Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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no it does not.

we also have lobbyists from the EU, arabia, canada, mexico, china, etc etc etc etc.

your lazerlike focus on Das Juden shows more about what youre really thinking than you believe.

You're a dumbass if you think any of them hold more influence over American politics than Israel. Furthermore, your attempt to paint anyone who disagrees with Israeli policy as a Nazi who hates every Jewish person in Israel is one of the oldest talking points there is. If you can't understand the difference between criticizing Israeli governmental policy and Israeli people, you probably shouldn't be commenting on it.
no it does not.

we also have lobbyists from the EU, arabia, canada, mexico, china, etc etc etc etc.

your lazerlike focus on Das Juden shows more about what youre really thinking than you believe.

My posts represent my thoughts, I am not afraid of the PC brigade virtual or otherwise.
Have a read of this for yourself, it's still relevant after 21 years.
How does this lobbyist compare to the Guys from the EU, Arabia etc etc ?

Haha money to Mexico, that is so funny, did anyone bother to tell the minutemen?
You're a dumbass if you think any of them hold more influence over American politics than Israel. Furthermore, your attempt to paint anyone who disagrees with Israeli policy as a Nazi who hates every Jewish person in Israel is one of the oldest talking points there is. If you can't understand the difference between criticizing Israeli governmental policy and Israeli people, you probably shouldn't be commenting on it.

only a few of the people in this debate (socalcoolmx, sketchy etchy (now known as earnest_voice), marwan, possibly jimdamick) are anti-semites best i can tell.

it's funny how kynes loves to drop that label, especially considering his blatant and outright racism against anything muslim.
because iran's stated position is "The US is the Great Satan" and we must be destroyed, along with israel, and then, the west of the civilized world.

only a fool makes a deal with lunatics, and while the iranians have a hard-on for destroying the wahhabists, The Enemy Of My Enemy Is Still My Enemy.

your thinly veiled implication that all sunnis are wahhabists or extremists is pretty facile.

the house of suad has taken the official position that wahhabis are threats to their government, and the wahhabis have agreed. this would all be much more convincing if the wahhabis actually attacked saudi interests, and if the saudi govt were to stop publishing and distributing wahhabist literature, but their words are sufficient to satisfy the idiots in washington.

opposition to the iranians does NOT equate to friendliness with the saudis, since as previously stated, The Enemy Of My Enemy Is Still My Enemy.

unfortunately our glorious leaders are not that smart, so they seem to believe the saudi official line, for some reason.

this gullibility is not exclusive to Boo0oo0oo0oosh, but extends to Barry Seotoro, who has demonstrated great reverence and considerable deference to these pigs in khaftans


You are a dumbass Keynes. I highlighted the most highlarious portion of your facile opinion.

It's even more comical coming from the boy who despises muslims and is a fervent supporter of jewish supremacy.

Good day netanYAHOO
only a few of the people in this debate (socalcoolmx, sketchy etchy (now known as earnest_voice), marwan, possibly jimdamick) are anti-semites best i can tell.

it's funny how kynes loves to drop that label, especially considering his blatant and outright racism against anything muslim.

You'll have to prove that. Have you gone to admin for my IP address yet?
You're a dumbass if you think any of them hold more influence over American politics than Israel. Furthermore, your attempt to paint anyone who disagrees with Israeli policy as a Nazi who hates every Jewish person in Israel is one of the oldest talking points there is. If you can't understand the difference between criticizing Israeli governmental policy and Israeli people, you probably shouldn't be commenting on it.
funny, i dont agree with all israels policies either, and i'm not anti-jew.

lotta people have expressed their distaste for various israeli actions without declaring themselves "Anti-zionists" or implying (none too subtly) that Das Juden are to blame for everything from 9/11 to the common cold, and without posting images doodled by Latuff, noted neo nazi and darling of the jew bashing crowd.

funny how YOU cant say shit without asserting that Dem Jews is always wrong, and the pallies are innocent victims, and even funnier, you repeat OBVIOUS PROPAGANDA and pretend it is factual, so long as it portrays israel as vicious madmen bent on genocide (despite an 1100% increase in pallie population).

i call em like i see em, and youre an anti-semite, pure and simple.

i never accused whatshis face who you are trying to defend (as if you are helping his case) of being a jew hater, i accused him RIGHTLY of being a blind believer of the pallie line, which is crafted by noted anti-semites.

he may not be a jew hater himself, but he sure does love to repeat the jew hating lies of the pallywood propaganda machine.

so far, unlike you, he hasnt made any particular jew hating statements himself, and as such i called him a moslem sympathizer, NOT an anti-semite.
no it does not.

we also have lobbyists from the EU, arabia, canada, mexico, china, etc etc etc etc.

your lazerlike focus on Das Juden shows more about what youre really thinking than you believe.

