The forbidden TRUTH

the truth is the truth is water damage show it to experts hide the fact of what it is they will say water damage it has happend the only reason they do not is becuase the first man who did was beatten down in the feild untill he could not work it in anymore i already linked u proof of that

the carbon dating is right there the name of the lab the test ............u wanted to see a test i showed u a test ..................

^That's the guy who came up with the water erosion theory.

Archaeologists, geologists, Egyptologists, and climatologists ALL DISAGREE with him. They DO NOT support the water erosion theory.
holy shit ................look at your dates test was done in 2012 your stuff was made in 2006

come on debunk it your info is dated i have a test less then 3 years old where u have info posted from 9 years ago

debunk my test
What fucking test are you talking about? Post the link.
Ok, it's a picture.

How do you, a) know it's real and b) even if it is really from a lab in Kiev, who did the followup testing to verify the validity of the test?

Even if all of the testing was legitimate, it still doesn't prove there's a pyramid there.

The geology around Visoko is incredibly rich, and I suggested to Osmanagic that, in lieu of “pyramids,” he might redefine his “Archaeological Park” as a “Geological-Archaeological Park” and focus more on the geology. Visocica Hill (the one dubbed “Pyramid of the Sun”) and Pljesevica Hill (“Pyramid of the Moon”) are composed of layers of sandstone, clay, mudstone, siltstone, and conglomerates apparently deposited in an ancient lake and river system during Miocene times (about 5.3 to 23 million years ago). The rocks have been tilted and bent due to tectonic stresses (this can be seen in the last photo to the right, which shows a natural folding and faulting in the rocks composing the side of a so-called pyramid in Visoko). The tectonic forces plastically deformed the clays and mudstones, but the sandstones and conglomerates broke into semi-regularly shaped pieces that Osmanagic and his team have excavated in numerous places, interpreting them as “pavements,” “terraces,” “concrete blocks,” “foundation stones,” and so forth. Interestingly, and tellingly, the sizes of the sandstone and conglomerate blocks found are a function of the thickness of the original rock layers. Thin sandstone layers, stressed tectonically, broke into small blocks while thick and durable conglomerate layers broke into massive blocks. This is exactly the pattern expected among natural rock formations. The sandstones also typically preserve various sedimentary and depositional features, such as ripple marks and the traces of ancient burrowing animals. These same rocks are also rich in paleontology. In some of the sandstone layers, and in many of the mudstone layers, I found large accumulations of fossil leaf debris and even some fairly complete Miocene fossil leaves. I believe that the real treasure of Visoko may be a huge fossil biota just waiting to be uncovered, not some imaginary pyramids.
look at that fucking wall look on the body of it

show me anywhere else in the region that looks like that something man made ..............were anywhere show it too me me the records of it being built (they were nutty about records) .............the debunking idea if was true other things would show the same wear patterns but nothing does except the moutains and hillsides from flooding

the only thing in the history of them is it being seen they think someone made it but they have no proof the first thing they have about work being done on it was that kid sleeping under it then it be dug out and fixed up and that is on the tablet in front of the body
Ok, it's a picture.

How do you, a) know it's real and b) even if it is really from a lab in Kiev, who did the followup testing to verify the validity of the test?

that is up to u debunker ..............i found the test u wanted proving we are older then what they say ...........i know we are older then what they say i know it a lie to me proof is the guy putting his rep on the line to do the work and have it tested because i know the mainstream will reject it and him as junk and the mans life is wrecked 100,000s of dollars spent in school gone because of a conviction to telling the truth even when others do not want to hear it ....he might be dead for 100s of years before he gets the credit for his work like so many other ppl that said something and everyone called them wrong untill later on oh he/she was right lets say sorry for wrecking his/her life
here for shits and giggles

old old work been on the net for years

read it then go to the bottom and check out the sources and the facts they post nothing is incorrect .............everything u can track down will point to what they are saying

if something does not fit into the main stream idea of life on this planet the person saying is automatically a outcast with no hope in their chosen profession

look at that fucking wall look on the body of it

show me anywhere else in the region that looks like that something man made ..............
That is an irrational argument. Just because something looks like something man-made doesn't mean it is. Humans are biologically programmed to find patterns. Seeing a pyramid in a mountain is no different that seeing a dog in a cloud.

were anywhere show it too me me the records of it being built (they were nutty about records) .............the debunking idea if was true other things would show the same wear patterns but nothing does except the moutains and hillsides from flooding

the only thing in the history of them is it being seen they think someone made it but they have no proof the first thing they have about work being done on it was that kid sleeping under it then it be dug out and fixed up and that is on the tablet in front of the body

You are incredibly difficult to understand.
that is up to u debunker ..............i found the test u wanted proving we are older then what they say ...........i know we are older then what they say i know it a lie to me proof is the guy putting his rep on the line to do the work and have it tested because i know the mainstream will reject it and him as junk and the mans life is wrecked 100,000s of dollars spent in school gone because of a conviction to telling the truth even when others do not want to hear it ....he might be dead for 100s of years before he gets the credit for his work like so many other ppl that said something and everyone called them wrong untill later on oh he/she was right lets say sorry for wrecking his/her life
No bud.

