Use of the word "honky"?!


Well-Known Member
So, I have a feeling im opening up a can with this one, but it is a really interesting topic i think should be discussed.

What is your opinion of the use of this word? When starting this thread I hesitated to even post the actual word in the title and star it out, but this is for discussion purposes.

Lets hear your opinions, is it right for non-whites to use this word?

is it hypocritical for whites to use the word and expect other races not too? Im not going to begin with input, im hoping this'll be an intelligent discussion/debate. Debate on friends:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
im white an use it all the time honkey is my shit i use it for my n word some times i call it the h word


Well-Known Member
Im a black man but i cant be racist against whites & i'll tell ya why,i grew up in an all white neighborhood,lil white kids used to call me sambo,i hated that shit & cried like a baby,i used to watch the lil white kids eating their caviar & truffels, while all i had was a catfish head to eat,i cried like a baby,after gym class in the shower all the white kids would snap me on the ass with their polo shirts,i cried like a baby

I know how it feels to be an outcast:cry:


Well-Known Member
That is a sad story, hard for some young folks to imagine. I have always considered it a complement if an african american calls me a honky. I usually tell them imafreakinamerican too. Starts lots of good dialog when everyone knows we are equal. VV


Well-Known Member
It is just a word. All words are just sounds interpeted. People should stop getting offended by the "sounds" another person makes. If you know who you are and what you are, why would some lunatics babbling "sounds" affect what you think. The reality on this planet we call earth is that there is only one race of humans. They are called PEOPLE!!!! Dig deep in your minds and see if you can grasp that concept. Life is to short to carry around negative feelings and stupid thought patterns. All that energy can be used toward something enjoyable like life. Free your mind and your ass will follow!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
who uses the word never even heard black people say honky, Ive heard alot "white boy'" and cracker


Well-Known Member
If someone wants to use the term, they should be allowed to do so. As offensive as a word may be, they are protected by the 1st Amendment.


Well-Known Member
Im a black man but i cant be racist against whites & i'll tell ya why,i grew up in an all white neighborhood,lil white kids used to call me sambo,i hated that shit & cried like a baby,i used to watch the lil white kids eating their caviar & truffels, while all i had was a catfish head to eat,i cried like a baby,after gym class in the shower all the white kids would snap me on the ass with their polo shirts,i cried like a baby

I know how it feels to be an outcast:cry:

i'm white and got snapped in the ass by white boys. go figure.

i wore safeway shoes while everyone else had Nike's. go figure.

my sisters used to tease me for hours on end. i cried A LOT. go figure.

is it really a color thing or are some people just mean? if it wasn't your skin color it would be your haircut. if it's not your haircut it's the clothes you are wearing. and on and on and on.

is there really a reality where everyone gets along? even at home, living with those you love, you have battles.

i can't think of any word that i would be offended by. not a one.

whaaaaaaaaaa, he called me a name. :evil:




Well-Known Member
OMG a spinoff of the "N" word thread. Or is this really serious? Cant be real, who really gives 2 shits about the word honky? Raise your hand if your offended by this word so I can kick your uncle tom cracker ass honky!


Well-Known Member
Its funny how in this forum, the matter is really being discussed but in the "Use of the word "nigger" forum there were just alot of idiots thinking of new, different, "fun", i am not racist way of calling black people derogitory.... say hmmm whats more hurtful being call a nigger or a jigaboo...... To me use of either word is offensive and ignorant and cause for you to get put in a triangle choke........


Well-Known Member
Im a black man but i cant be racist against whites & i'll tell ya why,i grew up in an all white neighborhood,lil white kids used to call me sambo,i hated that shit & cried like a baby,i used to watch the lil white kids eating their caviar & truffels, while all i had was a catfish head to eat,i cried like a baby,after gym class in the shower all the white kids would snap me on the ass with their polo shirts,i cried like a baby

I know how it feels to be an outcast:cry:
I am sorry for your experience. And ashamed. This is especially shameful for a child to be forced to endure such abuse. Hopefully we are moving past such horrible experiences as a matter of routine.

Although words like 'honkey' and 'cracker' do not have the same impact as other words, they are offensive.

I would like to think we as a society are evolving past such stereotypical labels based on race alone.


Well-Known Member
is there really a reality where everyone gets along? even at home, living with those you love, you have battles. i can't think of any word that i would be offended by. not a one.
whaaaaaaaaaa, he called me a name. :evil:

As long as nobody is attempting to put their hands on me i could give 2 shits less what fly's out of their mouth.


Well-Known Member
people use these words to provoke the ignorant. Ignorant people would put someone in a triangle choke for example if called a name they don't like. That's the point of calling names is to provoke the person into a fight or otherwise escalate the situation.

If you react with violence to a word, you lose. If you use hateful words to get someone to react with violence, you lose.


Well-Known Member
i enjoy being called "cracker", a friend of mine whom is black calls me it all the time and i call him "graham" he laughs as hard as i do.. )


Well-Known Member
Its stupid when people.... adults start making idiotic comments like"do you think porch monkey or nigger is worst and post pic of Katina victims for comedy.... YES at that time it isnt a discussion and YES its stupid....

you dont think that its something that should, can be discussed? i dont see how its stupid


Well-Known Member
Ignorant people usually dont detect the sarcasm.....

people use these words to provoke the ignorant. Ignorant people would put someone in a triangle choke for example if called a name they don't like. That's the point of calling names is to provoke the person into a fight or otherwise escalate the situation.

If you react with violence to a word, you lose. If you use hateful words to get someone to react with violence, you lose.