The forbidden TRUTH

All fakes -
That is the reason why ARAMCO won't let anyone by that site, it's all a hoax. Real science shares its knowledge with the world, in order to verify its findings through peer-review. If it doesn't go through this process, it is pseudo-science. Pro Tip - just because its on YT, or worse Ancient Aliens, doesn't mean its true...
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All fakes -
That is the reason why ARAMCO won't let anyone by that site, it's all a hoax. Real science shares its knowledge with the world, in order to verify its finding through peer-review. If it doesn't go through this process, it is pseudo-science. Pro Tip - just because its on YT, or worse Ancient Aliens, doesn't mean its true...

no they do not ...........if they shared shit we would have cancer cured is sheer for money now
it took a court ruling to tell them natural DNA can not be patented...........meaning the families with a natural immunity to AIDS their blood can go to anyone now for work on a cure and not to the drug ppl that had patented it ...........if u look a standard agreement they make most of there ppl sign the comipany retains all rights to anything found made or thought up by the person

as u see everyday they post ads for a new pill that does not treat anything just masks the symptoms so u feel normal and buy the pill every month for the rest of your life is all a money game to them now i know this for a fact i have buddy that is in the bio medical field as a researcher

as for the bones what is the point in faking those ...............what is the ending result ..........and yah i can believe they are not allowing access to anything until it is all dug up

i know of a site in Egypt that the isreal has been asking to dug up for years but they always been refused the rights too(isreal thinks it was one of their cities from history) the site is fenced off and round the clock armed guards ..............they think they found noah ark on this mountain in turkey but the government said no work allowed ...............or what about the first emperors tomb in china if the list of items that is in there would be dug up u know how much history can learn from first person accounts from the time buried in there............or what about Vatican library they got books locked up from 1300 that they do not let anyone see

edit is a famous one nikola tesla
the man has been dead for years his work was locked up from public view ............the 80 years has passed that makes classified docs ok to the public because all the ppl are dead and it is history .............they still will not release it

his big thing was free power to everyone using earths own energy ...........the theory is sound he proved it work he blow out a power gen that was near his testing ground ...........he was building it in new jersey untill they shut him down

knowledge is power and they do not want to give any up ...............that is the base of all those secret groups skull and bones and freemasons..........they have knowledge that no one else has
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the first one i ever heard about was found in china as for the others i am not sure

Hearing about something, and it being verified are two different things. There are lots of hoaxes that come from China and elsewhere in the world.

I'm not asking you when you first heard about the supposed 'nephalim', I'm asking how you know the reports are genuine.

why has it not turned it upside down for the same reason it never changes because it does not fit into main stream thinking so there for anyone that works on it is a crack and any info that points to something other then what they have decided in their minds is nothing but craps

This argument is ridiculous. Scientists would be revered for a discovery that large and significant. Just because something isn't generally accepted in science, doesn't mean when contradicting evidence is found, it's ignored. Theories are modified based on new and compelling evidence.

Egyptian history is all fucked up .........look at the lotus bowl (famous thing that the craftmans work on is so great it could not be reproduced today with out modern tools ...............or explain how they could work inside a mountain on a tomb with out torches (they know no torch has entered certain chambers because no marks from the soot or fire on ceiling ............and limestone burns

We can build computers with millions of microscopic transistors, send people into space, and communicate wirelessly cirtually instantaneously. Making a bowl isn't that difficult. These claims like "the pyramids were impossible to build back in the day" are just that, claims. No evidence, and a lot of conjecture.

or the Mayan .........their stone work is so on the money a razor blade will not slide between the 2 stones (no mortar they are free set stacked stones .........alot of ppl think they were poured into molds)

So what? They had great stone workers. With enough time and free labour, you'd be surprised what can be accomplished.

history is full of crap they tell u to fallow their line of thinking but if u look at everything for yourself and listen to all the ideas ...........theres do not hold water to many holes to many things they just throw out because it does not fit the veiw they want

Just because something is currently unknown doesn't mean you get to inject your own suspicions and beliefs into it and call them fact.

