Ebola victims heading for USA


Well-Known Member
Ok, we have 2 American citizens that have contracted Ebola and now the CDC plans to fly them from Africa to America. I am not sure what is on the other networks but Fox News is covering it pretty heavily with interviews from doctors saying the chance of transmission is minimal and there is no real risk.

However, they are being flown 1 at a time in a special isolation plane.

And I keep thinking of the movie series Alien, Aliens, etc where the company keeps trying to bring a live alien back to earth regardless of the danger.

So, does any of you believe one fucking word out of the CDC?? Are these a bunch of mad fuckers just itching to get their hands on the live virus??
Obama is obviously trying to infect the rest of the country with this disease.

I dont think Obama has anything to do with it. What I am wondering is what is the benefit to the public for flying these people back into the united states? Couldnt we fly some people and/or equipment out to meet them somewhere? I am not strictly against it, I am just asking questions....
Ebola is not airborne

Ebola has a hard time spreading because when you contract it you die very quickly and do not have time to spread it around.
I dont think Obama has anything to do with it. What I am wondering is what is the benefit to the public for flying these people back into the united states? Couldnt we fly some people and/or equipment out to meet them somewhere? I am not strictly against it, I am just asking questions....
If Ebola were airborne I'd say nuke west Africa.

As it is, we can bring these people here to give them a fighting chance without significant risk to anyone who doesn't take it of their own will.

The only risk would be if the plane were shot down over a populated area and the bodies of the infected were splattered onto people.
If Ebola were airborne I'd say nuke west Africa.

As it is, we can bring these people here to give them a fighting chance without significant risk to anyone who doesn't take it of their own will.

The only risk would be if the plane were shot down over a populated area and the bodies of the infected were splattered onto people.

I agree they keep saying that it only affects people like that but we have 700 people dead.

My original question which nobody actually answered was... Do you trust the Center for Disease Control??
Ok, we have 2 American citizens that have contracted Ebola and now the CDC plans to fly them from Africa to America. I am not sure what is on the other networks but Fox News is covering it pretty heavily with interviews from doctors saying the chance of transmission is minimal and there is no real risk.

However, they are being flown 1 at a time in a special isolation plane.

And I keep thinking of the movie series Alien, Aliens, etc where the company keeps trying to bring a live alien back to earth regardless of the danger.

So, does any of you believe one fucking word out of the CDC?? Are these a bunch of mad fuckers just itching to get their hands on the live virus??

will they be coming through the mexican border, too?

Viruses don't replicate, they recode host cells to produce copies of the virus.

we're both correct from wiki:

Viral replication is the formation of biological viruses during the infection process in the target host cells. Viruses must first get into the cell before viral replication can occur.
I agree they keep saying that it only affects people like that but we have 700 people dead.

My original question which nobody actually answered was... Do you trust the Center for Disease Control??
I don't trust the death count. I think it is probably higher. This out break started 3 months ago or there about.

Many people there have witch doctors and shit, right?

I'd imagine many victims stay in their jungle hut villages and do their witch doctor things in stead of going to the big cities and western doctors.

That time frame, the almost certain death rate, with just 700 people, I bet it's more.

That being said, the above is an uninformed opinion.