Cig Quitters

Smoked that pack like a fiend I'm afraid rosey.

Worse than that, convinced 3 colleagues to go out to lunch just so I could have wine. I'm not great with work related stress, my solution tends to be booze, coffee, nicotine or weed. Even the odd valium now and again.
Smoked that pack like a fiend I'm afraid rosey.

Worse than that, convinced 3 colleagues to go out to lunch just so I could have wine. I'm not great with work related stress, my solution tends to be booze, coffee, nicotine or weed. Even the odd valium now and again.
It's okay you doing right now? still wanting one?

Wish I had a valium. My damn nerves are shot! watched my Verizon data usage go from 1 gig to nearly 6 in one afternoon!! turns out the grandkids were downloading movies supposedly on McD's wifi but it was pulling mobile data instead! :wall: good thing I caught it when I did or I'd be stuck with overages. Do I want a cigarette now? YEP!!! am I smoking one now? YEP!!!

don't feel bad bro ;)
1 cig in wrk. On my way home to get baked out my face

Ecig helps me seem like less of a smoker. Feeling this could work long term.

Dr. G,

Please allow a 32-year nicotine addict (last 7 years inactive, but still an addict) to tell you a couple of things, with all due respect and in good faith:

1. E-cig users are still active nicotine users and addicts. As far as nicotine addiction is concerned, E-cig users might as well be smoking Marlboros.

2. Many people use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in the hopes of reducing the physical harm of smoking/chewing (NRTs include gums, patches, and E-cigs). And they do reduce the harm of smoking cured tobacco. But if your goal is to break the nicotine habit, NRTs are useless. You can use NRTs for years, but you'll still go through the hell of withdrawal and recovery once you quit the E-cig. The E-cig is a crutch, and what you need is to learn to walk without a crutch. And besides, nicotine wreaks havoc on your heart, and can cause a heart attack all on its own. There is NO SAFE WAY to consume nicotine.

3. The best way to quit tobacco FOREVER is to get pissed off and just quit cold turkey. That will get you past the hell of withdrawal and recovery in the fastest way possible.

4. NRT quit rates are usually just "6-month quit rates" or "12-month quit rates". The long-term quit rates for them are lower than those who quit cold turkey.

Respectfully, let me say quit fooling yourself. You can't quit nicotine just by choosing a different delivery method. You quit nicotine only by quitting nicotine.

You are a hard-core addict and must treat yourself as such. And what do hard-core addicts do? They think of any reason possible to justify the consumption of nicotine. In your case, it's E-cigs. In some cases, it's gum or patches. But make no mistake: your brain wants nicotine and will try and convince you to give in. Cigs, E-cigs, patches, gum, etc. Your brain doesn't care which delivery method you choose. It just wants nicotine. And you're giving in and consuming nicotine.

I apologize for being so direct. But make no mistake about it: you're currently in a struggle for your life. Nicotine will take your life 20 years early unless you quit once and for all. And you're not going to quit simply by choosing a different delivery method.

Quitting is tough. And those who've quit before you are NOT going to coddle you or pat you on the back for "trying". We know what a comittment and determination it takes, so we are tough on quitters who fail. Hopefully for their own good the next time they decide to try a quit.

Good luck. I'm pulling for you.
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@H.M. Murdoch

Great post and appreciate you taking the time to give what to me, is real and useful advice. Thanks man.

Not easy to hear but you're right. I'm definitely kidding myself, I know I'm addictied to a few different substances. Some more destructive than others.

Coffee, weed and nicotine are standards. Valium, coke, K and mdma less frequently now but still the occasional blow out. I get I'm an addict, my dad's an AA guy, I grew up with that shit but I think genuinely I'm ok with it all.
@H.M. Murdoch

Great post and appreciate you taking the time to give what to me, is real and useful advice. Thanks man.

Not easy to hear but you're right. I'm definitely kidding myself, I know I'm addictied to a few different substances. Some more destructive than others.

Coffee, weed and nicotine are standards. Valium, coke, K and mdma less frequently now but still the occasional blow out. I get I'm an addict, my dad's an AA guy, I grew up with that shit but I think genuinely I'm ok with it all.

Dr. G,

I failed more quit attempts than I can count. One time, I was quit for several months and had NO cravings. And I was stupid enough to believe that I could have "just one" with friends while drinking. And that ended a really good quit attempt. Within a few days, I was back to my previous level of consumption.

I've been there, done that, and know the whole routine. It's hard my friend, I know. But if you keep at it, and keep learning from other people who've quit for good, you'll make it.