Sorting fact from fiction and rumor/conjecture can be tough, but it's a lot easier when literally NONE of the articles/videos/posts regarding the issue(s) have ANY credible sources.
no they do not ...........if they shared shit we would have cancer cured is sheer for money now
it took a court ruling to tell them natural DNA can not be patented...........meaning the families with a natural immunity to AIDS their blood can go to anyone now for work on a cure and not to the drug ppl that had patented it ...........if u look a standard agreement they make most of there ppl sign the comipany retains all rights to anything found made or thought up by the person

as u see everyday they post ads for a new pill that does not treat anything just masks the symptoms so u feel normal and buy the pill every month for the rest of your life is all a money game to them now i know this for a fact i have buddy that is in the bio medical field as a researcher

as for the bones what is the point in faking those ...............what is the ending result ..........and yah i can believe they are not allowing access to anything until it is all dug up

i know of a site in Egypt that the isreal has been asking to dug up for years but they always been refused the rights too(isreal thinks it was one of their cities from history) the site is fenced off and round the clock armed guards ..............they think they found noah ark on this mountain in turkey but the government said no work allowed ...............or what about the first emperors tomb in china if the list of items that is in there would be dug up u know how much history can learn from first person accounts from the time buried in there............or what about Vatican library they got books locked up from 1300 that they do not let anyone see

edit is a famous one nikola tesla
the man has been dead for years his work was locked up from public view ............the 80 years has passed that makes classified docs ok to the public because all the ppl are dead and it is history .............they still will not release it

his big thing was free power to everyone using earths own energy ...........the theory is sound he proved it work he blow out a power gen that was near his testing ground ...........he was building it in new jersey untill they shut him down

knowledge is power and they do not want to give any up ...............that is the base of all those secret groups skull and bones and freemasons..........they have knowledge that no one else has

You are so ignorant.

'Cancer' isn't one thing. There is no 'cure for cancer'. There maybe cures for specific types of cancers, but using blanket statements like the one you just used only shows how little you actually know about the subject.

Name one person EVER who had/has an AIDS immunity.

Science is for sheer money now? How dense are you? Are you suggesting that every scientist in the world is just out for money? If you believe that you're further off the deep end than previously thought.
no they do not ...........if they shared shit we would have cancer cured is sheer for money now

It is not science that is in it for the money. Science is only a specific methodology. For profit corporations often hire people trained in science to discover, invent and test products for sale. They are the ones who won't share data in order to obtain a larger piece of the pie. When science is done to discover the nature of reality is when data is freely shared...

it took a court ruling to tell them natural DNA can not be patented...........meaning the families with a natural immunity to AIDS their blood can go to anyone now for work on a cure and not to the drug ppl that had patented it ...........if u look a standard agreement they make most of there ppl sign the comipany retains all rights to anything found made or thought up by the person

You're talking about the patents applied for by Myriad Genetics, a for profit private company which makes its living from the scientific discoveries it sponsors. The Supreme Court ruled that those gene sequences could not be patented because they occur naturally. This is not the scientists attempting to patent, but business people who employ them. Almost all jobs require that one signs a similar agreement before starting with them, a lot make you sign a Do Not Compete agreement so you can't work in that field for a year or more after leaving them. It's the American Way...

as u see everyday they post ads for a new pill that does not treat anything just masks the symptoms so u feel normal and buy the pill every month for the rest of your life is all a money game to them now i know this for a fact i have buddy that is in the bio medical field as a researcher

Again, you are speaking of pharmaceutical companies in business to make a profit. They pay scientists to come up with their products for this very purpose. This is not science done to discover reality and nature, but simply to mask symptoms to make a profit...

as for the bones what is the point in faking those ...............what is the ending result ..........and yah i can believe they are not allowing access to anything until it is all dug up

Here is the reason -

The image displayed above was taken from Worth1000, a site devoted to hosting contests in which entrants show off their skills at manipulating photographs using digital editing programs. This particular picture was an entry from one of the site's "Archaeological Anomalies" competitions, in which entrants vied to create the most realistic archaeological hoaxes: "Your job is to show a picture of an archaeological discovery that looks so real, had it not appeared at Worth1000, people might have done a double take."

i know of a site in Egypt that the isreal has been asking to dug up for years but they always been refused the rights too ..............they think they found noah ark on this mountain in turkey but the government said no work allowed ...............or what about the first emperors tomb in china if the list of items that is in there would be dug up u know how much history can learn from first person accounts from the time buried in there............or what about Vatican library they got books locked up from 1300 that they do not let anyone see

Stories without peer reviewed evidence are just that, stories. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence...

edit is a famous one nikola tesla
the man has been dead for years his work was locked up from public view ............the 80 years has passed that makes classified docs ok to the public because all the ppl are dead and it is history .............they still will not release it
his big thing was free power to everyone using earths own energy ...........the theory is sound he proved it work he blow out a power gen that was near his testing ground ...........he was building it in new jersey untill they shut him down

I've heard a lot of these Tesla conspiracy stories. Could you please post links to credible sources (no YT vids or links to conspiracy sites, please) to back up your claims?
Hearing about something, and it being verified are two different things. There are lots of hoaxes that come from China and elsewhere in the world.

