Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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wow....makum big laws. luvsem arabs. protect, protect.......

not one fucking sentence, protecting the mizrachi. not a fucking word. where is that in there?
1.2 million. half of Israels population came from the Middle East......... including Israel. not that it matters. Israel is the home of all Jews, and "one day we may be forced, to pull down the very pillars of humanity, before we allow even one Jew to be marched of to death."

abba eban

Yep not one fucking work about near east jews. Why? Because I couldn't give two fucks about which religion an individual subscribes to be it Jew, Muslim, Christian, whatever. That's not my business and it's why I'm a strong advocate for a "sea" of separation between church and state. Religion has not business in the political process, not now, not ever.

It's fuckwits like you and HAMAS that perpetuate the cycle of violence with your end time "pillars of humanity" garbage.

What I am deeply concerned about is Israels violations of the the Geneva Convention, International Law and Security Council resolutions. The humanitarian crisis it has created by blockading Gaza and it's treatment of Palestinian civilians.

We're told Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. By what standard?

Democracies don't act like Israel does in contravention to international laws/standards/norms.

Democracies have constitutions defining their land and borders.

Democracies don't use religious texts as constitutions - this results in inherent problems.

Why do I not expect the same from HAMAS? Because they are a designated terrorist organisation and made up of scum.

Israel may claim to be home to all Jews but they discriminate against arab jews too. The fact is Arab Jews in Israel are subject to institutional and societal discrimination.

The most significant human rights problems during the year were terrorist attacks against civilians; institutional and societal discrimination against Arab citizens, including the Bedouin, in particular in access to equal education and employment opportunities; societal discrimination against women; and the treatment of refugees, asylum seekers, and irregular migrants.

Other human rights problems included institutional and societal discrimination against non-Orthodox Jews and some minority religious groups, societal discrimination against persons with disabilities and Ethiopian Jews, and labor rights abuses against foreign workers

But religion is beside the point this is about Israels violation of human rights, its illegal occupation and subjugation of Palestinian civilians, its continued expansion of illegal settlements in total contrast to what the propaganda machine may say it stands for.
Israel yesterday destroyed the main power plant in Gaza, which provided most of the energy needed to run the hospitals, emergency shelters and water pump stations for over 75% of Gaza. It has been estimated that it will take at least a year to repair, even if Israel lifts the embargo which chokes off all construction material entering Gaza for over 7 years now. Israel deems concrete non-essential, and could be used for military purposes. What the fuck do they do now? We, the US, are so fucked by our unequivocal support of those bastard Israelis, at least in world opinion, that when the next suicide bomber attack a US embassy, we shouldn't wonder why. Keep on supporting those cocksuckers, and see where it gets us. I think in a deep pile of shit.
Israel yesterday destroyed the main power plant in Gaza, which provided most of the energy needed to run the hospitals, emergency shelters and water pump stations for over 75% of Gaza. It has been estimated that it will take at least a year to repair, even if Israel lifts the embargo which chokes off all construction material entering Gaza for over 7 years now. Israel deems concrete non-essential, and could be used for military purposes. What the fuck do they do now? We, the US, are so fucked by our unequivocal support of those bastard Israelis, at least in world opinion, that when the next suicide bomber attack a US embassy, we shouldn't wonder why. Keep on supporting those cocksuckers, and see where it gets us. I think in a deep pile of shit.

You can think that way but I think the opposite. If the kill numbers were the other way around you would be dancing in the street with your AK47 bouncing up and down. imo
Israel yesterday destroyed the main power plant in Gaza, which provided most of the energy needed to run the hospitals, emergency shelters and water pump stations for over 75% of Gaza. It has been estimated that it will take at least a year to repair, even if Israel lifts the embargo which chokes off all construction material entering Gaza for over 7 years now. Israel deems concrete non-essential, and could be used for military purposes. What the fuck do they do now? We, the US, are so fucked by our unequivocal support of those bastard Israelis, at least in world opinion, that when the next suicide bomber attack a US embassy, we shouldn't wonder why. Keep on supporting those cocksuckers, and see where it gets us. I think in a deep pile of shit.

