R.I.P. Dannyboy

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Wasn't really directed at you. More at the tone of the conversation. No need to puff your chest out.
Then why did you start off with YOU dont really think....

Hell yea Imma take offense when you type like that..its hard to read sarcasm or whatever on the screen!!....
Youre right. My fault. Comment was meant for anyone who doesnt think sunni is tough as nails.

Well Pin I give you credit where its do..Hard to find these days!! No offense taken then...Im just not one who can be "called out" AND not respond....not my nature..Im as real online as I am off of it. weird huh!?!!
Danny told me off for being an ego toting wanker once. He signed off saying "know what I mean, jellybean?".
I tried desperately to think of a clever response.... Something like "yada yada, blah blah sugar plum" but I figured since he was actually right in that instance I'd just appologise and stop trying to be a smartass.
I liked the guy. Shame he's not around anymore.
Comment was meant for anyone who doesnt think sunni is tough as nails.
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