just realised. im 33 tomoz LOL
sometimes u can appear as one of the more serious members then u say things like that hHaPersonally i think its fricking alien sharks with fricking lasers attached to their fricking heads
the last year I was adamant I was a yr younger than I actually was till the missus burst my bubble, the dirt box bitch that she ismorning.
just realised. im 33 tomoz LOL
lol i was 33 a few weeks bkmorning.
just realised. im 33 tomoz LOL
lol mad how you forget ya birthdays as you get older, my son n only niece are both born on my birthday im totally forgotten lol
yeh i was kinda upset i noticed the day before, i wanted to NOT remeebr and then like the 25th think fuk yeh was my birthday.
dunno why.
shhhhhhhh dont tell nobody, i may take my exo down tomorrow as a prezzie, and i best buy sum lube for the misus, gunna be balls deep yo! lmfso
that nothing man I was stoned in bed the last night n the missus asks when's our anniversary then follows with when's her bday..went totally blank n still can't remember...shes was not one bit pleased, still have to remember it lolbunch of old bastards!
I'm 33 on saturday and I also have an issue with being a year out whenever anyone asks, ffs lol. folks think you're a reet numpty when ya can't even mind on what year you were born. that said anyone i give two shits about knows my memory is fucked.
dirt box bitchesI'm not down with ur hip abbreviations, what's dbb? Sounds like a wrestling move...OMG HERE COMES STONE COLD WITH A DBB!