The Most Weed You Ever Smoked?

The most I ever smoked by myself was an ounce of mendo purp i think I smoked like 22 bowls then I started becoming too disoriented to light the bowl right so I rolled the rest in joints. With other people one time I smoked a pound between me and 6 other people 7 total nobody tapped out I was surprised that was this past 4/20
Just recently, a few weeks ago went to visit some friends we hadn't seen in a long time. There were 8 people there (we're all mid-fifties) and 7 smoked (my GF was the only one who didn't). We arrived Saturday afternoon, left Sunday evening. We went through 3 ounces of various strains. First time I'd smoked one for breakfast in a while, these people are fucking insane. "Bob" I met for the first time, husband of a girl I know grows, went by his farm on the way home and then I understood why they smoke it like cigarettes, he had 45x 5ft. Bluebbery plants going on his farm. It's now harvest time here and they're coming over in 3 weeks, should be another shit show ;)
i smoke a little over an 1/8 in a day some times a little more, but you guys that say you smoke a pound or so , shit even a ounce a day is full of shit. you would have to have lungs of steel , hell your lungs wouldnt even be working at the end of the day. lol...
You can't functionally smoke raw weight sports fans it's a ticket to RICU, jet ventilator much? Try concentrates if you wanna blow through weight. Eat about a gram a day then top up with oil all day long. Why by evening I've got most of my quills and claws retracted, just watch for that stinger, stinger still rejecting external guidance commands, damn.
Since first reading this thread i tried getting in touch with an old jamaican friend of mine. He says he figures the propper rastas are on the 2 ounce mark a day, but that the weed might not be all that good.
Since first reading this thread i tried getting in touch with an old jamaican friend of mine. He says he figures the propper rastas are on the 2 ounce mark a day, but that the weed might not be all that good.
Yeah, I know a couple of Jamaican's in the auto business that blow through 1/2 - 1 oz per day, but they smoke low quality/low potency smoke, they don't like "dat white man shit" "gets you too fucked mon, you guys are crazy" - lol Whenever I go by one of the shops I offer King Kong something like Jack The Ripper and he laughs saying "you know i can't handle dat shit", the guy is a freakin monster, 6'3"/290lbs and not an ounce of fat on him, but a potent joint will knock the shit out of him - lol I usually barter with him, but he'll sell what I give him and buys his ganja for personal ;)
I smoke like a quarter a day and this is me trying to cut back. Seems like I smoked less when I wasn't trying to conserve, hmmm

I used to be like that when i smoke djoints man. A decent joint is always close to 1 g of weed. Id never really have less than 6 joints a day, Bongs where the only thing that really helped me cut down.
Way back in my yoot, my brother n I lost a QP under the couch! Never missed it...great find!
House rule: the other could n often would judge your bong hit a "do over".
My personal consumption, I need to grow my own, ya wouldn't understand.