The forbidden TRUTH

Having a high standard of evidence = being a sheep. Good to know where you stand.

no going on the sheer fact u repeat the mainstream lie is right infront of your eyes

water damage is the only thing that could cause it ...........hide the body the features and show it to a 6th grader and ask what did that water or sand and wind ................they did this to a guy on tv one time and said no doubt it water damage they showed him the whole pic of where it was from he retracted the statement ......

and carbon dating u .................what more can u ask for

the soil dated to 12000 that is 7000 years before recorded culture started ...............they found a leaf on direct contact to the structure ( implying at that point and time it was exposed to air so the leaf can be used as a marker ) they know it is at least this old maybe more and it breaks everything taught ..........carbon 14 testing no faking no lying the decade of a radioisotope at a set lvl (only thing i know messes with it is fire and smoke it will add more from the shoot Shroud of torren investigation is what made the test come up funky )
here for shits and giggles

old old work been on the net for years

read it then go to the bottom and check out the sources and the facts they post nothing is incorrect .............everything u can track down will point to what they are saying

if something does not fit into the main stream idea of life on this planet the person saying is automatically a outcast with no hope in their chosen profession
if u go to INDIA....tell them aliens are real they will laugh and go we know ...........check out some of their books

jews ......china .......india are the 3 oldest cultures on the planet with history that can be traced back to from where they say the bronze age started


go looking all over the web i do not know where u will say ok that is right or they are creditable

if u look at telsa energy transmission ideas and then apply this to the pyramids the idea makes more sense what they say(the true test is simple fix it up and put the golden cap stone back ) but never will even tho a restored great wounder would be a bigger attraction.........if the idea is right it would explain how the great light house of Alexandrian was able to been seen that far out (ark lamp) fire would not travel that far not from polished copper or mirror manufacturing methods at that ................if u want to see for yourself

ask for his famous death ray see if they answer u back.........oh and if u look he believed in aliens what the death ray was ment to fight

PBS is almost always a credible source, thanks for posting that link. I don't know what I'm looking at from those pages from the link, it doesn't do anything to support a conspiracy. Tesla himself stated that plans for his his Directed Energy Weapon (I wouldn't use the term Death Ray with FOIA, sounds a little nutty) was never written down, so there is no way for FOIA, or anyone else, to have anything concrete on that front. Tesla spoke at length about his concept for this weapon several times (with no proof to back it up), so I don't see the need to get FOIA involved, as these transcripts should be available elsewhere. I can't find any mention of Tesla mentioning aliens, he mentions invading enemy armies from Earth. If you have a link to a credible source on that, I'd love to take a look...

P.S. I like your enthusiasm and curiosity, Justugh, but it seems that your mind could use some training in critical thinking, and that you may want to familiarize yourself with Logical Fallacies (, a good place to start is the informal fallacies) as your thought process seems peppered with them. I was in a very similar mindset as your own before I started to train my mind to avoid its own foibles. When searching for the truth regarding objective reality, an important concept is The Burden of Proof, which states that the one making a positive claim needs to support it with evidence as opposed to requesting that the audience look it up for themselves to disprove said claim. With thousands of opposing, whacky claims existing, we can see why this needs to be so: it would be a full-time job for one attempting to sift through the mounds of information and misinformation to verify every unsubstantiated claim, while it only takes a few minutes for the one making the claim to post links to credible info to support his claim (if there is such evidence). Another principle is 'that which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence', and that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I witness you making many claims in this regard, yet often there is no supporting evidence to back them up. I used to be a big conspiracy nut before my training in critical thought, and one frustrating attribute for people in that mindset is that any evidence against the theories is evidence FOR the theories. Anything in reality in falsifiable, and conspiracy theory (along with the supernatural and pseudo-science) is not. If you want to be taken seriously in this sub-forum, you will have to realize these things, as we've seen many here use your same tactics (laymen with secret info that the experts who dedicate their lives to these fields just don't have for some reason) always without success. You've hinted that you are here to teach, but you may also want to take the opportunity to learn...
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If I'm not mistaken, you can play anything on youtube, as long as its not nudity.

You can find most of the conspiracy theories on youtube.

I love youtube.


