"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

If my neighbors spotted my grow, the cops would be here just to check plant numbers and I would never get rid of them. Cool neighbors are rare. I don't think announcing your grow to him would be a problem because hes doing the same thing. You would be better off watching each others back then ruining each others smoke.

If your neighbours saw your grow the police would arrive and start counting? That's awful.

Our biggest worry over here isn't the police, it's thieves. I can't imagine he's working on the same scale as me due to the state of his plants. Plus he isnt around all day like i am. there's no AC there either. I definitely don't want friendly neighbours like that coz my place isn't a show and tell.

It's quite amazing that I don't have more seeded buds outdoors. Photos next week.
I know a ton of people that that over 40 and dont know shit about shit. I'm sure he seen yours already thats probably why he thought it was cool to grow. maybe he didnt think the pollen would travel that far. I also said you should build a tent on your terrace with the pollen screen so you can grow outside.

It's the culture here. Everyone grows in this area. The local grow shop guys couldn't believe it!

It's hot over here in the summer, especially on the roof so plants need lots of air and wind and also sun. Its be impossible to use a pollen net outdoors. Or any type of tent.

He can't see my plants. I have the whole top floor and my terrace is 50m on the other side of the block.

It looks like he has 3 dying males on one side and another next to his females. I just think he's trying an amateur breeding project or trying to pollinate the neighbourhood on purpose. God only knows!
Hmmm....I would have to politely decline. Although I approve my likeness to be drawn in stick-figure form, preforming any and all sexual acts.

I'm in gay-love with my boyfriend, and real happy about it.

And actually, I have zero experience with the gang bangs. Any more than 1 dick, is too many dicks - in my opinion. To each their own though.

So - this RIU gang bang you speak of, it's dude on dude - right? Seems the most likely - lots of dudes here....

I know you would love it. You might come around to it someday

since you put the stick figure idea in my head , ... here you go.. this is kind of what it would be like..

here you are giving your bf a hand job , while I go to work. I think that might be clayton in your left handruig.jpg

Double ski poles WHILE having sex - man, stick figure me is talented!

Interesting that you put yourself in a "gang bang" situation, with many dicks and only one vagina...

Seems a little...I don't know...
dolce-gabbana-2007-ad1.jpg madonna-girl-gone-wild-video-gif.gif e70cabab1ab45a4dbe0b74821c0afb2c907a367de454b78f121586cc314013dc.jpg alley-cats-randy-blue-gang-bang-002-300x400.jpg 601257.gif oh-no-she-didnt-gif.gif

Maybe you're bi? That's cool.

For me - multiple sex partners at the same time would just be adding more vagina's to the mix.

For you, you like added cock!

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Double ski poles WHILE having sex - man, stick figure me is talented!

Interesting that you put yourself in a "gang bang" situation, with many dicks and only one vagina...

Seems a little...I don't know...
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Maybe you're bi? That's cool.

For me - multiple sex partners at the same time would just be adding more vagina's to the mix.

For you, you like added cock!

Not that there's anything wrong with that...


actually gangbangs are not really a gay thing at all unless there is male to male sexual contact.

I'm only kidding though, I would be really uncomfortable with any other penises involved.

Ever see double penetration porn? That is hella gay.
Ever see double penetration porn? That is hella gay.
I totally thought so!

I've seen this genre - and it really wasn't for me. More so because the dude that is attached to the penis in porn, is generally hella douchie looking and often is made to speak like a date rapist - In my opinion.

its not gay unless the balls touch
bahahahah - don't they aways touch in double-pen porn?
It's like this:
But with a lot of ballz...

Also - and I mean no offence, but that angle of backside balls and man frog-leg stance - is just unappealing to me.
I totally thought so!

I've seen this genre - and it really wasn't for me. More so because the dude that is attached to the penis in porn, is generally hella douchie looking and often is made to speak like a date rapist - In my opinion.

Porn isn't for you, yessie. We've already talked about this. You're a woman, you've only been able to vote in the USA since 1919 or some shit. You're supposed to cook, make babies, give up your twat, and shut the fuck up. Tits or gtfo, remember? Your opinion is unnecessary.
Porn isn't for you, yessie. We've already talked about this. You're a woman, you've only been able to vote in the USA since 1919 or some shit. You're supposed to cook, make babies, give up your twat, and shut the fuck up. Tits or gtfo, remember? Your opinion is unnecessary.

Actually, we are ALL women on the internet. Easy to objectify with zero repercussions.
giphy.gif tumblr_m7g9sjNZpL1qaks0uo1_r2_500.gif

So bushy, why you sharin all this stuff with me? Show me your genitals...
Oh that's just bushy. He plays all hard to get, but you know he cries after sex. Like little liquid rainbow tears of joy...it's very sweet...
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He just wants to be held and told he's pretty...
Did you stir a hornets nest lately? It seems that you have become a target for the serial killer types :shock:
You know...the ones that hate women because they can't maintain an erection without killing the neighbors dog :???: