Why not to 'comply'. Or 'shit I trusted a snake again '.

The local CCW game as it relates to MJ patients is your signature on the application that contains a baring disclaimer as to the use of Schedule I Controlled Substances ...

Same issue when you go to buy a firearm that requires you to answer a question yes or no if using schedule 1 substance....

This is why I was hoping that my FL CWL would save me, but since MI doesn't recognize out of state licenses possessed by residents I got fucked out of that :(
The authors of this child book are from Michigan

edit: that wasn't an insult by the way, say Colbert cover this the other day.


I don't see what this has to do with my question. Some states have independent legislation on open carry and some have open carry simply because there is no law that prohibits it.
Yeah I can't say I missed what you were asking.Just sharing that book, that I thought was a little crazy. Heres MSP legal updates on the subject if you want to sift through them. http://michiganopencarry.org/?q=msplegalupdates
Prodigal Son should be able to answer this one for you.

Thank you had the info I was looking for.

"In Michigan, it is legal for a person to carry a
firearm in public as long as the person is
carrying the firearm with lawful intent and the
firearm is not concealed. You will not find a law
that states it is legal to openly carry a firearm. It
is legal because there is no Michigan law that
prohibits it; however, Michigan law limits the
premises on which a person may carry a
firearm. "
In looking at my assorted firearms (besides the pistols) I have never signed anything that had anything to do with a schedule 1 substance.



http://sheriffconnect.com/files/applications/CPL Application.pdf

"B. Federal Requirements
Pursuant to MCL 28.426, a Concealed Pistol License may not be issued to a person prohibited under federal law from
possessing or transporting a firearm. The federal requirements to possess or transport a firearm include that the applicant:
1. Not have been convicted in any court of, or under indictment for, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding
one year (e.g. felony or misdemeanor punishable by 2 years).
2. Not be a fugitive of justice.
3. Not be an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any controlled substance, as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances
Act (21 U.S.C. 802). "
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The first rule of talking to police is.... DON'T!
-I haven't commited any crime and I do not intend on commiting any crime, am I under arrest officer?

-Am I free to go about my travel unmolested or are you stopping me from continuing my travel freely?

-I'm sorry but I was always taught by police family members that I should never answer police questions, therfore I choose to exercise my right to remain silent.

-I understand you are just doing your job sir/ma'am but I do not consent to a search. I feel my privacy is being violated and disrespected and I refuse to consent to a search.

-Am I free to go officer?

if not......

-I have nothing to say without my attorney present.

NEVER say anything more than that^

The trick is to act as a law abiding citizen who takes the constitution very seriously. It's usually a bad idea to just say "I do not give permission to search my car". That tends to give an officer a burning firey desire to get into your vehicle or residence because they think you are hiding something illegal and they think they can be the awesome cop who managed to fool you into letting him make way past your constitutional rights. The whole trick is to remain calm and assertive, yet stay respectful just like anybody who takes their rights very seriously, yet has nothing to worry about, would behave. Thats why I just say "Sorry officer, I understand you're just doing your job, and I respect you immensely for keeping me and my family safe, but I was always taught by my law enforcement family members to never answer police questions unless I am the victim, and I take my constitutional rights very seriously and I do not answer questions from police". You have to stroke their ego a bit without submitting to their demands.

It's probably best to just stay silent and stick with the words "Am I free to go, or am I under arrest?" and "I do not consent to a search" without all the extra stuff I added in, but it's easy for a cop to say he had probably cause because you were acting very suspicious. If you come across as a concerned law abiding citizen who will not allow his rights to be infringed, you will be told to have a nice day, go ahead and leave. Not everyone can say those things without coming off as being paranoid and worried, but I think I have very good social skills after studying so much psychology and body language, enough so that I feel safe and comfortable with this approach. If you have never had to deal with police grilling tactics, or you are unsure how you would behave in a potentially bad police interaction, just stay silent! Do not try the things I have said above! Just stick with:

-Am I under arrest?

-Am I free to go?