We know, you base your life off the concepts of its nutty, unsubstantiated videos. Before running across you, I really had no idea how dangerous YT could be...
PBS is almost always a credible source, thanks for posting that link. I don't know what I'm looking at from those pages from the link, it doesn't do anything to support a conspiracy. Tesla himself stated that plans for his his Directed Energy Weapon (I wouldn't use the term Death Ray with FOIA, sounds a little nutty) was never written down, so there is no way for FOIA, or anyone else, to have anything concrete on that front. Tesla spoke at length about his concept for this weapon several times (with no proof to back it up), so I don't see the need to get FOIA involved, as these transcripts should be available elsewhere. I can't find any mention of Tesla mentioning aliens, he mentions invading enemy armies from Earth. If you have a link to a credible source on that, I'd love to take a look...

P.S. I like your enthusiasm and curiosity, Justugh, but it seems that your mind could use some training in critical thinking, and that you may want to familiarize yourself with Logical Fallacies (, a good place to start is the informal fallacies) as your thought process seems peppered with them. I was in a very similar mindset as your own before I started to train my mind to avoid its own foibles. When searching for the truth regarding objective reality, an important concept is The Burden of Proof, which states that the one making a positive claim needs to support it with evidence as opposed to requesting that the audience look it up for themselves to disprove said claim. With thousands of opposing, whacky claims existing, we can see why this needs to be so: it would be a full-time job for one attempting to sift through the mounds of information and misinformation to verify every unsubstantiated claim, while it only takes a few minutes for the one making the claim to post links to credible info to support his claim (if there is such evidence). Another principle is 'that which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence', and that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I witness you making many claims in this regard, yet often there is no supporting evidence to back them up. I used to be a big conspiracy nut before my training in critical thought, and one frustrating attribute for people in that mindset is that any evidence against the theories is evidence FOR the theories. Anything in reality in falsifiable, and conspiracy theory (along with the supernatural and pseudo-science) is not. If you want to be taken seriously in this sub-forum, you will have to realize these things, as we've seen many here use your same tactics always without success. You've hinted that you are here to teach, but you may also want to take the opportunity to learn...

Tesla ...............look at the number of patents accredited to him ............request the ones that are not listed but the numbers for the file info (no names or project titles) ......this is the total well the best numbers i can get in 45 secs .............this is a link to let u access the ones public

as for his death ray if u look at the body of his work and the seer fact that they arrested a man in 2013 for trying to build it .........the design is out there just suppressed do to fact it changes everything ...........if they built his energy system so it could be drawl from the air itself cars would not be on gas a whole section of billionaires are gone ........and he was in the days of the robber barons and Pinkertons

as for thinking little brother said it best ........i think outside the box down the hall turn left and go tho 3 doors

i will never think like ppl here and i never want too pretending i do and faking it is killing me the amount of stress it put on me in public where i have to think about every thing i do .............i hate life on this planet simple things to me are complex ideas to others

as for the proof there will never be any until something mass happens and no way to hide it change it or bribe it............something like several huge alien ships come out of the clouds all over the planet ..........or a massive earth quake shifts ground and expose something that can not been hidden anymore

the whole history is controlled by some group out there .............the fact that no one ever talk about in classroom ..... is evolution the amount of time it takes to do this is massive meaning any creature that undergone this would have a massive timeline where they could fallow the history ..........all of human is 6000 years the sum of this whole planet culture is based on a 6000 year period ...........that is massive short in natural terms

anytime anyone tries to prove this otherwise they are broken and all the work they done called junk ...............truth does not matter it is all about control do what we want ........make life so complex that u do not have time to look around and think about what is going on the rat race

my whole life i have been reading everything i mean folklore from china when i was 7 because i did most of the classically world (europe and upper africa ) by the time i was 6 ..............i can see a pattern others do not see from this i never got in the rat race i was lucky by some great universe gift not to need too i always had what i needed and had no greed for wanting more so i die with the most toys and win game

so this is what i do learn ...........growing weed is fun because it is something to solve and the money it makes allows me to give it away and help ppl i care about be happier
here is other little thing no one think about

the CHURCH is a evil monster that should be disbanded

from the time they were formed until about 1800s they were the controlling force on this planet suppressing ideas and science since it did not fit their view of the world ........then u have them forcing ppl to convert tho out history

right now the amount of the money that church has no one knows not even the USA that knows what everyone has because they have their own bank they control and the rest of the world counts the church as it own country Vatican is not in Italy it is in own country 2 sets of laws

the amount of HUMAN culture they have gathered from all parts of the world and then locked up in their library and other parts where they give no access to anyone should be a crime to not forget about what they burned ............the whole mayan culture was wiped out except 3 codices and what did not burn on the walls
Tesla ...............look at the number of patents accredited to him ............request the ones that are not listed but the numbers for the file info (no names or project titles) ......this is the total well the best numbers i can get in 45 secs .............this is a link to let u access the ones public