I'm not asking you when you first heard about the supposed 'nephalim', I'm asking how you know the reports are genuine.

This argument is ridiculous. Scientists would be revered for a discovery that large and significant. Just because something isn't generally accepted in science, doesn't mean when contradicting evidence is found, it's ignored. Theories are modified based on new and compelling evidence.

We can build computers with millions of microscopic transistors, send people into space, and communicate wirelessly cirtually instantaneously. Making a bowl isn't that difficult. These claims like "the pyramids were impossible to build back in the day" are just that, claims. No evidence, and a lot of conjecture.

So what? They had great stone workers. With enough time and free labour, you'd be surprised what can be accomplished.

Just because something is currently unknown doesn't mean you get to inject your own suspicions and beliefs into it and call them fact.

Sorting fact from fiction and rumor/conjecture can be tough, but it's a lot easier when literally NONE of the articles/videos/posts regarding the issue(s) have ANY credible sources.

Damn! Bumping heads with BB again in our responses ;)
You are so ignorant.

'Cancer' isn't one thing. There is no 'cure for cancer'. There maybe cures for specific types of cancers, but using blanket statements like the one you just used only shows how little you actually know about the subject.

Name one person EVER who had/has an AIDS immunity.

Science is for sheer money now? How dense are you? Are you suggesting that every scientist in the world is just out for money? If you believe that you're further off the deep end than previously thought.

sorry sir but that shows what u know ...........cancer is just cells that do not stop growing ......cells might be different but it is always the same thing something in the genetic code was triggered by something and the cell mutated and are now basically a foreign body inside your body growing replacing your cells with it own effecting your system

that is cancer in the basic form ...........all of them copy the same thing a cell is genetically triggered and do not stop growing (why they use radiation and kemo in attempt to kill the cells before they cut it out plus health tissuse they have to redact a good bit to make sure got it all )
there are several ppl and familys out there that have a something in the code that does not allow the HIV to infect they ...............learn about it in the mid 90s heard it was a black family from upstate new york was the first ones found ..........

need more
Hearing about something, and it being verified are two different things. There are lots of hoaxes that come from China and elsewhere in the world.

I'm not asking you when you first heard about the supposed 'nephalim', I'm asking how you know the reports are genuine.

This argument is ridiculous. Scientists would be revered for a discovery that large and significant. Just because something isn't generally accepted in science, doesn't mean when contradicting evidence is found, it's ignored. Theories are modified based on new and compelling evidence.

We can build computers with millions of microscopic transistors, send people into space, and communicate wirelessly cirtually instantaneously. Making a bowl isn't that difficult. These claims like "the pyramids were impossible to build back in the day" are just that, claims. No evidence, and a lot of conjecture.

So what? They had great stone workers. With enough time and free labour, you'd be surprised what can be accomplished.

Just because something is currently unknown doesn't mean you get to inject your own suspicions and beliefs into it and call them fact.

Sorting fact from fiction and rumor/conjecture can be tough, but it's a lot easier when literally NONE of the articles/videos/posts regarding the issue(s) have ANY credible sources.

where did i hear it first time southern babist church at the age of 5 proof same place it always been in the history of the ppl from around the world it is cultures separated by vast distance and time ..........but the same ideas and stories are repeated over and over and over and over again the names of them might change but the descriptions are always the same (and here is the kicker no trade routes no way to pass stories )

they do this all the time where have u been evolution is not taught in some states ...........think about school alls it is listen and repeat when i was in school it was all about the funding so we needed to score high on the federal test so for 2 months out of the year right before the test the teachers would teach us the test reworded

ok then make me a bowl that perfect with what tools they said they had at the time .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hell one better make me a Quartz Skull to match one of the 13 known about tech in the world can not do it out of those materials check it for yourself

well u got a huge problem ..............mayan's never had the wheel this is one fact they agree on can u tell me how they moved 15 ton stones or more and the stone is the exact match of another stone in the working ..............u are talking about laying out a city in perfectly formed match blocks .........that is not possible now in the time frame that they did it in

the Sphinx ...............little kid that has had earth science can tell what water erosion and wind sand ............they did the math the last time that area had rain fall in any amount 10000 bc and that is before we were into our farming phase according to history ...............if u ask them they will say no no no it all wind damage and one of the kings before that one had it made and fell be hide ( they have never once found any record of it being built only dug out and fixed up )


