Hello michigan


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I have the oppurtunity to move to traverse city Michigan at the end of next month. One of the perks is I've been told I can very easily obtain a medical marijuana card and grow legally. I feel overwhelmed with happiness just thinking about this!

If someone can answer a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. I do not exactly have any serious illnesses but I was told that I could get the card with no problem and no medical records. Could this be true? I would hate to move there and it end up being heresay. Are there any experienced michiganers out there that I can talk with?
Hi everyone. I have the oppurtunity to move to traverse city Michigan at the end of next month. One of the perks is I've been told I can very easily obtain a medical marijuana card and grow legally. I feel overwhelmed with happiness just thinking about this!

If someone can answer a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. I do not exactly have any serious illnesses but I was told that I could get the card with no problem and no medical records. Could this be true? I would hate to move there and it end up being heresay. Are there any experienced michiganers out there that I can talk with?

Nail patella......toe fungus......you can get a card for 'nail patella'

Its in the list of 'qualifying conditions
I've been certified by three doctors so far. Each doctor is different.
Some go through great lengths to cover their ass, some just want your $150 or whatever their rate is.
The laws are the laws, but every dr, cop, lawyer, judge, prosecutor..... have their own interpretation. So do I.
Best of luck to you.
Gladstoned , what illness were you recommended for? Can you recommend me to a doctor who may just want the money , pm me if you feel more comfortable. Can anybody else chime in?
I don't have insurance. My first card I went to a chiropractor and said I had a bad back. I did, I do.
No medical records, not shit. Just some cash. Probably six months later my back got bad enough that
I had to go to ER. They did xrays and thats when I found out I have spinal stenosis or some shit like that.
All these years I thought my back was bad from building houses but my spine was fucked up and I was
just doing more damage trying to work through it.
So after that, I had the paperwork to go to dr bob. He does most of the certs up here in the UP.
Last time I went to Center for Compassion in traverse city because they fucking rock. I don't know how they
are about the paperwork cuz I have paperwork and proof of illness now.

So anyway, back to first visit with nothing. I went there once a month for three months. They documented it and
said, yep. Your back is fucked up. Then I got my card. Probably about $250, then $100 to the state.

I believe smoking to relax IS medicinal, so the state can suck my dick.
I believe having a beer after a long day of work is medicinal too.
It sounds like ill need a real medical issue. Im not the best at faking shit. What 2 do..what 2 do
It sounds like ill need a real medical issue. Im not the best at faking shit. What 2 do..what 2 do

Toe fungus=nail patella

What to do?

Just get a card...and dont get caught

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act defines a "qualifying patient" as: a person who has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical condition.

Specific Medical Conditions listed in Statute:
“Debilitating medical conditions" [Section 3 (a) (1)] means any of the following conditions and/or their treatments:

* Cancer
* Glaucoma
* Positive status for human immunodeficiency virus
* Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
* Hepatitis C
* Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrig's Disease)
* Crohn's disease
* Agitation of Alzheimer's disease
* Nail patella<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<HELLO

General diseases, medical conditions, and treatment not listed but authorized in Statute:
A patient can also qualify under the statute [Section 3 (a) (2)] if he/she experiences any chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition, or it's treatment, which produces one or more of the following symptoms or side effects:

* cachexia or wasting syndrome;
* severe and chronic pain;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<HELLO
* nausea;
* seizures, including but not limited to those characteristic of epilepsy;
* severe and persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those characteristic of multiple sclerosis

Departmental Authority to expand conditions covered:
New conditions can be specified in the future. Rule 333.131 requires the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) to have a procedure for accepting petitions from the public to include additional medical conditions and treatments. The procedure must include public notice of hearings on each petition, opportunities for public input, and a reasonable time line (180 days) for approval or denial.

Affirmative Defense Conditions Covered
A person "may assert the medical purpose for using marijuana as a defense to any prosecution involving marijuana, and this defense shall be presumed valid" if a physician has stated that the patient is likely to receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the use of marijuana to treat or alleviate the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition or its symptoms. This statement must be:

* in his professional opinion
* having completed a full assessment of the patient's medical history and current medical condition
* in the course of a bona fide physician-patient relationship
* the patient is likely to receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the medical use of marijuana to treat or alleviate the patient's the condition or symptoms

The Act does not specify that the statement be in writing, but common sense dictates that a written statement provides the best possible protection.