How do you know the patents exist if they're not listed? That link shows his patents in many countries, but I fail to see how this in any way, shape, or form shows Tesla actually had plans for a death ray, or that they're being developed today.

as for his death ray if u look at the body of his work and the seer fact that they arrested a man in 2013 for trying to build it .........
OMG, men were arrested for buying (what they thought was an X-ray machine)....You know, the kind that's radioactive? You omit facts to make your case seem much better than it is, or the sources of your information omit facts to make their cases seem better and you are simply parroting what they say.

the design is out there just suppressed do to fact it changes everything ...........
How can you POSSIBLY know this? You read it on some blog page?

if they built his energy system so it could be drawl from the air itself cars would not be on gas a whole section of billionaires are gone ........and he was in the days of the robber barons and Pinkertons

Show me the schematics or a working prototype that draws energy from thin air, and we can START the conversation. Until then, you just have hearsay and conjecture.

as for thinking little brother said it best ........i think outside the box down the hall turn left and go tho 3 doors

The explanation that makes the least amount of assumptions is usually the correct one. - Occam's Razor

i will never think like ppl here and i never want too pretending i do and faking it is killing me the amount of stress it put on me in public where i have to think about every thing i do .............i hate life on this planet simple things to me are complex ideas to others comment.

as for the proof there will never be any until something mass happens and no way to hide it change it or bribe it............something like several huge alien ships come out of the clouds all over the planet ..........or a massive earth quake shifts ground and expose something that can not been hidden anymore those two scenarios will..... prove Tesla's death ray was real? If there's no proof that any of this exists, how do you know it exists? Why believe something before you have proof?

the whole history is controlled by some group out there .............the fact that no one ever talk about in classroom ..... is evolution the amount of time it takes to do this is massive meaning any creature that undergone this would have a massive timeline where they could fallow the history ..........all of human is 6000 years the sum of this whole planet culture is based on a 6000 year period ...........that is massive short in natural terms
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking or saying here.

anytime anyone tries to prove this otherwise they are broken and all the work they done called junk ...............truth does not matter it is all about control do what we want ........make life so complex that u do not have time to look around and think about what is going on the rat race
People need evidence to change history. Just coming up with a theory isn't good enough. The theory has to have evidence that's verifiable in order to be substantiated and recognized as factual.

my whole life i have been reading everything i mean folklore from china when i was 7 because i did most of the classically world (europe and upper africa ) by the time i was 6 ..............i can see a pattern others do not see from this i never got in the rat race i was lucky by some great universe gift not to need too i always had what i needed and had no greed for wanting more so i die with the most toys and win game

so this is what i do learn ...........growing weed is fun because it is something to solve and the money it makes allows me to give it away and help ppl i care about be happier

Not sure I get how reading folklore prepares one for like, but I'm glad it's working out for you.
How do you know the patents exist if they're not listed? That link shows his patents in many countries, but I fail to see how this in any way, shape, or form shows Tesla actually had plans for a death ray, or that they're being developed today.

OMG, men were arrested for buying (what they thought was an X-ray machine)....You know, the kind that's radioactive? You omit facts to make your case seem much better than it is, or the sources of your information omit facts to make their cases seem better and you are simply parroting what they say.

How can you POSSIBLY know this? You read it on some blog page?

Show me the schematics or a working prototype that draws energy from thin air, and we can START the conversation. Until then, you just have hearsay and conjecture.

The explanation that makes the least amount of assumptions is usually the correct one. - Occam's Razor comment. those two scenarios will..... prove Tesla's death ray was real? If there's no proof that any of this exists, how do you know it exists? Why believe something before you have proof?

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking or saying here.

People need evidence to change history. Just coming up with a theory isn't good enough. The theory has to have evidence that's verifiable in order to be substantiated and recognized as factual.