It is 3 weeks into a war that Hamas started or continued depending upon how you look at it by raining rockets down on Israel. It doesnt matter what history is, what the geneva conventions are, what the UN thinks nor what treaties are supposed to be in place. When a nation is attacked it has the right to defend itself.

Hamas's platform is the destruction of Israel. Therefore, due to their actions and their platform they must be destroyed for Israel to survive.

The Palestinians voted Hamas into the government and allows them to attack Israel from the shelter of hospitals and schools and parades the dead for political purposes. By their own actions and by sheltering and housing the enemy they are complicit. If the palestinians dont like it they can seek refuge elsewhere. Isnt that what you liberals like to tell Americans that protest their government??

It isnt about land, it has never been about land. It is about the destruction of Israel and the Christian religion in the region.

You whine about construction embargo's while the Israeli's are uncovering dozens of tunnels dug into their country to allow for terrorist attacks...

I have yet to hear a Palestinian supporter call for an end to the shelling of Israel and peaceful talks... Until that happens I cant see the logic in siding with terrorists who are sheltered by the Palestinians.
It is 3 weeks into a war that Hamas started or continued depending upon how you look at it by raining rockets down on Israel. It doesnt matter what history is, what the geneva conventions are, what the UN thinks nor what treaties are supposed to be in place. When a nation is attacked it has the right to defend itself.

Hamas's platform is the destruction of Israel. Therefore, due to their actions and their platform they must be destroyed for Israel to survive.

The Palestinians voted Hamas into the government and allows them to attack Israel from the shelter of hospitals and schools and parades the dead for political purposes. By their own actions and by sheltering and housing the enemy they are complicit. If the palestinians dont like it they can seek refuge elsewhere. Isnt that what you liberals like to tell Americans that protest their government??

It isnt about land, it has never been about land. It is about the destruction of Israel and the Christian religion in the region.

You whine about construction embargo's while the Israeli's are uncovering dozens of tunnels dug into their country to allow for terrorist attacks...

I have yet to hear a Palestinian supporter call for an end to the shelling of Israel and peaceful talks... Until that happens I cant see the logic in siding with terrorists who are sheltered by the Palestinians.

I'm not so sure the election process in Palestine is what you'd be used to or expect in a western country. In recent months HAMAS' militant wing has made very clear it does not support the position held by the Palestinian Authority (ceasefire & unity government renouncing violence). Support is there for a ceasefire and two state solution from civilians and that seems to be growing.
Since Israel is just America-lite why don't we annex it, kinda like Puerto Rica, turn it secular and move right in. It seems to have some good looking beaches and we would probably get on a lot better with the neighbors than the current occupants.

I've always found Jewish women to be particularly uninhibited in the sack, so our new state could make a humdinger of a sex-destination kind of place.

I think everybody is a little tired of all of the wining coming out of Israel since, well, pretty much since around the time of David, so let's just get a move on with this annexing business 'cause I'd really love fuck an Israeli.

That is all lies. They are an organized democracy with 20% Arab citizen. They resemble France much more than the USA with the independent attitude and Parliamentarian govt.

So, just repeating the HAMAS lies, like Jim.
I hear you NX.

You have war-slave holders bent on Genocide and the total destruction of a Western Democracy and the victim is the bad guy. A bunch of baby thinkers and HAMAS driods on RIU.

It is just like blaming a woman when her husband beats her. She provoked it.

