The Drunk Thread! was Libby's Weed ranch?
Never made it out. Her phone was busy for like 3 days straight lol. Still not sure if it was legit or suspect. I seen a greenhouse and everything was gated up - so I'm assuming either Libby is alot slow or someone hates her. Possibly both.
Never made it out. Her phone was busy for like 3 days straight lol. Still not sure if it was legit or suspect. I seen a greenhouse and everything was gated up - so I'm assuming either Libby is alot slow or someone hates her. Possibly both.
I hate her Fuck Libby
Idk, and probably not. What you drinking sunshine? I wanna throw some whiskeys over. Let's go halfs.
I'm down. ...I'm gonna drink a 40 tonight after I pop 5 norcos maybe roll a blunt it's bin a while since I smoked a fat blunt.. I only fucx wit the yellow 10 mg my nigg...was going to get some mdma but I need a tub of max sea so I rather use the drugs I already have...what you sipping on pimp?
I'm down. ...I'm gonna drink a 40 tonight after I pop 5 norcos maybe roll a blunt it's bin a while since I smoked a fat blunt.. I only fucx wit the yellow 10 mg my nigg...was going to get some mdma but I need a tub of max sea so I rather use the drugs I already have...what you sipping on pimp?
Newcastle and a couple shots of goose for now. Thinking about a BBQ. Maybe a couple Ny steaks. Ohhh man, yumdma. You would be so much fucking fun to flip with.
buy the drugs, get high and fuck people for more money, duh.
Ahhh yes the California living lifestyle. ..
Newcastle and a couple shots of goose for now. Thinking about a BBQ. Maybe a couple Ny steaks. Ohhh man, yumdma. You would be so much fucking fun to flip with.
Ny steaks sound bomb u talked me into it I'm bbq-ing today....One day we will all roll together. . Maybe next year we can all pop a few mollys and try to climb one of garden bosses trees or something.
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drank a 2L of wine then did a ol dine an dash for for my heroin days. then got all stupid and did it again :(

women got mad so im at home getting drunk and cooking hot dogs and just blaaaaahuing out the world
drank a 2L of wine then did a ol dine an dash for for my heroin days. then got all stupid and did it again :(

women got mad so im at home getting drunk and cooking hot dogs and just blaaaaahuing out the world
You suck dude. Stick to brew for today. No matter how much you try, powders will never get rid of all your pain.
word pinny, me just cooking up some food for my bro getting some more beer and sating fuck reality!

I really wish I was behind bars right now it would be so fucking simple. although doing what I did made me feel alive, aint done no running in aa long as time !