no, im one of those who should not be forced to engage in commerce with those i deem unsuitable for that commerce.
how do the protected classes make someone "unsuitable for that commerce"?
in other words, you were willing to do business with someone, but then you found out about their race or color or national origin or religion or sex, and now you don't want to.
sounds like pure bigotry and racism to me, but let's see what phony and bogus examples you have cooked up.
if you were a gun seller and you refused to sell guns to a guy you were certain was a criminal, you could be charged with "violating his civil rights" as long as he is part of some minority that has been granted victim status.
so the gun buyer passes a background check, but you are just so certain that the buyer's skin color or race or national origin makes him a criminal that you refuse to sell to him.
yep, pure racism.
if you were a contractor, and refused to build a soundproofed rape dungeon under some asshole's house, you would be up on "civil rights" charges in short order, IF the "victim" of your "discrimination" is sufficiently brown to warrant protected status
thanks for dispelling the notion that you are also concerned about white people, whose skin color and race are also protected, by making it explicit that these concerns of yours only apply to those who are "sufficiently brown".
i thought for a second that you would at least have the brains to leave that escape hatch open for yourself.
if you ran an elementary school, and an applicant for a janitorial job set off all your internal alarm bells, you would still have to hire him if he were a "protected minority" even if your hippocampus were screaming "Pederast! Pederast! Pederast!" in the back of your brain.
so your applicant passes his background check, but if he is "sufficiently brown", you automatically assume he is a criminal or a pedo and want to find a nice white person to mop up your floors instead.
once again, based purely in racism.
why should i be compelled to disregard my own judgement out of fear of reprisal from the government?
we've tried letting racists like you apply your judgment without fear of reprisal before, it resulted in a shit ton of harm to those minorities you cowards are so scared of.
lefties want everything to be "fair" but life isnt fair.
and racists want all brown people to be criminals, but not all brown people are. that's kindergarten mentality, kynes.
it's time for lefties to grow up and realize that kindergarten rules dont work outside the playground.
one again, you accuse others of that which you are guilty of, just like when you try to invert the multiculturalists into being the monoculturalists that white nationalists like you so desperately yearn for.
you base your whole argument on not just "feels", but racist feels. he passed the background check, but you FEEL he is a criminal anyway based on his skin color or national origin or race. then you accuse lefties of protecting these classes not based upon the harm that racists like you have caused them, but on "feels".
it is simply ridiculous and a transparently racist argument.