I think the US should allow it's elected representatives to hold dual citizenship with Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Cuba, Iraq and any other country. It's not an issue for an Israeli, shouldn't be for any one else.

Would you vote for a a representative that is a muslim who holds dual national with an muslim country?
only a few of the people in this debate (socalcoolmx, sketchy etchy (now known as earnest_voice), marwan, possibly jimdamick) are anti-semites best i can tell.

it's funny how kynes loves to drop that label, especially considering his blatant and outright racism against anything muslim.
iu didnt drop any label other than moslem sympathizer on fr3d12, and yes, i have ZERO trust in, or support for moslems or moslemness.

just as i have no faith in or support for marxists or marxism, since both ideologies are based on lies, hate and a desire for power over others and global hegemony

i dont feel the need to tiptoe around the facts, or carefully parse my words, since it's MY OPINION, and i dont give a shit about your opinion, as you are a proven dipshit.
I think the US should allow it's elected representatives to hold dual citizenship with Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Cuba, Iraq and any other country. It's not an issue for an Israeli, shouldn't be for any one else.

Would you vote for a a representative that is a muslim who holds dual national with an muslim country?

i would not voter for a politician who holds dual citizenship with CANADA, much less any other foreign land.
i would not voter for a politician who holds dual citizenship with CANADA, much less any other foreign land.

Your vote for bush '43 was a vote for dual nationals dumbass. Half of the neo-con cabal were dual nationals. You know the people he ends up picking - Fieth, Wolfowitz, Franklin, Libby, Fleischer and probably a shitload more.
Your vote for bush '43 was a vote for dual nationals dumbass. Half of the neo-con cabal were dual nationals. You know the people he ends up picking - Fieth, Wolfowitz, Franklin, Libby, Fleischer and probably a shitload more.
wait, W Bush was a dual citizen?


prove it dipshit.

i didnt vote for those other clowns, i voted for BUSH.

i didnt vote for Henry Kissinger either, but that didnt stop him form peddling his claptrap in the whitehouse for nearly 50 years

i voted for Clinton in his first run too, does that mean i voted for Canadian Dual Citizen Madeline Albright?

youre an idiot if you think that lame ass bullshit somehow places me in "intellectual checkmate"

Edit: funny how all the people you mentioned are DAS JUDEN!! while you ignore many other persons like Samantha Power (irish and american) Kissinger (german and american) Marco Rubio (cuban and american) etc etc etc
funny, i dont agree with all israels policies either, and i'm not anti-jew.

lotta people have expressed their distaste for various israeli actions without declaring themselves "Anti-zionists" or implying (none too subtly) that Das Juden are to blame for everything from 9/11 to the common cold, and without posting images doodled by Latuff, noted neo nazi and darling of the jew bashing crowd.

funny how YOU cant say shit without asserting that Dem Jews is always wrong, and the pallies are innocent victims, and even funnier, you repeat OBVIOUS PROPAGANDA and pretend it is factual, so long as it portrays israel as vicious madmen bent on genocide (despite an 1100% increase in pallie population).

i call em like i see em, and youre an anti-semite, pure and simple.

i never accused whatshis face who you are trying to defend (as if you are helping his case) of being a jew hater, i accused him RIGHTLY of being a blind believer of the pallie line, which is crafted by noted anti-semites.

he may not be a jew hater himself, but he sure does love to repeat the jew hating lies of the pallywood propaganda machine.

so far, unlike you, he hasnt made any particular jew hating statements himself, and as such i called him a moslem sympathizer, NOT an anti-semite.

I would assume that anybody with the ability of free thinking and a little bit of moral courage would roundly condemn the indiscriminate bombing of little children regardless of what religions their parents follow, clearly you are not capable of the former and possess none of the latter.
Again your persist with the labels, so when you call someone a "Moslem sympathiser" does that mean they are on a warning, next time they disagree they upgrade to anti-Semite because one can't be both now can they and apart from you no one is using the word "Jews" so your emphasis on the word does little for your argument.
Show me the obvious propaganda that I repeated.
You're a dumbass if you think any of them hold more influence over American politics than Israel. Furthermore, your attempt to paint anyone who disagrees with Israeli policy as a Nazi who hates every Jewish person in Israel is one of the oldest talking points there is. If you can't understand the difference between criticizing Israeli governmental policy and Israeli people, you probably shouldn't be commenting on it.
...both ideologies are based on lies, hate and a desire for power over others and global hegemony

it's just so funny how you don't realize you are describing exactly what "european cultural superiority" brought to the world.