go looking all over the web i do not know where u will say ok that is right or they are creditable

if u look at telsa energy transmission ideas and then apply this to the pyramids the idea makes more sense what they say(the true test is simple fix it up and put the golden cap stone back ) but never will even tho a restored great wounder would be a bigger attraction.........if the idea is right it would explain how the great light house of Alexandrian was able to been seen that far out (ark lamp) fire would not travel that far not from polished copper or mirror manufacturing methods at that ................if u want to see for yourself

ask for his famous death ray see if they answer u back.........oh and if u look he believed in aliens what the death ray was ment to fight
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look up the stories

just google the words and see yourself ...............

noak ark in turkey
(i look for that name of the city they wanted to dig up that was a news report from bbc 2 years ago about them getting denied again to do it )

if i came up with a cure to something that they make money on treating do u ever think that cure will be release ..................GREED the all might dollar u see this all the time they release something PHENPHEN great shit on the planet they knew it was bad but they racked in more cash from the sales of then they ever paid in court ...........u have more faith in man kind then i do i know better
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sorry sir but that shows what u know ...........cancer is just cells that do not stop growing ......cells might be different but it is always the same thing something in the genetic code was triggered by something and the cell mutated and are now basically a foreign body inside your body growing replacing your cells with it own effecting your system

that is cancer in the basic form ...........all of them copy the same thing a cell is genetically triggered and do not stop growing (why they use radiation and kemo in attempt to kill the cells before they cut it out plus health tissuse they have to redact a good bit to make sure got it all )
there are several ppl and familys out there that have a something in the code that does not allow the HIV to infect they ...............learn about it in the mid 90s heard it was a black family from upstate new york was the first ones found ..........

need more
lol yep, that's it. Every type of Cancer is just 'cells that don't stop growing'... lol

Good article on the AIDS patient, statement retracted.

Deathrays? To fight aliens?

lol yep, that's it. Every type of Cancer is just 'cells that don't stop growing'... lol

Good article on the AIDS patient, statement retracted.

Deathrays? To fight aliens?


well then if it can be triggered ........then we can remove the triggering and no more cancer the girly shot they get so does not get pussy cancer from some thing they found in last few years hpv ...............but ppl i know and trust told me never to allow any lady i care about get that shot i do not know why they did not tell me but she is the only doctor i trust to come near me with a needle so i believe her

read i am not joking if u want me to keep tracking thing down fine ................but i was taught ppl do not learn unless they look for them self i do not know what u need for proof everyone is different

tesla thought a war was coming and wanted to protect human kind hence why he was doing all this work

i do not know what u want but if u use those and pick out key words your google search will find u others

it all started with the radio .............they both( him and the one that got the credit for inventing it first marconi ) claimed to have made contact with something from space

i do not know what u want but if u use those and pick out key words your google search will find u others

it all started with the radio .............they both( him and the one that got the credit for inventing it first marconi ) claimed to have made contact with something from space
Blogs and uncited opinion pieces make the world go round....

You build your beliefs off of completely unproven information. No wonder you believe so many dumb things.
Blogs and uncited opinion pieces make the world go round....

You build your beliefs off of completely unproven information. No wonder you believe so many dumb things.

like i said do your own keyword sreaching i do not know what u call as proof ................i am not here to spoon feed u like your mom i will say a idea and let u go look it up yourself to make up your own mind ................if u do not like the links that came up with the same facts same info different sources ......where does news come from

bet u if i put a PHD beside the name u would buy what ever snake oil i had to offer .................think for yourself

i read everything ............looking for the fractal pattern that repeats ........just like in nature

not like NEWS gives u any NEWS anymore it all comment shows and what we think and replaying old stories that they have more details about what klneex the guy liked ..................i get more real news and facts from outside the USA then i do from our channels here
like i said do your own keyword sreaching i do not know what u call as proof ................i am not here to spoon feed u like your mom i will say a idea and let u go look it up yourself to make up your own mind ................if u do not like the links that came up with the same facts same info different sources ......where does news come from

bet u if i put a PHD beside the name u would buy what ever snake oil i had to offer .................think for yourself

i read everything ............looking for the fractal pattern that repeats ........just like in nature

not like NEWS gives u any NEWS anymore it all comment shows and what we think and replaying old stories that they have more details about what klneex the guy liked ..................i get more real news and facts from outside the USA then i do from our channels here
So far, I've come to understand that you are credulous and believe pretty much anything as long as there's a picture or video regarding it, and it's got a 'neat' story.

