If I'm gonna take it from my and minez mouths, my and minez worthy mouths, it better go to another worthy mouth. By worthiness, I mean the ability to appreciate it, not eat mine and minez and then tell me to fuck off because I owed them "anyway"......what I owe, I'll pay personally. Israel is worthy. Israel is our canary in the cage....you see the religious groups represented in Israel......all of 'em. They're not persecuted in the "home of the jews". That's because they embrace liberty, for now, like us......
Freedom......I detest oppression.
So your pro-isreal?
Although we would be partially responsible for the eruptions of violence, the bloodshed, that would occur around the world....but, if we are going to wash our hands of it.......
I say it's time to start washing, but you've completely missed the point! The point is, it's really not about Israel, it's about money. Israel is just a distraction to fool the world while we are raping and pilaging other countries in the region and around the world, the true mantra of capitalism, "They hate us for our freedom", while we are fucking everyone elses freedom including ours, aint Capitalism great?Although we would be partially responsible for the eruptions of violence, the bloodshed, that would occur around the world....but, if we are going to wash our hands of it.......
I say it's time to start washing, but you've completely missed the point! The point is, it's really not about Israel, it's about money. Israel is just a distraction to fool the world while we are raping and pilaging other countries in the region and around the world, the true mantra of capitalism, "They hate us for our freedom", while we are fucking everyone elses freedom including ours, aint Capitalism great?
What??? I'm not here, thats an illusion.You/I wouldn't be here, now, if it didn't exist, so, I concur..
Source, please.In fact on one wall in the west bank the Israeli soldiers spray painted on a wall, Palestinians should be thrown in the ovens, so much for peace between them. The Palestinians hate the Israelis and the Israelis hate them, no bonding going on there. Yet we choose to fund these hate tactics on the Israeli side
I don't see a single person that I can make out as definitely Pallie, nor is any person being put into anything resembling an oven. Unless my eyes are really bad....![]()