Ebola victims heading for USA

The reason it has spread is cultural and has to do with the family bathing the dead. It is also made worse by the mistaken cause and effect when they see the foreign aid workers enter the area and blame their presence and western medicine for the virus.
The reason it has spread is cultural and has to do with the family bathing the dead. It is also made worse by the mistaken cause and effect when they see the foreign aid workers enter the area and blame their presence and western medicine for the virus.

good thinking! many cultures bathe the dead with their bare hands no protective gear.
The reason it has spread is ignorance cultural and has to do with the family bathing the dead. It is also made worse by the mistaken cause and effect when they see the only motherfuckers with half a clue foreign aid workers enter the area and blame their presence and western medicine for the virus.

Well.........choose your poison........ 1000's of poor Latino kids coming over the border with
Disease's we're not aware of.........or 2 white people with the Ebola virus.....?
It's the old 6 of one half dozen of the other!!
Well.........choose your poison........ 1000's of poor Latino kids coming over the border with
Disease's we're not aware of.........or 2 white people with the Ebola virus.....?
It's the old 6 of one half dozen of the other!!

i was watching fox news this morning try to make hay out of these "disease ridden" kids from central america.

kinda hard for them to get shock value out of chicken pox and scabies though.

so then they tried the "future gang members" angle, but kinda tough to do that since these kids are fleeing gang infested nations.

anyone else have any bright ideas on how to demonize little hispanic kids?
Unless you are in one of the states that don't have a state run exchange, then it wouldn't be "free".

if you had a modicum of intellegience you would have read between the presidents lines and understood what to do..which is why i have ACA and others in my state do not.

if you had a modicum of intellegience you would have read between the presidents lines and understood what to do..which is why i have ACA and others in my state do not.

Soon to end due to court ruling. Just in time for the mutated Ebola pandemic.
if you had a modicum of intellegience you would have read between the presidents lines and understood what to do..which is why i have ACA and others in my state do not.


If Florida doesn't have its own state run exchange you can still get ACA, you just can't get welfare to pay for it. :cry:
If Florida doesn't have its own state run exchange you can still get ACA, you just can't get welfare to pay for it. :cry:
Recent court rulings disagree whether current Federal subsidies are legal. Probably not. Recipients may be required to return the subsidies they have already received. I can hear Schuylaar screaming already. Don't think you can plead poverty. The IRS will be collecting it. By-by welfare check, student loan, Pell grant, tax refund, social security.