And then you'll be where I'm at right now: hoping you can help just one person have success in quitting the way you did. And you will.
I would like to add...
.. I knew a few people who quit smoking.
Then they became total dicks about people smoking, more than lifetime non-smokers.
I am not sure if it was out of spite, or jealousy, but I ask you quitters...
.. PLEASE, respect other smokers decisions to continue to smoke.
We are all going to die of something, but I will enjoy small pleasures while I am alive.
I enjoy a good smoke after a meal, or a good fuck.
I would like to add...
.. I knew a few people who quit smoking.
Then they became total dicks about people smoking, more than lifetime non-smokers.
I am not sure if it was out of spite, or jealousy, but I ask you quitters...
.. PLEASE, respect other smokers decisions to continue to smoke.
We are all going to die of something, but I will enjoy small pleasures while I am alive.
I enjoy a good smoke after a meal, or a good fuck.
I will always respect smokers. I've been one most of my adult life and would never judge anyone ;)
I would like to add...
.. I knew a few people who quit smoking.
Then they became total dicks about people smoking, more than lifetime non-smokers.
I am not sure if it was out of spite, or jealousy, but I ask you quitters...
.. PLEASE, respect other smokers decisions to continue to smoke.
We are all going to die of something, but I will enjoy small pleasures while I am alive.
I enjoy a good smoke after a meal, or a good fuck.

Respecting a person's decision to smoke because that's what they WANT to do is one thing. And you're right that their decision should be honored.

On the other hand, for people who are desperately trying to quit, and just keep failing, patting them on the back and saying "it's OK for you to smoke if you want" is NOT what they need to hear.

And any person who becomes a dick at the expense of their former death-sentence habit, got a hell of a great deal. More power to them. I think most people would much rather be thought of as a dick than to slowly die of lung cancer.
Haven't you hear the term "quitters never win?"
If a smoker keeps failing to quit, then that smoker has not truly decided to quit.
With all the GMOs, pesticides, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners in the food these days...
... cigarettes are NOT the only things that give people cancer.
You can get up and go work out every day, eat the right things, not smoke...
... and get into a car accident tomorrow.
I would rather see my friend smoke, than preaching to us about how bad cigs are.
Haven't you hear the term "quitters never win?"
If a smoker keeps failing to quit, then that smoker has not truly decided to quit.
With all the GMOs, pesticides, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners in the food these days...
... cigarettes are NOT the only things that give people cancer.
You can get up and go work out every day, eat the right things, not smoke...
... and get into a car accident tomorrow.
I would rather see my friend smoke, than preaching to us about how bad cigs are.

This is a thread to help people quit smoking. You're being counter-productive.

You're so wrong in saying that repeated failed quit attempts indicate that a person doesn't truly want to quit. You couldn't be more wrong. People try to quit because they want to; they fail because they can't, at least at that point in their lives. They fail because they don't see any hope in sight; because it's difficult; because they are uneducated in their battle. And because of people like you who all but encourage them to smoke.

Comparing the dangers of cig smoking to car accidents or pesticides is asinine. Completely asinine.

I'd rather my friend preach about how bad cigs are, than for either of us die because of them. But please don't let me impose my moral values upon you.

500,000 people in the US alone will die this year from tobacco-related diseases. Way before their time. And those people will waste away to nothing in front of their families. Horrible, disfiguring deaths. And that after the hell of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. And with the memory of how long they had to quit, and how they knew all along that they should quit. They'll PRAY they could go back in time and listen to a little preaching about the ills of tobacco. They'll give anything for the chance. And almost as haunting as their impending horrible death, will be their regret that they could have prevented it completely.
Haven't you hear the term "quitters never win?"
If a smoker keeps failing to quit, then that smoker has not truly decided to quit.
With all the GMOs, pesticides, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners in the food these days...
... cigarettes are NOT the only things that give people cancer.
You can get up and go work out every day, eat the right things, not smoke...
... and get into a car accident tomorrow.
I would rather see my friend smoke, than preaching to us about how bad cigs are.

The initial post in this thread was:

Check in and support thread for all members trying to quit smoking cigarettes. Let's kick the nasty habit together shall we?

You're posts are contrary to that. So why are you here?
People try to quit because they want to; they fail because they can't, at least at that point in their lives. They fail because they don't see any hope in sight; because it's difficult; because they are uneducated in their battle.
Is that a fact? I'd like to see your source on that information. Otherwise, I beg to differ. People start smoking again because they want a cigarette more than they want to quit. It's about willpower, and determination.

