Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter. It's not a coriolis force problem. I heard the genius in my avatar blew up a lab trying to solve the question, actually.North, or south of the equator?

Doesn't matter. It's not a coriolis force problem. I heard the genius in my avatar blew up a lab trying to solve the question, actually.North, or south of the equator?
That is entirely up for debate and open to interpretation.A fetus is not a baby, dum dum. Quit trying to redefine words.
At 39 weeks of gestation there is no question that a fetus is a baby except in the minds of those who subordinate murder to their own demented politics.
Likewise 38 weeks... 37 weeks... 36 weeks... ........................
.....................20 weeks? 19 weeks? ... 16 weeks.
Those last numbers are for you and your own conscience to decide. For me it is (currently) 16 weeks. Some believe it is at conception, i.e. no abortion of a pregnancy ever. I don't go along with that, but the argument can be made.
Even Skylard, who normally parrots the "war on women" chant seems horrified by the prospect of an elective abortion past 20 weeks.
The hardcore progressives here seem to be content with driving a pair scissors through the skull of a full term baby as long as the head has not yet breached the birth canal. Sane people can't possibly stand by and do nothing and simply watch such a murder.
shut the fuck up, skinhead.
the opossum head that you plan to vote for says life begins at the moment of fertilization, so that is now also your position as well.
Do you just live vicariously through the likes of your hero, Gosnell, or do you personally crush the skulls of infants, herr Goebbels?
planned parenthood continues to this day with their "negro plan" of setting up shop in minority and poor communities, and trying hard to get fuzzy headed liberals like you to join the bandwagon of baby killing.
A fetus is not a baby, dum dum. Quit trying to redefine words.
re-examine dr kermit's case.
he didnt get life without parole, while narrowly dodging the death penalty for scraping some unformed tissues off a uterine wall.
thats what youre arguing for.
when did i ever say kermit was a planned parenthood "provider"?Kermit Gosnell was not affiliated with Planned Parenthood, supergenius.
Quit pulling things out of your rectum and spreading it all over this forum. You just make things up and pretend that it is fact.
what is interesting to note however, kermit gosnell's "clinic" was reported to planned parenthood, the National Abortion Federation (catchy name there innit?) , and many other "pro-choice" groups many times, and none of them did a damned thing while this loon continued his "practice", despite their oft repeated claim of being dedicated to women's health issues.
the planned parenthood branch in pennsylvania received numerous complaints about this fuck knuckle, and did NOTHING
It is not Planned Parenthood's job to bust up Gosnell's illegal operation, which existed because of conservatives trying to make safe and easily access to abortion providers difficult. You want the Gosnells of this world out of business? Then increase access to safe abortion providers instead of trying to regulate abortion out of existence.
By trying to make safe abortion providers more readily available, Planned Parenthood does a lot to limit those with illegal operations -- those like Gosnell.
Conservatives want to legislate abortion back into the alleys and "clinics" like Gosnell's.
except gosnell's "clinic" was in an area where planned parenthood, the NAF and many other "pro choice" operations run many "clinics" which dont suck.It is not Planned Parenthood's job to bust up Gosnell's illegal operation, which existed because of conservatives trying to make safe and easily access to abortion providers difficult. You want the Gosnells of this world out of business? Then increase access to safe abortion providers instead of trying to regulate abortion out of existence.
By trying to make safe abortion providers more readily available, Planned Parenthood does a lot to limit those with illegal operations -- those like Gosnell.
Conservatives want to legislate abortion back into the alleys and "clinics" like Gosnell's.
no, it's a retarded point.excellent point.
It is not Planned Parenthood's job to bust up Gosnell's illegal operation, which existed because of conservatives trying to make safe and easily access to abortion providers difficult. You want the Gosnells of this world out of business? Then increase access to safe abortion providers instead of trying to regulate abortion out of existence.
By trying to make safe abortion providers more readily available, Planned Parenthood does a lot to limit those with illegal operations -- those like Gosnell.
Conservatives want to legislate abortion back into the alleys and "clinics" like Gosnell's.
When the left imposes their PC gag orders on society, the faithful cower and are too afraid to speak up when a literal slaughterhouse is operating in their midst. Yeah, they share some of the moral responsibility for Kermit the murderer.
if your "libertarian" wish of prohibition on abortion comes true, abortions will be a lot more gruesome for it.
why do you want prohibition and back alley abortions?
Objecting to murder is about as Libertarian as you can get. I am pro-choice, I just object to murder of a fully formed, but not yet born baby.
You, on the other hand, have stated your unequivocal support for any abortion regardless of the stage of gestation.
you support a candidate who says life starts at the moment of fertilization and who would ban birth control, therefore those are your beliefs.
prohivition and liberty don't go together, moron.
quote it then, skinhead.
Do you think elective abortions should be allowed past 20 weeks of gestation?
I'm not sure if this has happened yet, but I get the impression that liberals haven't actually explained to conservatives that they don't like abortions either.