Couple Fined For Refusing To Host Gay Wedding Shuts Down Venue

i support laws that protect people from discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, and the like.

you do not.

you think blacks should have just gone on dealing with denial of service because otherwise people like you and desert dude might have spit in their food.

that's the sad truth of this debate. i support civil rights, you do not.

First you argue that there was no such thing as different laws for different people, now that you have been proven to be lacking in the mental capacity point, you make some strawman to attack.

I will say it again, I believe in equality, I don't think people are superior or inferior based on skin color. You obviously do or you wouldn't support laws based on demographics instead of equality.

Gay people should have the right to marry. Religious people should have the right to say "not in my house".

Individual liberties are something you are willing to sacrifice "for the greater good", I'm not. It's a philosophical difference we have, but instead being able to discuss the topic intelligently and honestly, you have to attack. I'm pretty sure it's because you are not real bright.
@AlecTheGardener , how often do you so vividly depict acts of male on male gay sexual activity like murdoch is doing?
Not too often, I think the last time was around a bunch of soldiers who started getting uncomfortable when the topic of homosexuals came up.

One of my buddies was a very public homophobe, I described a series of sexual acts to give him a ribbing about it.

Afterwards our gay squad member hugged him and Aaron laughed.

At least three years ago I think.
First you argue that there was no such thing as different laws for different people, now that you have been proven to be lacking in the mental capacity point, you make some strawman to attack.

where's the strawman?

is it that you don't believe in civil rights? because that's true. you have repeatedly asked why we need title II.

is it the part where you say blacks should have just dealt with denial of service due to the prospect of racist food spitters? sounds kind of absurd, but it's true, and i have the quote from you.

i believe in protecting people from discrimination based on skin color, sexuality, and the like. you do not.

it really is as simple as that.
Where does the business owners civil rights stop?
I'm not defending Christians by any means, I'm defending liberty.
If a gay couple owned a business, and they refused to serve bible thumpers, I would defend their right not to serve.

The whole thing just makes it easy for bigots to hide behind civil rights, that is where the problem is
I just don't get why one law abiding tax paying citizen would refuse to sell goods or services to another law abiding tax paying citizen solely based on their sexual preference.
No, no, we don't...we call it sick. Face it Buck, if the TRUTH be told, the VAST MAJORITY of male heterosexuals would say, with NO hesitation, that the thought of sticking their finger, dick, or tongue up another man's asshole makes them sick to their stomach...another man's shit on your tongue, dick, or finger? Would you relish that Buck?

Again, I'm just saying if the TRUTH be told. Without fear of political reprocussion, which I am not. But many are, I know.

No one relishes the thought of any sexual activity that is not of their orientation.


Thing is many guys who say gay is bad are really only referring to men.
How many hetero men would refuse to pull up a chair if asked?
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The whole thing just makes it easy for bigots to hide behind civil rights, that is where the problem is
I just don't get why one law abiding tax paying citizen would refuse to sell goods or services to another law abiding tax paying citizen solely based on their sexual preference.

I actually agree with you, what people do in their personal lives would not concern me.
However, I do not agree that government should force and punish businesses who choose otherwise.
let the market decide not a totalitarian government, which we are certainly heading in that direction.
I actually agree with you, what people do in their personal lives would not concern me.
However, I do not agree that government should force and punish businesses who choose otherwise.
let the market decide not a totalitarian government, which we are certainly heading in that direction.

i bet you wish that the market kept on deciding to deny service to blacks back in the day, right?

that whole "totalitarian" government, telling freedom loving racists like you that you can't cause harm to others via denial of service.

poor you.
fuck, nodrama is so ugly that he has never even posted a pic of himself out of the shame and embarrassment that come with being overweight, bald, ugly, and repulsive in general.
i support laws that protect people from discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, and the like.

you do not.

you think blacks should have just gone on dealing with denial of service because otherwise people like you and desert dude might have spit in their food.

that's the sad truth of this debate. i support civil rights, you do not.

Funny how you keep trying to spin your championing the abuse of another person and their property into something good.

You support a non owner of property using force to make another person serve them against their will.

You support laws that require a person to associate with a person they'd rather not and you also support laws that require a person to use their body in ways they'd prefer not to.

You also never answer questions like, "who has the right to make another person serve them" ?
I say nobody has that right, because if somebody is forced to serve another person, in that instance at least, they are enslaved.

The reason why you can't answer those questions is because you think using force against peaceful / indifferent people is good if the force gets you what you want. That's the same tactic used by murderers, rapists and thieves. Decent people don't force themselves onto other peoples property or ask the government to make others serve them.

Decent people don't tell other people how to live their life, if they don't agree, they simply avoid each other rather than forcing an interaction.

So, who has the right to force another person to serve them? Where does this supposed "right" come from?
fuck, nodrama is so ugly that he has never even posted a pic of himself out of the shame and embarrassment that come with being overweight, bald, ugly, and repulsive in general.

Nah, it's probably because a person like you would use it in an evil way, starting with drawing a penis across it with your Pre-k paint program skills before turning it over to you know who. You are constantly asking people to post pics of themselves, hmmmmmm.