Random Jibber Jabber Thread

You know how when the knot in your dick swells up and you get stuck to the girl?
Thats what I would do.
then I would step over my own dick so it was still in but we would be ass and both yelping as we try to seperate.
if anyone poured cold water on us I would kill them.
let do this

I'm turing the hose on both of you :-D

I fuckin love my grandmas fried chicken, salade and mashed potatoes.
She is dead so I just microwaved a peice offrozen chicken.
I gotta admit she has been gone long enough now that frozen chicken is pretty good.
Cant believe I acted like a pussy for so long.
rip Grandma I still love you even though I have found a new chicken.

RFLMAO WTF was that? go home Char, you're drunk.
So is my Sig 1911 and Dan Wesson Valor, and soon to be Ed Brown Exec. The Ruger 1911 .22 - is a, well, a .22 - nuff said.

I love 1911s more than I love Jesus. #justsayin
what made you decide on Ed Brown vs. Les Baer or Wilson Combat? Course if you got the $$$ look at a Korth PRS 1911. Start at $5500!!
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