I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

Fuck the mormons. Fuck you too if you come to my door without being asked or invited. I am always polite, and ask them if they would like a drink, and realize they think they are doing right, but dont come to my door and bring unwanted activity to my doorstep and myself. I do however ask them to stop by people houses in my neighborhood.

"fuck you, I'm polite" unbelievable LMAO
the best way to get rid of mormons is to tell them your catholic....
I always argue with them, no offense to any mormons out there, but their religion is based on the dumbest story I have ever fuckin heard....it was basically just made up by joseph smith who happened to be a con man
What was America before Columbus arrived here? How did we interject with the Native Americans?

"America has thrived by violence and conquest in the past, is doing so now, and will in the future with or without Muslim interference."

Johnny, you make it seem like these Muslims are formidable foe in which they are a dire threat to the rest of the world. Do you honestly think the USA is threatened by these peoples culture? Hypothetically, after we eradicated Islam, as 40 acres proposes, what other religion do you believe should be next?

(This is coming from an open minded Christian mind you)What makes Christians so infallible which makes them hubris enough to deem their religious BELIEFS right, and anyone else false. If you cannot scientifically prove which religion is "the one" then how can people be so adamant regarding it? Believing in something is great, but people need to remember that it is only their/your beliefs until it can be proven. Whos to say that Islam is NOT "the true" religion? Whos to say that Islam doesn't have it right? How many people on RIU have been brought up in an Islamic culture? You Islam haters can thank the Zionist mainstream media for turning you into the next generation of Nazis.

YouTube - I AM A MUSLIM!

He seems like one of "us", except he doesn't take shame in washing his feet in a public sink...:? Whatever floats his boat though... :mrgreen: HAHA

The REVOLUTION has begun!


A group, religious nor not, threatens to destroy the U.S. in order to punish us and ultimately establish their way of life in the form of oppression masked as a 'religion of peace.' Deny it all you like, but Muslim extremism is a plague around the world, using violence to achieve their goal.

Then that group actually follows through and strikes a blow on our soil.

We are to ignore them? We are to pacify them? We are to appease them?

I say we fight them where ever we choose and destroy them to the point they no longer present a threat.

I never claimed our hands were clean. Please note the Indian Wars, which were ethnic cleansing pure and simple, ended by the 1890s. Since WW I, the U.S. has fought for the freedom of other peoples.

I am not a Christian. Religious preference is irrelevant here. What is more important to me is I am an American.
Johnny thinks muslim terrorists are on the verge of taking over the world and establishing a world wide califate.................if you really think that Al qaeda has enough might to take over the worlds your smoking crack. What is the percentage of muslims (what is there like 1.2 billion or something) are active in the goal of establishing a world wide califate....its a very low percentage.............its not a realistic threat at all
Look at Europe if you doubt my words.

The number of extremists is the number of 'soldiers.' The bulk of the Muslim world stands mute in the wake of Jihad carried forth by the extremists.

What is the explanation for this deafening silence form the Islamic World? They are either afraid to criticize the Jihadists, or they secretly agree.
A group, religious nor not, threatens to destroy the U.S. in order to punish us and ultimately establish their way of life in the form of oppression masked as a 'religion of peace.' Deny it all you like, but Muslim extremism is a plague around the world, using violence to achieve their goal.

Then that group actually follows through and strikes a blow on our soil.

We are to ignore them? We are to pacify them? We are to appease them?

I say we fight them where ever we choose and destroy them to the point they no longer present a threat.

I never claimed our hands were clean. Please note the Indian Wars, which were ethnic cleansing pure and simple, ended by the 1890s. Since WW I, the U.S. has fought for the freedom of other peoples.

I am not a Christian. Religious preference is irrelevant here. What is more important to me is I am an American.

We should have pursued the scumbags responsible who fled to Afganistan instead of illegally invading Iraq.
Parker, you back for a second clowning?

