Medical Hash Extraction

I have made it AMPLY clear that this method comes from a COMIC BOOK and from a small Cannabis Chemistry Book. :lol:

When I say I don't think I am smart, I DON'T. I just happen to do my own reading, instead of listening to trolls on forums. It's not like I am "trying to make discoveries" I am just "testing known methods of doing different things than we do now" and all of you are like "BUT WE DON'T DO IT THAT WAY". And I am always just like "I KNOW".
"Adrenochrome Dreams"
Ether, now there's a drug. Happy ether RIU!

Ether, yeah....ahhh the old days

Just as an aside; where did "huffing" originate:
1- from kids making model airplanes, etc
2- mechanics and solvents
3-60's-70's hippies
I think our work here is done.....

Anyway on to real business. We bought some Gewurztraminer and some Merlot at the Gundlach Bundschau Winery. So what bottle do I crack open to go with In n Out Burgers. I need some sommelier assistance here. Oh yes and we are getting the fries well done.
Cheeseburger? Merlot. Even tho' the fries suggest the Gewürztraminer, the Merlot is the only choice.

Unless the Gewürz is Medical Grade. That changes eeeeverything
Cheeseburger? Merlot. Even tho' the fries suggest the Gewürztraminer, the Merlot is the only choice.

Unless the Gewürz is Medical Grade. That changes eeeeverything

A day late and a dollar short. I should have known! Well we drank the Gewurztraminer. It was medical grade and the hub is in bed crying like a little bitch with a hangover. I'm downstairs having slammed coffee and lost another pound (I'm going to have to listen to my physician bitch about my weight). Ah well if I'm not to fat I'm to skinny, it seems like there's 10 seconds you are the right weight! Fuck that shit.
A day late and a dollar short. I should have known! Well we drank the Gewurztraminer. It was medical grade and the hub is in bed crying like a little bitch with a hangover. I'm downstairs having slammed coffee and lost another pound (I'm going to have to listen to my physician bitch about my weight). Ah well if I'm not to fat I'm to skinny, it seems like there's 10 seconds you are the right weight! Fuck that shit.
Looks like the Traminer wasn't Hippocratic though.
I have seen a little bitch with a hangover and I don't envy you right now. I recommend a shower stall and a door block lol