R.I.P. Dannyboy

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I agree with everyone today being way over sensitive. But ya'll realize that you're posting "faggot" on a US forum where everyone here uses that term in a pretty offensive way. That is the point. Ya'll are trying to act like it's the language barrier and that's your defense, but in reality you're making yourselves look like a bunch of bigoted racists. The dude was gay i think, which doesn't help your case any.

No, the real point was if people hadnt invaded the UK thread and started filling it up with shite we wouldnt ever have ventured out of there in the first place, have a pop at our behaviour all you want (we dont have even the slightest interest in what other ppl think of us) but think what caused that behaviour in the first place, fuck, even sunni advised them against it and they still didnt listen
No, the real point was if people hadnt invaded the UK thread and started filling it up with shite we wouldnt ever have ventured out of there in the first place, have a pop at our behaviour all you want (we dont have even the slightest interest in what other ppl think of us) but think what caused that behaviour in the first place, fuck, even sunni advised them against it and they still didnt listen
My thread didn't have anything to do with going into the uk thread. I never went in myself.

I just made it because some uk guys r so fuckin mean like beyond insulting.

It was all just for fun then shit got outta hand when the line was crossed with gaybashing.

We might still be bickering happily otherwise
"Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately."

After the incident with the previous forum software and moving to this still un-configured and un-styled and incomplete forum, the admin added that line above.

But when a gay(?) mod is called a faggot over and over and ends up banning those (of those 40 how many were sock puppets like the tourettes retard...) he is the one that gets banned. :shock: I bet he didn't get a warning either... Don't you mods have some loyalty towards each other? This place always turns out to be a little more fucked up than I thought... trollitup living up to its name once again.
always twisting up the story
as a mod he was supposed to delete the offensive post and let a higher up know what happened
mods are NOT allowed to ban members, all 40 of the memebers were most random users not even related to Uk growing thread only about10 of them were the ones involved
I banned him because after I told him to stop banning people he did it even more
there was no option to stop danny

if you look at a few of his posts he did it purposely he told a few other mods we was doing it to get out of here,
he knew exactly how to get banned and that's why he did it
Oh another tough irish guy... yawn... Your tourettes does not impress me. Learn to speak English.

I got my facts straight. Read my post again. Learn to read English.

Your facts aint rite he went into the uk thread and banned people who wer not even involed in that shit
always twisting up the story
Oh really... because he did get a warning? Well boohoo, doesn't change or twist anything about the rest of my posts. It's messed up, take that however you want it, I know how much you 'like' me. The feeling is mutual, it's not personal though, I just cannot stand such blatant incompetence.

you realise no-one even knew he was gay right?
You realize that before very very recently "faggot" got the same treatment at "nigger" even at RIU? At least man up to what you did and take responsibility instead of trying to change the universal meaning of the word faggot.

And if it wasn't obvious yet, you spoiled the fun for a mod that actually locked and deleted stupid threads... perhaps some remember the "unhappy plants", or read his posts in the semen booster thread.
How could you not know?

Everyone knows...

Did he wear a sign on his head/avi declaring that then for all to see?

Everyone that came into contact with him might have known but unless he declared it publicly in either the Uk thread, club 600 or one of the breeders boutique threads then none of the Uk lot would have ever known,VERY rare for us to stray outside of those threads!
Also ive been here since 09 and its the first time ive ever come across the twat
People can go into any thread they want to dude, not sure what you're butt hurt about. That's why there's a fucking index, where you can pick any thread you want.

Fair enough then we might just spend a lot more time venturing out to the individual state growers threads, toke n talk, politics etc, should be a blast, i reckon, im sure veryone on the site would love to see us spending more time in THEIR local threads, I mean, what could go wrong?
Also ive been here since 09 and its the first time ive ever come across the twat
I find that hard to believe. You have 5,000 posts and I've seen you around in T&T. It would be hard to spend that much time in T&T and not know Dannyboy, or the fact that he's gay.
Oh really... because he did get a warning? Well boohoo, doesn't change or twist anything about the rest of my posts. It's messed up, take that however you want it, I know how much you 'like' me. The feeling is mutual, it's not personal though, I just cannot stand such blatant incompetence.

You realize that before very very recently "faggot" got the same treatment at "nigger" even at RIU? At least man up to what you did and take responsibility instead of trying to change the universal meaning of the word faggot.

And if it wasn't obvious yet, you spoiled the fun for a mod that actually locked and deleted stupid threads... perhaps some remember the "unhappy plants", or read his posts in the semen booster thread.

You think what you want about the use of the term faggot, you have had it explained to you, if you choose not to believe it thats entirely up to you, as stated before we have a very large empty jar of fucks to give
Alot of times I use the word faggot to joke around

Or if someone is being a bitch or a asshole ill say dude quit being a fag but mostly I say cunt

And I say nigger in racist jokes or when I talk to my black friend I say shit nigga or something like that

Never the less I dont care who I offend

Unless its the wrong person who I didn't mean to offend

Like in a case where I called mainliner a cunt and sunni thought I was talking about her when all I said was "if she banned me then she whould be doing her job" the wrong person got the wrong message
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