When someone says "I can fly", you don't believe them until they're disproven. You suspend belief until evidence is shown that confirms their story.

The burden of proof is on the person MAKING the claim, not on the person rejecting it. It's not my job to prove the validity of their tests. If their tests are genuine they should be JUMPING at the opportunity to share this with the world. Are they? Have they given samples to other scientists to do their own testing?

Science is repeatable. If the tests were never repeated, there's absolutely no way to show they're accurate.
concrete not stones no looks like concrete man made item u have to mix in a correct mixture

The International Summer Camp for Volunteers, Bosnian Pyramids 2012, is done for the season. One of the greatest findings of 2012 came in the month of June, during the first volunteer shift: the team led by Italian archaeologists, Dr. Riccardo Brett and Niccolo Bisconti, discovered a fossilized leaf on top of one of the concrete blocks covering the Pyramid of the Sun.

that right there disproves history 12000 year old soil ontop of concrete
u are posting dated info saying it is fact

i am posting new data with a test and u are calling it crap your mind proof slapped u in the face with it balls and u want to keep eye closed
here for shits and giggles

old old work been on the net for years

read it then go to the bottom and check out the sources and the facts they post nothing is incorrect .............everything u can track down will point to what they are saying

if something does not fit into the main stream idea of life on this planet the person saying is automatically a outcast with no hope in their chosen profession

Nice links at the bottom of that page, bro.
u are posting dated info saying it is fact

i am posting new data with a test and u are calling it crap your mind proof slapped u in the face with it balls and u want to keep eye closed
Even if that test is accurate, it doesn't prove anything. lol

...other than the fact that a leaf was fossilized on the side of that mountain appox. 28k years ago.

BTW: This is IRNOIC as fuck... you'll like this.

I posted articles by Dr. Robert M. Schoch which stated the Bosnian pyramids were a hoax, and the guy in charge is an idiot who doesn't know jack shit about what he's doing.

You repsonded by stating something about 'mainstream science' ignoring the truth.....

Here's where it gets good;

You're using the exact same author to try to prove that the Sphinx has water damage, not sand and wind damage.

Which is he? Mainstream, or your source against mainstream science?
Even if that test is accurate, it doesn't prove anything. lol

...other than the fact that a leaf was fossilized on the side of that mountain appox. 28k years ago.

BTW: This is IRNOIC as fuck... you'll like this.

I posted articles by Dr. Robert M. Schoch which stated the Bosnian pyramids were a hoax, and the guy in charge is an idiot who doesn't know jack shit about what he's doing.

You repsonded by stating something about 'mainstream science' ignoring the truth.....

Here's where it gets good;

You're using the exact same author to try to prove that the Sphinx has water damage, not sand and wind damage.

Which is he? Mainstream, or your source against mainstream science?

proves everything it proves the whole idea of history is wrong there is more to us then 6000 years

u lost u are just being stubborn because of a closed mind ..............alls i seen u do here is try to debunk the ideas ppl offer and when u can not u skip it or say what does that prove

u are part of the problem the reason why this planet sucks donkey nutz...........i an now rooting for the virus to win and kill all of us off .....come on ebola find patient x and mutate wipe us all out let something else have a go on the planet
Recent studies by German climatologists Rudolph Kuper and Stefan Kröpelin, of the University of Cologne suggest the change from a wet to a much drier climate may have come to an end around 3,500-1,500 B.C., which is as much as 500 years later than currently thought. Egyptologist Mark Lehner believes this climate change may have been responsible for the severe weathering found on the Sphinx and other sites of the 4th Dynasty. After studying sediment samples in the Nile Valley, Judith Bunbury, a geologist at the University of Cambridge, concluded that climate change in the Giza region may have begun early in the Old Kingdom, with desert sands arriving in force late in the era.[28]