This standard is different than the one for obtaining the written certification for the registry ID card – any “serious medical condition” qualifies, as opposed to only those which are "chronic" or "debilitating," and it does not require any specific symptoms. The affirmative defense applies to both patients and caregivers who engage in

* acquisition
* possession
* cultivation
* manufacture
* use (patient only)
* delivery
* transfer
* transportation

of marijuana or paraphernalia which is used medically as described above. The amount of marijuana must be no more than is "reasonably necessary" to ensure the "uninterrupted availability" of medicine to the patient.

You do not need to have one of the Specific Medical Conditions listed in Statute to be considered a qualified medical marijuana patient. The Statute also protects patients who use marijuana to treat the symptoms of any chronic or debilitating medical condition, or to alleviate symptoms or side effects caused by any therapy or other treatment option prescribed by your primary physician for that condition. For example, if you suffer from depression and your physician prescribes a medication to treat the depression, and that medication causes muscle aches and spasms, or it makes you nauseated, then you would qualify as a patient with a listed condition (muscle spasms, nausea), to choose medical marijuana as a treatment option. To find out if your condition applies, CALL MICHIGAN WELLNESS CENTER (810)820-8555
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
My concern is wouldnt I have to see a doctor and get my healthy feet diagnosed with nail patella
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gstatus, are you looking for doctors to bust up there in traverse city ?

cant ya just open the newspaper and start harassing the certification centers? why bother asking people for names?
gstatus, are you looking for doctors to bust up there in traverse city ?

cant ya just open the newspaper and start harassing the certification centers? why bother asking people for names?
Because I'm inexperienced with medical marijuana and I'm not there yet so I don't have the paper. I see your point but why even bother posting if your not here to help? I don't need names just advice
Sorry Buck, nail patella is a little more than a fungus. chronic pain though. america consumes 80-90% of the worlds pain killers and recently in the media there has been a story about painkiller use down 25% in the med states. suck on that big pharma
so what buck is saying and I agree, that chronic pain is already widely treated here in america and it being hard to quantify pain, it shouldn't prove really anymore difficult than getting a script for pain meds or perhaps easier in some cases.
so what buck is saying and I agree, that chronic pain is already widely treated here in america and it being hard to quantify pain, it shouldn't prove really anymore difficult than getting a script for pain meds or perhaps easier in some cases.

Yes mr octopus .....
I got my card in 2000 for 'chronic debilitating pain'.....

Never goes away

I crushed my heel in 1993 ......40fractures....10 major breaks...my 'tyler' joint is fused

I still walk on roofs tho....no more than a 10/12pitch-
I cant really even do construction anymore without medicating my injuries to make it thru the day...but man i have some great days!

And yes 'chronic debilitating pain'....those are the key words

G-status man....if you wanna b a G-

Chronic debilitating ....back pain...old injuries....

Whatever its not hard to get a card.....period

Chronic debilitating usually works....

--i mean how can someone else tell ' you' how much pain your suffering....?

I agree w glad tho--

I smoke to relax
I smoke for pain
I smoke for spirit
I smoke recreational
I smoke socially
I smoke medicinally
I smoke religiously

I burn leaves just to burn leaves......

I smoke 2joints in the morning then i smoke 2joints at night....then i smoke 2joints just to smoke 2joints and then i feel alright:eyesmoke:
I agree w glad tho--

I smoke to relax
I smoke for pain
I smoke for spirit
I smoke recreational
I smoke socially
I smoke medicinally
I smoke religiously

I burn leaves just to burn leaves......

I smoke 2joints in the morning then i smoke 2joints at night....then i smoke 2joints just to smoke 2joints and then i feel alright:eyesmoke:

Doesn't leave much time for much else ---- but then again, what else is there to do ---- especially winter time.
Yes mr octopus .....
I got my card in 2000 for 'chronic debilitating pain'.....

Never goes away

I crushed my heel in 1993 ......40fractures....10 major breaks...my 'tyler' joint is fused

I still walk on roofs tho....no more than a 10/12pitch-
I cant really even do construction anymore without medicating my injuries to make it thru the day...but man i have some great days!

And yes 'chronic debilitating pain'....those are the key words

G-status man....if you wanna b a G-

Chronic debilitating ....back pain...old injuries....

Whatever its not hard to get a card.....period

Chronic debilitating usually works....

--i mean how can someone else tell ' you' how much pain your suffering....?

I agree w glad tho--

I smoke to relax
I smoke for pain
I smoke for spirit
I smoke recreational
I smoke socially
I smoke medicinally
I smoke religiously

I burn leaves just to burn leaves......

I smoke 2joints in the morning then i smoke 2joints at night....then i smoke 2joints just to smoke 2joints and then i feel alright:eyesmoke:
Shit Buck. I was skeered of a roof at a 9/12 pitch. But for the skyhooks I'd have been a real pussy.