Death by a thousand cuts - Thomas Jefferson kicks Muslim asses

Sorry doer, The "rescue" on Mt sinjar was already pretty much over before any US action took place. Its just politics and propaganda, someone trying to take credit.

The laughable thing is that you said you saw it on TV, holy shit, TV is nothing but lies.

I don't have to watch CNN to know what is going on with CNN

The only reason Obama sent troops was to Protect Erbil, he used the so called refugees on mt sinjar as cover, but there was no one to rescue. I mean why would you bomb a mountain that was full of Yazidi's? You wouldn't, you would bomb it because it was full of IS.

Read the transcript.

They made it it out the back to Turkey thanks to CIA drone strikes.

Live up there? I see footage and footage does not lie if taken in context of people's faces.

All made up? Get a clue, if not a TV?
Yazidi Iraqis on Mount Sinjar carry the limp bodies of children as they flee
As bad as this is, it cannot be attributed to Christianity just because members of the church did it. There is nothing in christianity that preaches kidnapping and child rape.

Islam, on the other hand, does preach suppressing and slaughter of other people.

The problem with the church is when it lost its temporal power, the rule that priests not marry attracted the wrong sort to the priesthood.

It is a sad but unintended consequence of that rule.

all religion is fucked's plural monarchy unleashed in the name of fairytales..where else do you go and give money hoping they don't show at your door? you're supposed to fear the men of god..beg for them to guarantee salvation?

forgive me father for i have sinned?:lol:..neigh, shall i ever ask forgiveness of any man, real or imagined.
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Ugly shit to lie. I never said anything about zaycor. I asked him a question. It is fun to see you make this up, though.

Ugly shit to lie. No one gets a pass from me except Lady Sky.

oh he's just being a whiny little bitch..could be pinny withdrawal. group hug:hug:
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As bad as this is, it cannot be attributed to Christianity just because members of the church did it. There is nothing in christianity that preaches kidnapping and child rape.

Islam, on the other hand, does preach suppressing and slaughter of other people.

The problem with the church is when it lost its temporal power, the rule that priests not marry attracted the wrong sort to the priesthood.

It is a sad but unintended consequence of that rule.
I know you are referring to the core teachings of Christianity and the comparison with Islam and no doubt it's valid, I also acknowledge that if I had been born Muslim I may not have been given the freedom to renounce the religion I was born into but I just can't reconcile the Christian message with the facts as I know them, those charged with spreading the good word did some pretty awful things while claiming to represent Jesus and still do.
These same people have the audacity to tell people how they should have sex, the church says masturbation and some foreplay is intrinsically evil. Why would any organisation especially one claiming to be so loving project that kind of crap onto impressionable young minds telling them they will burn in hell for having a fiddle with themselves in the bathroom, it's all about the guilt they want everyone to carry around for the duration of their lives that will keep them going back for forgiveness time and time again.
Aids/HIV is still rampant in Africa yet the church says it is evil to use condoms because in it's eyes sick little congregants are better than no congregants at all, that is inherently and morally wrong.
It also preaches to women about abortion and birth control but refuses to allow women play a more dominant role within the church, all they are to the church is a womb that can cook and clean. I'm fairly confident that if women were allowed to be priests clerical abuse would not have been so endemic, I agree with your opinion also on priests being allowed to marry, the marriage issue and women priests is all about money and property though and nothing to do with God because hypothetically if a priest left a young widow and family behind the church would have to provide for them. It's just a huge boys club designed and being redesigned to extract as much money from people as possible, such a brilliant business model that any large corp would be proud of- Keep them in fear and they'll keep paying for our "product".
Personally I don't need the validation of religion nor do I intend to live what years I have left worrying about my soul when I die and so far in my 38 years I have managed to hold firm on the morals I was raised without any help from the church.
That is another African albino ^^ in the background
some more below


an Asian albino

and lastly
The albino penguin
Unless something is screwy with the color in the picture that child is not a true albino.
His (I think)/her eyes are too dark.

But yeah - dude in the back is doing some crazy shit.
My guess is the kid in the background is mentally challenged.
The baby in front would pass for Caucasian although he/she does have a black persons nose.
I think I read somewhere albinos are persecuted and even ritually killed in some parts of Africa