A great explaination of why our contry is going to the shitter.

why are you asking me that instead of the guy who cites holocaust deniers and is a bitter bigoted homophobe?

i don't see it as nasty to call the guy retarded, just observant.

i haven't been here long enough to know the lay of the land. apparently, these threads are pure entertainment anyway; not like any body expects anything useful to come of them.

to answer your question; i asked you because you were the one that called him a name.

I can tell 2 things from your posts:

1. You're dumb.


2. You're NOT stupid.

So, baby dick, you should be able to understand clear logic: There's NO WAY anyone knows HOW MANY illegal aliens are here, so there's NO WAY the government can say how much they pay in income taxes, or any other kind of taxes.

There are probably tens of thousands more of the sons and of bitches here than any government official is willing to admit.

Hell, fucking Obama just welcomes them here. Come on in, take jobs from our citizens.

However, I freely admit that the illegal Mexican immigrants want to WORK. They're not lazy. I kinda like 'em, sort of.

So, let's do this: let's trade, one for one, illegal Mexican immigrants for serial welfare recipients. For every illegal Mexican immigrant we take, Mexico has to take one of our serial welfare recipients. I could deal with that.

Those lazy fucking ass serial welfare recipients COULD have the jobs the illegal alien Mexicans have here, but they're too spoiled by the government giving them my money without my consent.
The Mexican government sees it more as we (the US) are already coming out on the better end of the exchange as it is.
it's obama's fault that the wave of children born right after WWII are now hitting retirement age 65 years later.
Its every president's fault for letting the money the baby boomers earned turn to shit, worthless shit. I put up a graph of how much purchasing power the dollar has lost since the federal reserve started managing our bankruptcy in 1913. We are headed in the WRONG direction. we as a nation should be getting wealthier not poorer.!!
Obama is a puppet, they all are.They all listen to the Council of foreign affairs.
Its every president's fault for letting the money the baby boomers earned turn to shit, worthless shit. I put up a graph of how much purchasing power the dollar has lost since the federal reserve started managing our bankruptcy in 1913. We are headed in the WRONG direction. we as a nation should be getting wealthier not poorer.!!
Obama is a puppet, they all are.They all listen to the Council of foreign affairs.

i bet inflation NEVER took place before 1913, right?

all of us jews in the fed reserve stealing all your monies, right?

yeah, we're evil like that.
i bet inflation NEVER took place before 1913, right?

all of us jews in the fed reserve stealing all your monies, right?

yeah, we're evil like that.
yea the federal reserve does steal your currency. Your wrong to call it money. Its not money.
I don''t know if their jews or not I don't think it really matters.
Obviously you do though...
And to my knowledge no, there has never been the level of inflation that we have from 1913 to now any time before for a sustained period of 100 years.
It's a completely flawed system.
yea the federal reserve does steal your currency. Your wrong to call it money. Its not money.
I don''t know if their jews or not I don't think it really matters.
Obviously you do though...
And to my knowledge no, there has never been the level of inflation that we have from 1913 to now any time before for a sustained period of 100 years.
It's a completely flawed system.

i'm sure you can show me a load of great, prosperous, wealthy nations who have no central bank, right?
just because you can't deny service to blacks on the basis that they are black does not mean the country is going to the shitter, bobby boy.

that was actual a great improvement in our great nation, making it even greater.

A service is not something that is imposed under threat of force is it?

So, who has the right to make others serve them?
this all started off with me asking (puzzling, more like it) at why the fuck you would not work one of your expenses (property taxes) into the rent bill.

either show me the claim you totally awesomely contradicted or shut your retarded face.

That's not how the market works.

Rent is based on what you can get for it, not how much you owe for it. If you can make it so your cashflow is positive, good, if you have a negative cash flow because that's all the market will allow you to gather from rent, you can write off some of that loss, but you can't just double your rent because you are "working expenses into the bill". Well, technically you CAN, you just won't be able to rent it.

I get the feeling you've never actually owned property, your view on property rights, and some of the comments like the one above lead me to believe this.
A service is not something that is imposed under threat of force is it?

So, who has the right to make others serve them?

Let me ask you something;

On a personal basis does individual liberty trump civil liberty?

Your comments would seem to indicate so.
Let me ask you something;

On a personal basis does individual liberty trump civil liberty?

Your comments would seem to indicate so.

Thank you for asking politely.

Individual liberty is a real term. It provides everybody the choice of how they will live their life as long as they don't prevent others from the same. It is completely color blind, in that all people should be able to chose their interactions on a consensual basis.

"Civil liberty" is an oxymoronic term. It conjoins two separate meanings. Civil liberty attempts to package liberty as a permission by government kind of action. Which is of course absurd.

It then further violates actual liberty by somehow permitting a civil authority power over other people and their property with or without their consent.

Some people think if you support individual liberty you are condoning each and every one of the actions / inactions people do with their liberty, which is another common fallacy.

I am a fan of individual freedom and peaceful and consensual interactions.
That's not how the market works.

Rent is based on what you can get for it, not how much you owe for it. If you can make it so your cashflow is positive, good, if you have a negative cash flow because that's all the market will allow you to gather from rent, you can write off some of that loss, but you can't just double your rent because you are "working expenses into the bill". Well, technically you CAN, you just won't be able to rent it.

I get the feeling you've never actually owned property, your view on property rights, and some of the comments like the one above lead me to believe this.

He owned a gerbil condo once. The whole thing went belly up, because the bathrooms weren't clean.