Cant sleep aaaahhhh!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any suggestions on how to get me to sleep? its 4:42am now and I just dont feel sleepy, being up this early is reminding me of my amphet days and thats no damn good.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Valerian.I mentioned in another thread how it's good for back spasms, it also helps you relax.
Anyone got any suggestions on how to get me to sleep? its 4:42am now and I just dont feel sleepy, being up this early is reminding me of my amphet days and thats no damn good.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a good remedy for the future thanks but I need to sleep now haha :) i was thinking more along the lines of relaxation techniques


Well-Known Member
use melatonin

6 dollars for 60 pills

perfectly safe even for long term use, no side effects except increased euphoria and no habit forming tendencies. simulates natural sleep. works better than any prescreption. try it!!!


Well-Known Member
Valerian, Melatonin? Where do you get these? I'm in the UK can you get them here?
Thanks for all the suggestions


Well-Known Member
Valerian, Melatonin? Where do you get these? I'm in the UK can you get them here?
Thanks for all the suggestions
melatonin is an otc drug you can get at any drug store or superstore

ive used prescription and they dont work well or have side effects

melationin is the perfect sleeping pill IMO.

im surprised no one has used it


Well-Known Member
if you take that stuff you can easily get hooked and also causes anxiety and sometimes panic and restless leg syndrome

melatonin goes stragiht to the source and tells your brain its sleepy time!


Well-Known Member
oh man restless leg syndrome I hate that, I get it most nights. Feels like theres something building up in your leg/s an indescribable feeling and it just keeps building and building until you cant help but jerk your legs around to dissipate it


Well-Known Member
oh man restless leg syndrome I hate that, I get it most nights. Feels like theres something building up in your leg/s an indescribable feeling and it just keeps building and building until you cant help but jerk your legs around to dissipate it
its horiible, if i take those chemical sleeping pills i have to get up two hours later and walk around the house

melatonin really is the magical cure

i love it


i will vouch for valerian root though.... i never used it by itself, (but it was the main sedative ingrediant) but i did use it in a herbal tea blend that a buddy mixed up for me at the local headshop... cant remember what else was in it, but if nothing else, valerian will work wonders to put you to sleep. i wouldn't take the pills though, you can get it in powdered form from any herb shop; then just make a simple tea before bed.... but they should be able to recomend some other herbs to go into the tea to help you relax more.