The social security system has been looted and the piggy bank stuffed full of IOU's. Yes, it is a handout now because the government stole all the money and spent it on other things.
Also, When people get multiple times more back from social security than they pay in it is most certainly a welfare program. The government is not wisely investing the money and paying it back with interest.
The social security system has been looted and the piggy bank stuffed full of IOU's. Yes, it is a handout now because the government stole all the money and spent it on other things.
Also, When people get multiple times more back from social security than they pay in it is most certainly a welfare program. The government is not wisely investing the money and paying it back with interest.
Yeah it was the kiss of death when they started raiding the trust fund and transferring to the general fund.
I agree, capping the limits at 2x would be useful.
Let these old fucks die in the streets if they didn't prepare. Or live at Buck's house!
I personally would be glad if they just gave me what I've paid in ... for the last nearly 19 plus years I've paid the max on a yearly basis. And I'm a sole proprietor, that means I pay double an employee! I'm fucked chicken ... I'm tired of paying for fucking poor stupid people! They can go live with Bucky!