Cig Quitters

I love to see people kicking the nasty habit. Been out the game for about 4 years now...I always hated breathing in 2nd hand smoke as a kid and always said I would never smoke. Then came highschool, I would like to catch that buzz after a nice smoke sesh or have a butt while drinking. Eventually I was smoking because I needed to and getting no pleasure. Having to go out in the cold just to smell like shit and get rid of a headache. Luckily I wanted out in the first few years. (I started to get up over a pack a day and knew I didn't want to pay all that money all my life). First I used Chantix wich really worked good, just had some crazy ass dreams. Went back momentarily but stayed strong "cold turkey" after that. Every 2 years I consider myself 5,000$ richer!!! plus I quit coffee and alcohol wich are hard to keep going without cigs.
I learned the following from reading a psychologist's research report a long time ago. It seems to make sense, so you all might be interested. I'll tell an abbreviated version of the story.

When we begin using tobacco and finally slip into addiction, we create associations between nicotine and certain parts of our lives. For example, I always had a chew, dip, or smoke first thing in the morning, while riding my ATV, while fishing, whenever I visited my bro-in-law, and while watching sports. And others as well. Loosely, these can be referred to as "chains" that we must eventually break.

So, when you first quit tobacco, the first thing you encounter is the hell of withdrawal. It takes your body 3 days after last consumption to rid itself of nicotine (longer for overweight people, since nicotine is stored in fat cells in our body). So the peak of "withdrawal hell" takes place the moment your body is completely rid of nicotine. In my case it was 3 days. And it slowly gets better from there. And eventually, the struggle becomes more mental than physical. And that's where the notion of "chains" begins to make sense.

In my case, I had won the physical battle within 30 days. But then I went fishing, which is an activity I had always associated with nicotine. And guess what? I instantly had a major craving. Not a physical craving, but a mental craving. It was a chain that had to be broken, and that first fishing trip did it. Every subsequent fishing trip was normal with no cravings.

But then I went riding my ATV with friends. And guess what? I had another major craving. But just on that trip. I broke that chain, and never had major cravings again while riding my ATV.

The same scenario played out whenever I did anything the first time post-quit that I had always associated with tobacco. Especially the first time I visited my bro-in-law's house, which is where we had always drank beer and smoked cigs all night long on many occasions. Damn that first trip there was hard. I wanted a cig so bad. But once that chain was broken, I never have a problem going over there again.

The most successful quitters are those that know what to expect in every phase of their quit. Knowledge is power. That's why it usually takes hard-core nicotine addicts several quit attempts before they succeed. Hopefully the above will help you realize that most post-quit cravings last only a short time if you resist.
Good going Sunni! You going cold turkey?

I've been smoking an ecig like a fiend which kinda seems counterproductive but hey, it's a
day 3? sucks without smokes :c

Congrats. You've come too far to go back now. 3 days is GOOD. Your hardest 3 days are over with. Add just one more day to that. Then one more, and another, etc. One day at a time sunni. You're gonna make it this time.
Another stressf day here I guess the water company shut off the water on my entire street for 3 days without notifying anyone so I'm extremely fustrated I can't live at home is about do anything for a smoke right now
Another stressf day here I guess the water company shut off the water on my entire street for 3 days without notifying anyone so I'm extremely fustrated I can't live at home is about do anything for a smoke right now
That's fucked up about your water. Hang in there, you got this!!
Ok, so full disclosure Rosey. I just smoked a cig.

Had a stressful day at work but was doing ok with the ecig. Came home and decided to take some valium, smoke a blunt and try and reset a bit. Not a chance, friend calls me drunk, his fathers not well and was wondering what I'm up to. Fucker seemed pretty sober on the phone, now I've just spent the last 2 hours listening to his worries and drunken ramblings. Bummed a smoke off him I'm afraid :( it was the only way.
Ok, so full disclosure Rosey. I just smoked a cig.

Had a stressful day at work but was doing ok with the ecig. Came home and decided to take some valium, smoke a blunt and try and reset a bit. Not a chance, friend calls me drunk, his fathers not well and was wondering what I'm up to. Fucker seemed pretty sober on the phone, now I've just spent the last 2 hours listening to his worries and drunken ramblings. Bummed a smoke off him I'm afraid :( it was the only way.
Its all good brother. We're here for support, not babysitting ;) I refuse for this to become one of those groups where people criticize each other for slipping. Fuck that :). Full disclosure right? I had a few myself but that doesn't mean I'm a lost cause. Like you, I found myself in a similar state when my ex showed his true colors a couple days ago. Its all good though, I know a lot more now..and information is power ;)
Ok, so full disclosure Rosey. I just smoked a cig.

Had a stressful day at work but was doing ok with the ecig. Came home and decided to take some valium, smoke a blunt and try and reset a bit. Not a chance, friend calls me drunk, his fathers not well and was wondering what I'm up to. Fucker seemed pretty sober on the phone, now I've just spent the last 2 hours listening to his worries and drunken ramblings. Bummed a smoke off him I'm afraid :( it was the only way.

No problem. Kick yourself for a day, then forgive yourself and begin planning your next quit. Keep at it, and you'll eventually make it.
Ecig all day in wrk. Found myself getting a little irritable if I'm honest but this doob is helping with mood no end.

How's everyone else getting on?
Ok, so full disclosure Rosey. I just smoked a cig.

Had a stressful day at work but was doing ok with the ecig. Came home and decided to take some valium, smoke a blunt and try and reset a bit. Not a chance, friend calls me drunk, his fathers not well and was wondering what I'm up to. Fucker seemed pretty sober on the phone, now I've just spent the last 2 hours listening to his worries and drunken ramblings. Bummed a smoke off him I'm afraid :( it was the only way.

Oh man, blunts were a no no for me when I quit. Its pretty much smoking with a thin layer of cig...are you just converting to e-cigs or actually trying to save money and quit all together?
Oh man, blunts were a no no for me when I quit. Its pretty much smoking with a thin layer of cig...are you just converting to e-cigs or actually trying to save money and quit all together?

Haha, yeah just keeping he nicotine addiction going really.

Still want to smoke good ole combustible joints at the wkend and occasional nights and stick to ecigs the rest of the time. Don't know how realistic this is
It is healthier, but the #1 motivator for me was the money. I was 19-20ish when I quit, I didn't give a shit about my health, I was just sick of spending my loot on something that truly brought me no pleasure besides headache relief. But after I did stop I couldn't believe how much better my lungs felt, I couldn't remember the last time I could take a full deep breath without coughing up a loogie.
Ecig all day in wrk. Found myself getting a little irritable if I'm honest but this doob is helping with mood no end.

How's everyone else getting on?
Doing okay. Still using my ecig, trying to stay stoned as much as possible.. LOL

Glad to hear from everyone. We got this y'all ;)