My concept of proof is something that has been verified. If were talking scientific proof, it's been through the rigors of peer-review.

You are absolutely incorrect about me believeing you based on credentials alone. That's a basic logical fallacy called 'an argument from authority'. I learned to detect and dismiss such fallacies in my first year of university.

As to your point about "where does news come from?"; "News" can come from anywhere, if you're looking for PROOF something is real, you need to be more stringent in what you accept as truth.

If Nephalim are real, why haven't the bones been tested by scientists? Why hasn't their DNA been sequenced? Why are there only specious websites, with no links or citations regarding their supposed 'truths'?
So far, I've come to understand that you are credulous and believe pretty much anything as long as there's a picture or video regarding it, and it's got a 'neat' story.

My concept of proof is something that has been verified. If were talking scientific proof, it's been through the rigors of peer-review.

You are absolutely incorrect about me believeing you based on credentials alone. That's a basic logical fallacy called 'an argument from authority'. I learned to detect and dismiss such fallacies in my first year of university.

As to your point about "where does news come from?"; "News" can come from anywhere, if you're looking for PROOF something is real, you need to be more stringent in what you accept as truth.

If Nephalim are real, why haven't the bones been tested by scientists? Why hasn't their DNA been sequenced? Why are there only specious websites, with no links or citations regarding their supposed 'truths'?

sir i have been nice and shared ideas

proof is there is SPHINX..........water damage models say the last time any rain fall in that area to amount that could do something like that was 10,000 bc ................. disprove it ............and if u bring up the topic in school they tell u to shut up it is not right even tho your own eyes tell u water damage not sand wind .............this was the first thing i figured out they were LYING about history

ASK THEM WE HAVE BEEN ASKING TO SEE THE TEST ALLOW US TO TEST .....we will pay for the test just keep a clear chain of evidence send a sample to a lab ..............but the owners of the land and there for the bones will not allow it .............ASK THEM WHY NOT they could settle it one way or other just by a simple sample but they will not .............the logical answer is they will not because they are real and will alter their balance ..........if they were fake and the test proved it that would end it ..........only reason not too is they know they are real ..........a simple carbon 14 dating will tell u that is all they need and carbon 14 can not be faked older but a fire can make it look newer

stop being lazy and look for your god damn self .......

here this is something if u say is wrong...........your fucking nutz

25000 old built before the 4000 bc period we were still hunter gathers with no farming

u thought i was bullshiting about AID/HIV ...................u want proof look for your self do not ask ppl to spoon feed u
u can not learn unless u are asking the ?s matter how much proof someone puts in your face unless u are asking the right ?s it is just info with no understanding
sir i have been nice and shared ideas

proof is there is SPHINX..........water damage models say the last time any rain fall in that area to amount that could do something like that was 10,000 bc ................. disprove it ............and if u bring up the topic in school they tell u to shut up it is not right even tho your own eyes tell u water damage not sand wind .............this was the first thing i figured out they were LYING about history

ASK THEM WE HAVE BEEN ASKING TO SEE THE TEST ALLOW US TO TEST .....we will pay for the test just keep a clear chain of evidence send a sample to a lab ..............but the owners of the land and there for the bones will not allow it .............ASK THEM WHY NOT they could settle it one way or other just by a simple sample but they will not .............the logical answer is they will not because they are real and will alter their balance ..........if they were fake and the test proved it that would end it ..........only reason not too is they know they are real ..........a simple carbon 14 dating will tell u that is all they need and carbon 14 can not be faked older but a fire can make it look newer

stop being lazy and look for your god damn self .......

here this is something if u say is wrong...........your fucking nutz

25000 old built before the 4000 bc period we were still hunter gathers with no farming

u thought i was bullshiting about AID/HIV ...................u want proof look for your self do not ask ppl to spoon feed u
Bosnian pyramids; LOL!

Seven leading European archaeologists have issued a European Association of Archaeologists Declaration stating:

We, the undersigned professional archaeologists from all parts of Europe, wish to protest strongly at the continuing support by the Bosnian authorities for the so-called "pyramid" project being conducted on hills at and near Visoko. This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science. It is a waste of scarce resources that would be much better used in protecting the genuine archaeological heritage and is diverting attention from the pressing problems that are affecting professional archaeologists in Bosnia-Herzegovina on a daily basis.[16]

The water erosion hypothesis is rejected by virtually everyone except crackpots.