of course, you are an idiot though.
I would assume that anybody with the ability of free thinking and a little bit of moral courage would roundly condemn the indiscriminate bombing of little children regardless of what religions their parents follow, clearly you are not capable of the former and possess none of the latter.
Again your persist with the labels, so when you call someone a "Moslem sympathiser" does that mean they are on a warning, next time they disagree they upgrade to anti-Semite because one can't be both now can they and apart from you no one is using the word "Jews" so your emphasis on the word does little for your argument.
Show me the obvious propaganda that I repeated.
right there in your first line:

"I would assume that anybody with the ability of free thinking and a little bit of moral courage would roundly condemn the indiscriminate bombing of little children regardless of what religions their parents follow, clearly you are not capable of the former and possess none of the latter." ~you, just now

the "bombing" in gaza is NOT indiscriminate. the israelis have been busting their asses to minimize actual civilian casualties, as they have since the occupation began, but hamas and hezzbollah put their military emplacements as close as possible to civilians, and often right in their midst.

anyone with a brain in their heads would realize this is not an accident, but rather a calculated plot to generate exactly the kind of casualties they are decrying in the world press.

even the US was not as gentle when taking fire from insurgents in afghanistan or iraq.

just ask dresden about civilian casualties in a war when military operations are deliberately placed in population centers.

now go read some facts, thnk about some shit, and when you have an idea in youre head, come back and try that new shit out.
it's just so funny how you don't realize you are describing exactly what "european cultural superiority" brought to the world.

of course, you are an idiot though.
duhh. ALL societies seek to expand, but european society has grown out of their colonialism, and arbitrary disregard for natives. islam has not. they revel in their brutality and barbarism.


you need to come up with a new justification for their behaviour.

i might expect you to develop some new rationalization for moslem evil, but since youre a thick witted dolt who can only repeat the lines you have been fed, i doubt youll come up with anything new.
funny, i dont agree with all israels policies either, and i'm not anti-jew.

lotta people have expressed their distaste for various israeli actions without declaring themselves "Anti-zionists" or implying (none too subtly) that Das Juden are to blame for everything from 9/11 to the common cold, and without posting images doodled by Latuff, noted neo nazi and darling of the jew bashing crowd.

funny how YOU cant say shit without asserting that Dem Jews is always wrong, and the pallies are innocent victims, and even funnier, you repeat OBVIOUS PROPAGANDA and pretend it is factual, so long as it portrays israel as vicious madmen bent on genocide (despite an 1100% increase in pallie population).

i call em like i see em, and youre an anti-semite, pure and simple.

i never accused whatshis face who you are trying to defend (as if you are helping his case) of being a jew hater, i accused him RIGHTLY of being a blind believer of the pallie line, which is crafted by noted anti-semites.

he may not be a jew hater himself, but he sure does love to repeat the jew hating lies of the pallywood propaganda machine.

so far, unlike you, he hasnt made any particular jew hating statements himself, and as such i called him a moslem sympathizer, NOT an anti-semite.

Direct quotes from me from earlier in the thread proves without a shadow of a doubt you're a lying piece of shit, enjoy;

"Fuck Israel (gov)"

"Imo, the Palestinians should ditch Hamas and study Gandhi."

"Hamas is clearly wrong, indiscriminate violence won't solve the problem. Israel is clearly wrong, 80% civilian casualty rate.

The only solution is nonviolence from Hamas."

"While I say both parties are wrong, you think Israel is right. Facing the numbers, only a monster would think that."

"Hamas caught on video setting up and firing a rocket next to populated hotels;

If anyone says that bombing that area into dust by IDF air forces is "Defending yourself" they are smoking way too much crack. Why doesn't IDF go in with ground forces and clear out Gaza of Hamas extremists? Seems like there would be significantly less collateral damage and civilian casualties."

Sure looks like I'm saying "the Pallies are innocent victims" by posting Hamas being caught setting up a rocket next to a hotel..

All coming from a dummy who is openly and unabashedly racist against Palestinian civilians. I guess that's OK, but if you criticize even ONE of Israels policies; NAZI!!!!!!

You're just a naive person who watches too much right wing media, old media, because you're old, it's expected. It scares you and you think the Muslims are right on our doorstep! You are to Muslims exactly what the Nazi's were to Jews before WW2, which is ironic considering your blabberings.

Keep those lies coming, Kynesey.. I enjoy smashing the fuck out of them with direct evidence showing you're continuously wrong about nearly everything.