Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Well-Known Member
You seem to know an awful lot about all that. Why you rubbing that shit on your arm, anyway?

Do you think it will help you, Freud.

Spare us the demo. We get it.


Well-Known Member
Israhell is a parasite that lives off US tax payers, the minute US dollars stop they are finished, give them a few more years at best
Unfortunately in the good old USA whose politicians, every time a rich Jew is around, hit their knees, and open their mouths to inhale that Kosher pickle. They will never stop coughing up tax payers dollars, because it costs them nothing to do so. Do a search on what it has cost the US in cash to support those mother fuckers, just in their attack on Gaza. Last time I checked it was $250,000,000 in emergency funds, not counting the cost of resupply of ordinance used. This war has cost the US DOUBLE what it has cost Israel. The US paid for this assault, but the stupid American public said go right ahead, while American cities like Detroit burn to the ground., still trying to recover from the Great Recession. So, Israel will be around for a long time, because Americans love getting fucked in the ass, as long as an Israeli is doing it.


Well-Known Member
The USA manages the Camp David Accords.

Tell us why that major treaty is bad.
Like Oslo? The Israelites have ignored a major proponent of each accord, that is to stop expansion into disputed territories. They, the accords, are fucking useless, as we see every day. That is one reason Hamas has an excuse to launch rockets. The PLO has tried to sit at a table with those cocksuckers, only to have MORE settlements built than ever in an equal time last year. Israel, like fucking always, say's poor, poor, pitiful fucking me, while ignoring every treaty ever signed, using the excuse of terrorist acts committed by people on their knees. I am tired right now, and need to smoke one and take a nap. Good night all, and fuck Israel.


Well-Known Member
I think we are well aware of your hate by now.
Yea, you can probably say that. I fucking hate Zionists. Fascist as they are in reality. A shitload of Jews happen to believe the same thing, so as long as you understand that, I am not alone. I fucking hate racists also, but Israel is a secular society, right? (I'M LAUGHING RIGHT NOW)


Well-Known Member
Like Oslo? The Israelites have ignored a major proponent of each accord, that is to stop expansion into disputed territories. They, the accords, are fucking useless, as we see every day. That is one reason Hamas has an excuse to launch rockets. The PLO has tried to sit at a table with those cocksuckers, only to have MORE settlements built than ever in an equal time last year. Israel, like fucking always, say's poor, poor, pitiful fucking me, while ignoring every treaty ever signed, using the excuse of terrorist acts committed by people on their knees. I am tired right now, and need to smoke one and take a nap. Good night all, and fuck Israel.
Israel has a land dispute and it gives Palestine the right to shell innocent civilians? Women and Children??

And then Israel retaliates and it is their fault that Palestinians die?

You keep excusing the bad behavior on one side yet hold the other side responsible.

Do you realize that your position cannot bring peace?


Well-Known Member
Israel has a land dispute and it gives Palestine the right to shell innocent civilians? Women and Children??

And then Israel retaliates and it is their fault that Palestinians die?

You keep excusing the bad behavior on one side yet hold the other side responsible.

Do you realize that your position cannot bring peace?
stop getting talking points from faox news moron