Inner Buds Dying?!?? HELP PLEASE!

Broad Mites, very tough little guys, you can use azatrol and sulpher powder and dt earth...I would apply every three days for three treatments and continue with neem for two apps at 5 days
I just picked up this jar of Forbid miticide...supposed to be the Bomb...literally for these mites....
This $75 jar makes 30gls of spray...
9-6-2014 greenhouse 024.JPG
All these sprays are exspensive! The russet mites are hitting my town BAD. Everyone I know has them....must be a government conspiracy to eliminate the black market marijuana sales.
All these sprays are exspensive! The russet mites are hitting my town BAD. Everyone I know has them....must be a government conspiracy to eliminate the black market marijuana sales.

I have them too. I lost one plant. I got the 4bid 4f from grow biz in rocklin. one application after cutting the one infested plant out and all the lower limbs of the plant next to it and I've got them under control. scoped this morning and found a few live hatched out. going to spray again tonight with the forbide. that should take care of them. you have to stay on top of these fuckers. scope, scope an scope. everyday. I hope the forbide is helping you too JJ.
I have them too. I lost one plant. I got the 4bid 4f from grow biz in rocklin. one application after cutting the one infested plant out and all the lower limbs of the plant next to it and I've got them under control. scoped this morning and found a few live hatched out. going to spray again tonight with the forbide. that should take care of them. you have to stay on top of these fuckers. scope, scope an scope. everyday. I hope the forbide is helping you too JJ.
I read they have a 20day cycle, so new eggs could be hatching for 20 days....
Get a 9 volt battery, The glass of water you filled b 4 you wrote this :oops: of tap water and a small pinch of salt, 2 silver strips (wire is fine) and electrolyse it for 1/2 hr. add quater to a gallon and spray or best to water it in.
prevention better then cure
I called the nursery they said they don't have it unless she's retarded. I'm trying to get it today. I don't want to order it
Lake County, at least two hours away. Did the azatrol not do the job doublejj? And is azamax the same as azatrol?
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