Not sure I get how reading folklore prepares one for like, but I'm glad it's working out for you.

none of that is for u .............why not asnwer the ones that was directed at u instead of jumping into something that was not and skipping

where are your answers .............where is your proof i have carbon 14 on myside it breaks the whole idea that 6000 of history is all that it is and i now of other sites too but u still have not come up with a answer u laughed at it and gave nothing where is your disproof

Ceepea said:
Having a high standard of evidence = being a sheep. Good to know where you stand.
no going on the sheer fact u repeat the mainstream lie is right infront of your eyes

water damage is the only thing that could cause it ...........hide the body the features and show it to a 6th grader and ask what did that water or sand and wind ................they did this to a guy on tv one time and said no doubt it water damage they showed him the whole pic of where it was from he retracted the statement ......

and carbon dating u .................what more can u ask for

the soil dated to 12000 that is 7000 years before recorded culture started ...............they found a leaf on direct contact to the structure ( implying at that point and time it was exposed to air so the leaf can be used as a marker ) they know it is at least this old maybe more and it breaks everything taught ..........carbon 14 testing no faking no lying the decade of a radioisotope at a set lvl (only thing i know messes with it is fire and smoke it will add more from the shoot Shroud of torren investigation is what made the test come up funky )
no going on the sheer fact u repeat the mainstream lie is right infront of your eyes

water damage is the only thing that could cause it ...........
Not according to virtually every scientist who has ever studied it.

hide the body the features and show it to a 6th grader and ask what did that water or sand and wind ................they did this to a guy on tv one time and said no doubt it water damage they showed him the whole pic of where it was from he retracted the statement ......
What 6th graders believe means nothing. What the experts believe, (which is based on evidence and testing) means a lot.

and carbon dating u .................what more can u ask for

the soil dated to 12000 that is 7000 years before recorded culture started ...............they found a leaf on direct contact to the structure ( implying at that point and time it was exposed to air so the leaf can be used as a marker ) they know it is at least this old maybe more and it breaks everything taught ..........carbon 14 testing no faking no lying the decade of a radioisotope at a set lvl (only thing i know messes with it is fire and smoke it will add more from the shoot Shroud of torren investigation is what made the test come up funky )

I know what carbon dating is. Who did the carbon dating? Who did the peer-review and further testing on the carbon dating? Who verified the work done by the scientists dong the carbon dating?
Not according to virtually every scientist who has ever studied it.

What 6th graders believe means nothing. What the experts believe, (which is based on evidence and testing) means a lot.

I know what carbon dating is. Who did the carbon dating? Who did the peer-review and further testing on the carbon dating? Who verified the work done by the scientists dong the carbon dating?

the truth is the truth is water damage show it to experts hide the fact of what it is they will say water damage it has happend the only reason they do not is becuase the first man who did was beatten down in the feild untill he could not work it in anymore i already linked u proof of that

the carbon dating is right there the name of the lab the test ............u wanted to see a test i showed u a test ..................
While he concedes that the notion of such colossal structures in the region defies accepted history, Osmanagic is adamant that the pyramids are real.

But a pantheon of archaeologists disagrees.

Prominent Bosnian archaeologists entered the scrum early on, denouncing the dig and lobbying to shut it down.

Anthony Harding, president of the Czech Republic-based European Association of Archaeologists, has dismissed Osmanagic's ideas as "wacky" and "absurd."

Garrett Fagan, of Pennsylvania State University in University Park, has slammed the project. He says that the dig will destroy bona fide archaeological sites in the area.

He recently told the London Times newspaper: "It's as if someone were given permission to bulldoze Stonehenge to find secret chambers of lost ancient wisdom underneath."

Experts shovel some of their scorn on the media, which have been trumpeting Osmanagic's astounding announcements in recent weeks.

Construction of massive pyramids in Bosnia at that period is not believable. Curtis Runnels, a specialist in the prehistory of Greece and the Balkans at Boston University, notes that "Between 27,000 and 12,000 years ago, the Balkans were locked in the last Glacial maximum, a period of very cold and dry climate with glaciers in some of the mountain ranges. The only occupants were Upper Paleolithic hunters and gatherers who left behind open-air camp sites and traces of occupation in caves. These remains consist of simple stone tools, hearths, and remains of animals and plants that were consumed for food. These people did not have the tools or skills to engage in the construction of monumental architecture."

On 8 May 2006, members of the Geological team investigating Visočica on behalf of the Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation held a press conference in Tuzla to present the results of their research. The academics, from the Faculty of Mining and Geology at the University of Tuzla and led by Professor Dr. Sejfudin Vrabac, concluded that the hill is a natural geological formation, made of clastic sediments of layered composition and varying thickness, and that its shape is a consequence of endodynamical and exodynamical processes in the post-Miocene era.[/quote]

holy shit ................look at your dates test was done in 2012 your stuff was made in 2006

come on debunk it your info is dated i have a test less then 3 years old where u have info posted from 9 years ago

debunk my test