-I do not answer questions

-I do not consent to any searches

JUST DO NOT TRY TO TALK YOUR WAY OUT! It may seem like a good idea at the time, but more often than not, you will just incriminate yourself and arouse suspicion/probable cause for a search!

Also, NEVER open the door for police unless they have a warrant, and even then, if the cops are about to bust down your door to get in, just lie down face down and put your hands on the back of your head! Doing so may just save you from being shot and killed by a cop.

Also, once a cop hands you a ticket or citation YOU ARE FREE TO GO! Cops like to hand over the ticket without telling you that you are free to leave at that point, then they will try to get you to admit guilt to something else or give them probable cause. If a cop hands you a ticket and starts asking you more questions in an attempt to build a false friendly rapport, just ask "Am I free to go officer?" and leave when he says yes. Do not say anything more.

If a cop disregards your rights and carries out an unconstitutional search and arrest, DO NOT INTERFERE OR RESIST! It will probably make you extremely angry to be the victim of a corrupt cop but if you have made it very clear that you wish to exercise your rights and the cop decides to violate your rights, the case will be thrown out of court and dismissed, but if you resist or interfere with a police officer, even if you are in the right, you will surely serve a prison sentence!

Running from police on foot is a misdemeanor but running from police in a motor vehicle is a felony! Never run from police in a vehicle! You probably shouldn't run on foot either but only you know what you want to do.

The excuse of "That isn't mine, it belongs to my friend" or "Some dude left that in my car but I dont know his name" NEVER works! Just exercise your right to remain silent! If you manage to avoid giving police enough information to prove your guilt, there is a good chance that your attorney can figure out a way to get you out of it in court. You may go to jail anyway, but if you played your cards right, you can probably have your case dismissed in court.


It should be a requirement for any potential patients under your care to study the following videos very thoroughly. I give every patient who registers with me, a copy of these videos and I emphasize that it is EXTREMELY important that they watch and study them. I even give them a bit of a pop quiz after they have told me they watched them, just to make sure they internalized the concepts that are discussed. These are two of the most important and valuable videos somebody could ever watch and study in this industry. I promise you, you will not be disappointed by watching them all the way to the end. Do yourself the favor of taking the time to watch, you will probably save yourself your freedom and stop your life from being ruined some day over a harmless plant.

And finally, never forget.....YOU ARE LITERALLY DOING NOTHING WRONG! Just because society says it is bad, does not mean it is bad. You are not a bad person for growing or consuming cannabis, never let anybody convince you otherwise! You should do what you know in your heart to be right and stay away from the things you know in your heart to be wrong!

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So iam confused,are we allowed to own firearms being a patient or care giver ? I thought you were not allowed to own any firearms if you were a patient/caregiver.
So iam confused,are we allowed to own firearms being a patient or care giver ? I thought you were not allowed to own any firearms if you were a patient/caregiver.

It depends on where you live and the LEO interpretation of the law. I know in Oakland county they are supposedly ok with patients owning firearms, but believe concealed carrying a firearm is illegal.

For non patient caregivers is where it gets really tricky, because then technically they are not cannabis users on paper.

Whatever your status if they raid you and you are not in compliance be prepared to have firearm charges on top of any drug charges.
It depends on where you live and the LEO interpretation of the law. I know in Oakland county they are supposedly ok with patients owning firearms, but believe concealed carrying a firearm is illegal.

For non patient caregivers is where it gets really tricky, because then technically they are not cannabis users on paper.

Whatever your status if they raid you and you are not in compliance be prepared to have firearm charges on top of any drug charges.
Thank you for the reply,I live in wayne county but will be moving toward the jackson area.
I still have firearms, which are NOT illegal to own or possess. just carrying them on person or concealed is a no-no. apparently their thinking is if you have medical mj on your possession AND and firearm, your considered a thug/gangster/out to do no good in the community. when all im trying to do is stop the thugs/gangsters/no good doers from doing harm to my family and myself.

The cops live for collars and charges, justified or not. Welcome to the incorporated policing of America; BRING CASH! :)