist on continuing my suggestion would be a t-break of at least a month (i've taken plenty of breaks from even dope, WDs are bad but that's just the price you pay. end of story. also bud helps sickness tremendously) and then in all future doses potentiate with tonic water (containing quinine) 30 minutes before dosing, and 400mg cimetidine, 30mg dxm, 4mg chlortab and 220mg naproxen. keeps your tolerance down (result of the dxm (increasing the dose will not keep it down further so dont do that unless you want to robotrip instead of ope) ) and increases analgesia and euphoria very noticeably.
this all being said, seriously, be careful getting deeply involved with opiates. i'm in love, and i always seem to end up getting sick when i have the most shit to take care of. not to mention after so long you completely lose the opiate feeling you remember from the first while you did it, and it will never come back without doing dope. stay well brother.
i lowered my tolerance..i quit!
only a series of unfortunate events lets me know the joys of being opiated..i go to the dr for being hurt..
i love oxycodone i remember the first time i took it 6 years ago it was the best day ive ever had in my life if i could feel like that for a month then die after i would take it
am i the only one that weens down? the key to lowering your tolerance is to not get high! i would wait till i start getting uncomfortable then take a smaller dose than i would to get high. just to feel normal! after week or so you should be able to take a smaller dose n so on. takes discipline! this wont work if youre shooting or snorting as most people that get high like that, get high off the process.
Opiate tolerance is a bear, and if it does go down, even after years of abstainence, your brain down regualtes very quickly, meaning that if you pick up again your tolerance goes right back to where it was within days of constant use. I've had almost year long breaks, and the magic was back the first couple days I used, but within a week I was right back to shooting a bundle a day! Every hard core opiate addict I know experiences the same thing- if you pick up after getting clean you basically start right where you left off, regaurdless of how long you've been opiate free. Of course this is talking about people who have been addicted to opiates for some time.
I thought it was in addicts head that you 'pick up where you left off' but it's not. You brain remembers what is good, and when it gets that chemical again, the endocrine workers all think they are getting laid off so they stop showing up for work pretty quickly...and we all know how hard it is to get them to go back to work! It's called downregulation...

"As with other G protein-coupled receptors, signalling by the mu opioid receptor is terminated through several different mechanisms, which are upregulated with chronic use, leading to rapid tachyphylaxis.[9] The most important regulatory proteins for the mu opioid receptor are the β-arrestins Arrestin beta 1 and Arrestin beta 2,[10][11][12] and the RGS proteins RGS4, RGS9-2, RGS14 and RGSZ2.[13][14]

Long-term or high dose use of opioids may also lead to additional mechanisms of tolerance becoming involved. This includes downregulation of mu opioid receptor gene expression, so the number of receptors presented on the cell surface is actually reduced, as opposed to the more short-term desensitisation induced by β-arrestins or RGS proteins.[15][16][17] Another long-term adaptation to opioid use can be upregulation of glutamate and other pathways in the brain which can exert an opioid-opposing effect and so reduce the effects of opioid drugs by altering downstream pathways, regardless of mu opioid receptor activation.[18][19]"
i love oxycodone i remember the first time i took it 6 years ago it was the best day ive ever had in my life if i could feel like that for a month then die after i would take it
then you feel like you died for a month after you stop!:-)
am i the only one that weens down? the key to lowering your tolerance is to not get high! i would wait till i start getting uncomfortable then take a smaller dose than i would to get high. just to feel normal! after week or so you should be able to take a smaller dose n so on. takes discipline! this wont work if youre shooting or snorting as most people that get high like that, get high off the process.
then why try to get high if the object isnt to get high? ...the universes biggest mysteries may never be solved...
Opiate tolerance is a bear, and if it does go down, even after years of abstainence, your brain down regualtes very quickly, meaning that if you pick up again your tolerance goes right back to where it was within days of constant use. I've had almost year long breaks, and the magic was back the first couple days I used, but within a week I was right back to shooting a bundle a day! Every hard core opiate addict I know experiences the same thing- if you pick up after getting clean you basically start right where you left off, regaurdless of how long you've been opiate free. Of course this is talking about people who have been addicted to opiates for some time.
in my asap class its taught the same with addicts of all substances...if you drink a liter of liquor a day,quit,then go back to drinking,in very little time youre back to a liter..
i call it knowing what a real good buzz is:-)
I was pretty bad on opiates, got on street suboxone for a while, then quit altogether. Over a year went by and I happened to get a few roxy 30's. I snorted them all. 3 or 4 of them, which should be a lot with 0 tolerance, but I barely felt anything at all. Probably for the best... but I think suboxone perma fried my opiate tolerance. I was taking around 32mg a day of that stuff.