You continue to avoid the real points and childishly go on tangents. Making absurd claims like amendmants change what is behind the constitution. The war is not illegal is another false claim. I understand you don't know the facts because you really haven't stated much factual since you angrily came in here, but no need for your childish behavior. Yoga may help.
We should have pursued the scumbags responsible who fled to Afganistan instead of illegally invading Iraq.
They fled from Afganistan into Pakistan. Pakistan is an ally, with nukes. You think we should invade our friends to get to our enemy? :lol:

We should fight the enemy where ever it suits us. Iraq is a theater in a larger war and it suited us to eliminate Hussein. We were fully justified going in based on the 1991 Gulf War surrender alone. Iraq is the battleground and we are very close to victory.
You continue to avoid the real points and childishly go on tangents. Making absurd claims like amendmants change what is behind the constitution. The war is not illegal is another false claim. I understand you don't know the facts because you really haven't stated much factual since you angrily came in here, but no need for your childish behavior. Yoga may help.
Now you are just making things up.amendments dont change what is behind the constituition. Amendments actually change or amend "the" constitution. Thats why you have to make an amendment to change an amendment..

I think you are missing the meaning of the word amend somewhere.

never said the war is not illegal. I actually think it may be, but i am now looking for reasons why it might not be, like us never signing any paperwork with irag after the first gulf war, making it possible that we are just carrying on the same war.

Dont be an ass, i am not the only one telling you you dont know shit, just one of many.
I always argue with them, no offense to any mormons out there, but their religion is based on the dumbest story I have ever fuckin heard....it was basically just made up by joseph smith who happened to be a con man
ahhh...I too like the story of the "golden plates"......
Well, Bush has overseen the biggest ramp-up of American debt, ever. In fact, our debt has grown more under Bush than all the previous presidents in history combined. (And that's saying something when you consider what reagan did with his 'trickle-down' bullshit economics.)

Now, that's only *really* bad for the kids of today, because they'll be paying for Iraq the rest of their lives. Since I don't have any kids, and won't be around to pay off most of this debt, I hope all the 20-somethings and 30-somethings are happy with it. Basically, if you're in your 20s or so, you owe around $45,000 (so far) to pay for Iraq. While that will come from your income taxes, that still means when you need a new highway in 10 years, the money will not be available, because you'll still be forking out for Iraq. When you retire and your Social Security payments suck, that'll be because you're *still* paying for Iraq. When there's less grant money available for college, that'll be because that money is going to pay for Iraq. The young people in this country are going to shoulder the burden of this Iraq debt, whether they like it not.

As for whether Bush was good for this country or not. Are you kidding me? He's driven us to fiscal bankruptcy and, in the eyes of the world at least (which matters), moral bankruptcy too. I was around for the Nixon years, and I think Nixon, as dishonest of an asshole as he was, was still a better president than Bush. Bush has little or no diplomatic skills whatsoever. He makes *all* Americans look bad. He surrounded himself with dishonest cronies too. Look how many of them clam up, afraid they'll say something incriminating, when they are questioned. A whole lot of Bush cronies probably should be in prison.

+ Rep to someone with a brain!

These wars will do nothing to help the American people, they will only hurt us in the long run. The price of oil is not going to go down, and our money is going to become more and more worthless as the days pass and our debt grows. They might try and press for a new currency- the Amerodollar. They might also try and push for joining the USA, Canada and Mexico together to "help save the economy" or some nonsense. YouTube - NORTH AMERICAN UNION & VCHIP TRUTH

Bush and his cronies DO NOT CARE about the people of the USA! He is mostly interested in raping us for whatever they could.

Does anyone else realize that Dick Cheney was the "former" CEO of Haliburton. Do you guys know what that means? Isn't that obvious to everyone.

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc

YouTube - Haliburton and KBR are screwing our troops!

YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

But you guys would rather listen to the "official" report. Right?

BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'
"But at last, a detailed explanation of why the THIRD tower came down" HAHA :lol:

The REVOLUTION has begun!



Well, Bush has overseen the biggest ramp-up of American debt, ever. In fact, our debt has grown more under Bush than all the previous presidents in history combined. (And that's saying something when you consider what reagan did with his 'trickle-down' bullshit economics.)

Now, that's only *really* bad for the kids of today, because they'll be paying for Iraq the rest of their lives. Since I don't have any kids, and won't be around to pay off most of this debt, I hope all the 20-somethings and 30-somethings are happy with it. Basically, if you're in your 20s or so, you owe around $45,000 (so far) to pay for Iraq. While that will come from your income taxes, that still means when you need a new highway in 10 years, the money will not be available, because you'll still be forking out for Iraq. When you retire and your Social Security payments suck, that'll be because you're *still* paying for Iraq. When there's less grant money available for college, that'll be because that money is going to pay for Iraq. The young people in this country are going to shoulder the burden of this Iraq debt, whether they like it not.

