Well-Known Member
you keep trying to spin your championing the abuse of another person and their property into something good.
nope, that's you.
you are trying to turn the denial of service to blacks (abuse of another person) into FREEDOM! (something good).
the reality is that you do not support freedom, you support racism and segregation.
You support a non owner of property using force to make another person serve them against their will.
against their will? but you keep saying you would voluntarily serve blacks. now it is against your will?
You support laws that require a person to associate with a person they'd rather not and you also support laws that require a person to use their body in ways they'd prefer not to.
so you'd rather not serve blacks and you'd prefer not to serve blacks? again, that contradicts what you keep saying when you try to pardon your stance as totally not racist.
You also never answer questions like, "who has the right to make another person serve them" ?
i've answered that many times. if a store bills themselves as open to the public, then any member of the public may "make" that store owner serve them.
businesses see this scenario as a good thing, not as an instance of being "enslaved".
I say nobody has that right, because if somebody is forced to serve another person, in that instance at least, they are enslaved.
running a business, being enslaved, totally the same thing if you are raping the english language like you do, bobbyboy.
The reason why you can't answer those questions
i've repeatedly answered your questions. it is you who runs like a little bitch from questions.
for example, did denial of service to blacks cause harm in the form of barriers to entry, decreased competition, and higher prices?
please get back to me on that one, cupcake.
Decent people don't force themselves onto other peoples property or ask the government to make others serve them.
so are you calling black people "indecent" for marching for equal rights and to end segregation?
Decent people don't tell other people how to live their life, if they don't agree, they simply avoid each other rather than forcing an interaction.
decent people do not argue endlessly for the right to exclude others based on race, like you do.
get fucked, racist.