Schoch, however, points out that mudbrick mastabas on the Saqqara plateau about 20 km away, indisputably dated to Dynasties I and II, have survived relatively undamaged, which he believes indicates that no heavy rainfall has occurred in the region since the Early Dynastic Period, and nor was any heavy rain anticipated by those Early Dynastic Period communities who built those structures.[29]

Reader replied to this, stating that they "were built on an area of high ground and do not lie within any natural catchment. These tombs will not, therefore, have been exposed to any significant run-off." He concludes that "the fact that they are not significantly degraded, as Schoch has pointed out, demonstrates that rainfall itself has not been a significant agent of degradation in Egypt."[27]
proves everything it proves the whole idea of history is wrong there is more to us then 6000 years
So, a fossilized leaf proves that humans had a society 28,000 years ago? How in the flying fuck do you make that connection?

u lost u are just being stubborn because of a closed mind ..............alls i seen u do here is try to debunk the ideas ppl offer and when u can not u skip it or say what does that prove

u are part of the problem the reason why this planet sucks donkey nutz...........i an now rooting for the virus to win and kill all of us off .....come on ebola find patient x and mutate wipe us all out let something else have a go on the planet

Credulous people who believe things as truth without justification are part of the problem of this world, IMO. Welcome to the party.

P.S. Way to gloss over the fact that you are simultaneously hating on, and using mainstream science to propagate your ideas.
So, a fossilized leaf proves that humans had a society 28,000 years ago? How in the flying fuck do you make that connection?

Credulous people who believe things as truth without justification are part of the problem of this world, IMO. Welcome to the party.

and again i repeat the same thing i have said before for a 3rd time

the soil dated to 12000 that is 7000 years before recorded culture started ...............they found a leaf on direct contact to the structure ( implying at that point and time it was exposed to air so the leaf can be used as a marker ) they know it is at least this old maybe more and it breaks everything taught

it is made of concrete something that needs to be mixed meaning something had to do it ............even if u do not accept the leaf the fact it is concrete with 12000 soil it already breaks the idea of history

simple concept
i am not hating on them i am just calling them a bunch of cowards and bigots for not having the balls to tell the truth when they know it is the truth

can not really blame them they need to make a living so if i really had to hold something to fault it would greedy ass ppl in charge wanting more money since they control it all ppl have to listen and do what they say
i am not hating on them i am just calling them a bunch of cowards and bigots for not having the balls to tell the truth when they know it is the truth
You're using the work of a Professor claiming he knows the truth about rainfall in Egypt, while the EXACT SAME PROFESSOR says the Bosnian pyramids are bullshit.

Here's the link;

can not really blame them they need to make a living so if i really had to hold something to fault it would greedy ass ppl in charge wanting more money since they control it all ppl have to listen and do what they say

You have a very twisted view of science, and scientists.
Yonaguni, Japan; this Island lies in the western most tip of the Japanese Archipelago. Scholars believe that the earliest inhabitants of this island migrated from South East Asia, during the prehistoric times. In 1987, in the nearby waters, diver Kitchino R Taki made a shocking discovery. A massive complex of giant stone structures lay hidden 60 feet below the ocean surface. Experts call it the biggest discovery in the history of underwater archeology. According to Graham Hancock, “whats intriguing about the underwater complex of Yanaguni is that a whole range of monuments lie side by aide, and this to me looks like the work of man, and definitely not a random action of the Oceans on differential layers of stone”.Submerged beneath 60-100 feet of water the largest of the structures resemble a massive 5 layered stepped pyramid, the size of approximately 2 football fields. According to David Wilcock, another eminent author, film maker and an ancient alien theorist of prominence, “you see unambiguous carvings that are geometric in nature, channels and pathways that are perfect;y rectangular in shape and stairways at the end that cannot be created by nature”. Graham Hancock says, “there are places where you find megaliths that are piled one on top of another, that create a tunnel through which you can swim. There is a gigantic human face carved under water, almost 23 feet tall. At first glace it resembles the MOAI of the Easter Islands, and then we realized that it strongly resembles the Sphinx, that guarded the pyramids. And we wondered if it served the same purpose here. Its all these factors that convince me that we are looking at a ceremonial complex. The mystery however surrounding the structure is when did it actually go under water. The geological evidence shows that it was submerged during the meltdown of the last ice age”.

last ice age when was that hmmmmmmmmmmmm

look shit up for yourself ............. i found that in less then 2 mins but i knew about the water lvl of the world raising covering up old cities by the coast

yes it is blog but look the info up for yourself it all true ............this stuff would fall in the line of what we been yelling at each other about ...........i got more proof