As for whether Bush was good for this country or not. Are you kidding me? He's driven us to fiscal bankruptcy and, in the eyes of the world at least (which matters), moral bankruptcy too. I was around for the Nixon years, and I think Nixon, as dishonest of an asshole as he was, was still a better president than Bush. Bush has little or no diplomatic skills whatsoever. He makes *all* Americans look bad. He surrounded himself with dishonest cronies too. Look how many of them clam up, afraid they'll say something incriminating, when they are questioned. A whole lot of Bush cronies probably should be in prison.
They fled from Afganistan into Pakistan. Pakistan is an ally, with nukes. You think we should invade our friends to get to our enemy? :lol:

We should fight the enemy where ever it suits us. Iraq is a theater in a larger war and it suited us to eliminate Hussein. We were fully justified going in based on the 1991 Gulf War surrender alone. Iraq is the battleground and we are very close to victory.

I would think our friends would let us pursue the enemy. We don't have to invade.
I think the war is winnable but still dont want us over there.
you never see anything on mccain...
i saw something the other day and it had
written all over it... war war war
you see way more of obama on tv than mccain.
As for whether Bush was good for this country or not. Are you kidding me? He's driven us to fiscal bankruptcy and, in the eyes of the world at least (which matters), moral bankruptcy too.
Hmm...and all this time I thought it was Congress that passed the bills that provided the funding. I thought it was Congress that passed the Iraq Resolution. I thought it was Congress that passed Patriot. I thought it was Congress that passed CALEA. I thought it was Congress that passed FISA. I thought it was Congress that passed HR 5122. Guess I was wrong. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Nice to know that Congress had nothing to do with the rampant and wanton spending and raping of the Peoples' rights. ;) :lol:

I was around for the Nixon years, and I think Nixon, as dishonest of an asshole as he was, was still a better president than Bush.
As was I. In true Republican form, he got us out of a war that was escalated into a clusterfuck by Democrats...but history conveniently ignores shit like that. ;)
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Hmm...and all this time I thought it was Congress that passed the bills that provided the funding. I thought it was Congress that passed the Iraq Resolution. I thought it was Congress that passed Patriot. I thought it was Congress that passed CALEA. I thought it was Congress that passed FISA. I thought it was Congress that passed HR 5122. Guess I was wrong. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Nice to know that Congress had nothing to do with the rampant and wanton spending and raping of the Peoples' rights. ;) :lol:

As was I. In true Republican form, he got us out of a war that was escalated into a clusterfuck by Democrats...but history conveniently ignores shit like that. ;)

Anything over 50 years old is ancient history in this generation's eyes.

In the muslim world, 1000 years ago is history, 100 years ago was just yesterday.

People are so quick to say G.W. Bush's presidency is the worst yet they have absolutely zero conception of other past presidencies however they still make the assumption because its trendy to say it.
In true Republican form, he got us out of a war that was escalated into a clusterfuck by Democrats...but history conveniently ignores shit like that.
People are so quick to say G.W. Bush's presidency is the worst yet they have absolutely zero conception of other past presidencies however they still make the assumption because its trendy to say it.
just wanted to thank both of you for putting things in perspective. some folks seem to forget little things like the escalation in vietnam thanks to democratic presidents. labeling the republican party and conservatives in general as war mongers has become the favorite pastime of rabid democrats across the country and anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of history knows that war isn't really a partisan issue.

though i'm no big fan of baby bush and company, painting him as our worst president is another bit of foolishness that is completely over the top. folks seem to forget the presidents who supported slavery even as the country as a whole turned against the practice, they ignore the presidents whose incompetence and corruption sent the country to the brink of destruction and those who went so far as to authorize federal troops to fire upon our own citizens. distrust of government is only prudent, but the current trend of bashing the administration just because it's cool is nothing more than petty partisanship and inventing evil behind the intentions of this administration has become a way of life for every malcontent in the country.