Comparing the dangers of cig smoking to car accidents or pesticides is asinine. Completely asinine.
Name Calling is real mature. I was pointing out that there are dangers all around us in life. I don't think that is an illogical statement.

500,000 people in the US alone will die this year from tobacco-related diseases.
Again, where is your source of this information?
The leading cause of death in the US is heart disease, maybe more people should protest fast food restaurants, and soda companies for poisoning everyone.
Second following that, is Cancer, in general. Nothing indicates tobacco products as the only cause of cancer.
Here is my source:
Number of deaths for leading causes of death
  • Heart disease: 596,577
  • Cancer: 576,691
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,943
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,932
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 126,438
  • Alzheimer's disease: 84,974
  • Diabetes: 73,831
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,826
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 45,591
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 39,518
The initial post in this thread was:

Check in and support thread for all members trying to quit smoking cigarettes. Let's kick the nasty habit together shall we?
You're posts are contrary to that. So why are you here?
My original post in this thread was to congradulate those of you who have decided to quit smoking, which is a nasty habit. Kudos to you peeps!
I wanted to remind the quitters that smoking is an option, and not to be assholes to those of us who smoke.
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I can honestly say that I don't see myself turning into an asshole but I know what you're talking about. I know a couple that actually did turn into jerks afterwards but I think that's more from missing the nicotine than anything ;)

I fell off the wagon but I'm trying again after this pack. I will do this!
Cigarettes are the product of a trickster forced unto us by repetitive subliminal propaganda. If we are really unhappy with our culture in this society then we will put our foot down when it really matters. Why sit here and pretend that we care while keeping our feet in the air? Cigarettes are right up there with fast food and soda when it comes to contributions to heart disease. If we know the statistics surrounding smoking cigarettes then why smoke? Why eat at a restaurant that uses poison in its food? Why sit on a couch, being washed downriver, with our legs propped up while complaining about it? That is the clearest expression of instability, cowardice or insanity in a person - an inability to act responsibly in the face of clear, logical information. Be careful with those statistics as well, because they are likely to change with the discovery that, Oetzi, also had a genetic predisposition to heart disease even, being a hunter gatherer with a 100% organic, natural diet who did not smoke - in other words, there are more variables that now need to be accounted for. Flick that bic and never pick it up again - simple as that. :joint:
Is that a fact? I'd like to see your source on that information. Otherwise, I beg to differ. People start smoking again because they want a cigarette more than they want to quit. It's about willpower, and determination.

Name Calling is real mature. I was pointing out that there are dangers all around us in life. I don't think that is an illogical statement.

Again, where is your source of this information?
The leading cause of death in the US is heart disease, maybe more people should protest fast food restaurants, and soda companies for poisoning everyone.
Second following that, is Cancer, in general. Nothing indicates tobacco products as the only cause of cancer.
Here is my source:
Number of deaths for leading causes of death
  • Heart disease: 596,577
  • Cancer: 576,691
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,943
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,932
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 126,438
  • Alzheimer's disease: 84,974
  • Diabetes: 73,831
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,826
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 45,591
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 39,518

My original post in this thread was to congradulate those of you who have decided to quit smoking, which is a nasty habit. Kudos to you peeps!
I wanted to remind the quitters that smoking is an option, and not to be assholes to those of us who smoke.

Those of you who want to smoke, go right ahead. I have no problem with that. But don't think that a breath mint after a cig even puts a dent in how much you stink when you step inside a room. I know you can't smell it, but everyone else can. That's one of the most embarrassing things I realized after I quit - how much I stank.

The brain's chemical dependency can and does completely override what a person wants to do in their logical mind. Which is why people who truly want to quit have a hard time doing so. Physical withdrawal symptoms DO NOT equal a person logically wanting to smoke.

The political section has all kind of confrontational topics that would probably interest you. Go on over there and post. I do, and it's kinda fun.

FYI, from the CDC's web site:

Cigarettes and Death
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Cigarette use causes premature death:
  • Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.1,2
  • Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%.2
And that's just from smoking. Chewers and dippers die by the thousands every year as well. Which corroborates my initial statement that 500,000 people die every year from tobacco-related illnesses.
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Thanks for posting that buddy. Good info to have here!!

Several months ago I had quit and was at my doctor's office, they said I smelled like a chain smoker. All thanks to my ex who chain smoked around me constantly. After being a nonsmoker for a while, you want to hurl at the smell. It stinks to high heaven!!