Well-Known Member
At work we call that a BUTT sandwich, because it's full of shit.
That would explain why you've got something stuck up your ass. Sounds like you work in the adult entertainment industry as a bottom.
At work we call that a BUTT sandwich, because it's full of shit.
Apart from the immediate problems they face with Israel, FATAH/PLO and HAMAS have been the parties vying for political control for a while now, feelings of disillusionment and disgust must run high added to the conditions they're faced with daily.
That is an excuse, not an argument.
Jihad thrives off the excuses of the Infidel and that is a fact.
This is my point.
The PALESTINIANS need to stop this war if they want peace. What I mean is that they need to rise up and eject HAMAS from their territory. They need to disown the motive of destroying Israel and they have to be willing to live peacefully. I know this is not likely to happen but that is what must happen.
Israel is in it's own country and BEING ATTACKED!!! They have nowhere to go. They cannot leave. They are not the aggressor. Israel has a right to defend itself and it's people. That is a natural right that any country has.
HAMAS has broken the latest truce by using a suicide bomber and capturing an Israeli soldier hours after the truce had begun. What do you want???
Go home old man, you're drunk
A) Israel ain't in it's own country.
B) Redcoats said the same once upon a time
Hamas, 90 minutes into the supposed truce, kidnaped a Israeli soldier and killed 2 others. Now, that will change things in Gaza, for the better I hope. Maybe now the Israelis will slow down on lobbing shells because they might hit their own guy, instead of civilians.
Yep, nothing to say so it chafes at its lack of mentality.
Most everyone could doubtlessly run circles around you in every way imaginable.
BTW, Sharia law is banned in the USA. Lots of evidence now the Independent Courts in this land intend to continue to ignore it.
It will never get the least bit of standing. The Branches protect their turf.
Jihad is after you.
A) Israel ain't in it's own country.
B) Redcoats said the same once upon a time
What can i do to protect myself from jihad? grow up to be a xenophobic bigot like yourself?
It is not in it's own country because it has to stop the rocket attacks and tunneling.
It has to be in Gaza because the Palestinians wont act to stop the terrorists from shooting rockets from their front yard.
I have no idea what the redcoats have to do with this...
What do they stop the terrorists with? They can't even get a4 paper in and HAMAS isn't arming the people they're killing.
While the US says stand up and stop the terrorists, it's well aware civilians have nothing to stop them with.
There is only one country there, and when Isreal was in Gaza it was prosperous. But HAMAS has them as war slaves.
If you love it so, how about moving there? Nice seaside, local. Plenty of sunshine. Only occasionally cloudy with cordite. They hang you with wire from a light post, but that is really the only problem.
I've sold a lot of real estate and I can tell you this is steal....by HAMAS.
There are two countries there you fucking idiot. Yeah I'd consider moving to Israel god must have a house and land package for me too