A great explaination of why our contry is going to the shitter.


Well-Known Member
I ran across this video, and found myself agreeing with most of what he says. I think its good to watch if your not sure why were fighting wars and letting everyone and anyone into the country.
Sad, but true. Some are missing the shitter entirely and fouling the floor.

just because you can't deny service to blacks on the basis that they are black does not mean the country is going to the shitter, bobby boy.

that was actual a great improvement in our great nation, making it even greater.
just because you can't deny service to blacks on the basis that they are black does not mean the country is going to the shitter, bobby boy.

that was actual a great improvement in our great nation, making it even greater.
the video posted has nothing to do with race, what so ever. This country is being drained of wealth by some assholes is all. And we the people are letting it happen.
the video posted has nothing to do with race, what so ever. This country is being drained of wealth by some assholes is all. And we the people are letting it happen.

drained of wealth?

go grab some bootstraps and bootstrap yourself some money for yourself, cupcake.

us jews in the federal reserve who rule the world are throwing you little peons enough crumbs.

go out and get some of it, this is the most prosperous, wealthy nation the earth has ever seen.

and it's only getting better.
substantive and explanatory rebuttal.

allow me to retort.


OK, let me be more specific.

Obamacare is going to drive us so far in debt that we won't ever be able to recover.

Illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from many of our natural citizens, without paying taxes.

Our national security is threatened because Obama is perceived as a weakling coward by Putin and most of the other leaders of the world.
OK, let me be more specific.

you misspelled "retarded".

Obamacare is going to drive us so far in debt that we won't ever be able to recover.

health care costs have been steady since obamacare was passed, marking the first time in decades that health care costs have held steady for any amount of time.

before obamacare was implemented, health care premiums tripled in the 20 years previous.

of course, since you identified nothing about how this bankrupting of a $14 trillion a year nation will happen, my rebuttal should be more along the lines of the following:


Illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from many of our natural citizens, without paying taxes.

illegals actually pay way more taxes than they use in services, and the crops rotted in the fields in georgia without illegal immigrants to harvest them.

they couldn't even bus in parolees and prisoners for $10 an hour to harvest those crops.

your bigoted xenophobia has no basis in reality.

Our national security is threatened because Obama is perceived as a weakling coward by Putin and most of the other leaders of the world.

imma let you finish, but america has the greatest military and national defense OF ALL TIME.

There is NO WAY we can give everyone health care and maintain the military we have.

And there's no way we can let our national debt increase or even stay the same without major reprecussions. Our political leaders fail to realize realize what the average American family knows from bad experience: you can't spend yourself into prosperity. You can't spend more than you make indefinitely and expect to be strong.

And there's NO WAY illegal immigrants pay more taxes than they use in services. No way.

You should see all the Mexicans here standing in line at the grocery store, 2 buggys completely full of food, and then they pay the $400 bill with cash. I see that a lot here.
But I will give the illegal Mexican immigrants one thing: they come here to WORK. They're not lazy, because they don't have welfare to prop them up. I sure wish our citizens on welfare had that kind of work ethic.

In fact, I'd like to do a massive trade. All our welfare citizens for an equal number of Mexicans who want to work.
There is NO WAY we can give everyone health care and maintain the military we have.

And there's no way we can let our national debt increase or even stay the same without major reprecussions. Our political leaders fail to realize realize what the average American family knows from bad experience: you can't spend yourself into prosperity. You can't spend more than you make indefinitely and expect to be strong.

And there's NO WAY illegal immigrants pay more taxes than they use in services. No way.

You should see all the Mexicans here standing in line at the grocery store, 2 buggys completely full of food, and then they pay the $400 bill with cash. I see that a lot here.

oh, you're another one of these idiots who follows hispanics around the grocery store. nutes&nugs and greenlikemoney both do that too, you ladies should get together to share all the good gossip while you change your tampons and complain about your vaginas and whatnot.

a 2006 study done by the comptroller of the state of texas found that illegal immigrants pay more in taxes than they use in services. it was the most comprehensive study ever done. many since then have found the exact same thing.

we can give everyone health care and pay less than we do now, as long as we get MORE government involvement. the model is out there, every other wealthy nation uses it, pays less, and covers everyone.

if you're worried about the debt and deficit, stop voting republican and start voting democrat. democrats lower the deficits, republicans explode them.
oh, you're another one of these idiots who follows hispanics around the grocery store. nutes&nugs and greenlikemoney both do that too, you ladies should get together to share all the good gossip while you change your tampons and complain about your vaginas and whatnot.

a 2006 study done by the comptroller of the state of texas found that illegal immigrants pay more in taxes than they use in services. it was the most comprehensive study ever done. many since then have found the exact same thing.

we can give everyone health care and pay less than we do now, as long as we get MORE government involvement. the model is out there, every other wealthy nation uses it, pays less, and covers everyone.

if you're worried about the debt and deficit, stop voting republican and start voting democrat. democrats lower the deficits, republicans explode them.

You idiot, those countries you speak of that have socialized health care do NOT have the massive military we have. They've ALL relied on us at some point in history to come save their asses. In Canada's case, they KNOW they don't need a good military, cause there's no way we're gonna allow Canada to be invaded.

And I realize that both reps and dems increase the deficit. Although I do remember that Bill Clinton did a better job economically than he has been given credit for.
You idiot, those countries you speak of that have socialized health care do NOT have the massive military we have. They've ALL relied on us at some point in history to come save their asses. In Canada's case, they KNOW they don't need a good military, cause there's no way we're gonna allow Canada to be invaded.

And I realize that both reps and dems increase the deficit. Although I do remember that Bill Clinton did a better job economically than he has been given credit for.

you idiot, i said nothing about military spending. i said they all spend less on health care per capita than we do.

and if you think clinton was good, wait until you realize that obama is the biggest deficit cutter of all time. no one has ever cut the deficit more than obama has.
And Buck, since when did you give the comptroller of Texas any credit for anything? Only when he/she says something as incredible as "illegal immigrants pay more taxes than they use in services".

Hell, if that was true, we could just open the border to 200 million illegal aliens and sit back and count the profits. You big dummy. You so much remind of "Meat Head" Michael Stivic on "All in the Family".
you idiot, i said nothing about military spending. i said they all spend less on health care per capita than we do.

and if you think clinton was good, wait until you realize that obama is the biggest deficit cutter of all time. no one has ever cut the deficit more than obama has.

If Obama cuts the deficit like you say, I'll be the first to say I'm wrong. I welcome that happening.