All I can say, if somebody had their boot on my neck, now for decades, I would sure as shit try to cut it off. That is what is going on, has been for a lot longer than Hamas even existed, and will continue to be the case until there is a place called home for the PEOPLE you refuse to call Palestinian. Say, and believe what you want, there will be no peace as long as the Chosen act like barbarians, and treat the indigenous people like dog's. Actually, worse, unless the dog is Korean. There, they eat them after the slaughter
All I can say, if somebody had their boot on my neck, now for decades, I would sure as shit try to cut it off. That is what is going on, has been for a lot longer than Hamas even existed, and will continue to be the case until there is a place called home for the PEOPLE you refuse to call Palestinian. Say, and believe what you want, there will be no peace as long as the Chosen act like barbarians, and treat the indigenous people like dog's. Actually, worse, unless the dog is Korean

But, that is not what is going on here. HAMAS has the boot on the neck of Gaza. HAMAS orchestrates the suffering of it's war slaves and calls for the destruction of a Western Democracy. They won't compromise on that. You won't ask the Muslim if they will compromise on Conquest.

So, you buy in.

Jim, you are new and don't know the details of the capitulation Zion has attempted with these Islamist dogs.

You don't dig into Israel's view point.

When Israel had Gaza it was beautiful. When HAMAS strong armed the poor war-slaves into "voting" them in, the Jews left. OK, fine.

The shit hole you see today, is HAMAS attempting to kill Israel.

You are new. This is an old conflict. There is only one Nation here and it has been under constant attack since Day 1, 1947.

How come you don't get it?
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But, that is not what is going on here. HAMAS has the boot on the neck of Gaza. HAMAS orchestrates the suffering of it's war slaves and calls for the destruction of a Western Democracy. They won't compromise on that. You won't ask the Muslim if they will compromise on Conquest.

So, you buy in.

Jim, you are new and don't know the details of the capitulation Zion has attempted with these Islamist dogs.

You don't dig into Israel's view point.

When Israel had Gaza it was beautiful. When HAMAS strong armed the poor war-slaves into "voting" them in, the Jews left. OK, fine.

The shit hole you see today, is HAMAS attempting to kill Israel.

You are new. This is an old conflict. There is only one Nation here and it has been under constant attack since Day 1, 1947.

How come you don't get it?
I get it. I have been getting it since the PLO attacked airliners and the Olympics in 1972. Maybe you are too young to remember that, to understand that unless there is a Palestinian state, there is NO CHANCE FOR PEACE. The US should have gotten the message on 9/11, but they didn't and still don't, just like you apparently. You say it's all the Muslim's fault that the world is at war in the Middle East. Bullshit, I say. It is at least an equal measure of Jewish and American policies that created Jihad, or the argument to even consider it. You are steadfast in the support of Israel, and that I can understand, probably because you are Jewish. That's OK, but I feel that the US should not foot the bill, or the rest of the world for that matter for Israel's actions. They HAVE TO STOP being WORSE, than the enemy they are fighting. That is the world's opinion, not just mine.
Too late to stop blowback. you reap what you sow,.

Blowback , pffft ! As some members allready know im married to a highly educated muslim woman with strong family ties to the region , My inlaws eat sleep & drink this issue for decades on end , to the point i have to get up & leave im so sick of hearing it but im worried about blowback from a forum , double pffftt !

A simple question that allways lies at the heart of any middle east US policy discussion was asked & you cant give an answer , that would be too easy & not leave you free to argue , you dont want to debate , you want to argue & throw google links around , like a link somehow makes you right , again pffft ! on your google wisdom , again i ask have you ever been to the region ? I have & people are different in person .

I asked two questions & you think im worried about blowback from google lecturers , my opinions on middle eastern affairs are based upon my visits to several countries in the region & my views are based on shit i saw 1st hand , as well as being married to a Lebanese woman for 30 plus yrs , you keep posting your links that bolster your stance, you'll show us the light about somewhere you've never been to .

If it weren't for Israel ( Happy now with my spelling Ms UB ) my wife & her entire family would of been murdered by Hezbollah death squads , her own fukin people .
I get it. I have been getting it since the PLO attacked airliners and the Olympics in 1972. Maybe you are too young to remember that, to understand that unless there is a Palestinian state, there is NO CHANCE FOR PEACE. The US should have gotten the message on 9/11, but they didn't and still don't, just like you apparently. You say it's all the Muslim's fault that the world is at war in the Middle East. Bullshit, I say. It is at least an equal measure of Jewish and American policies that created Jihad, or the argument to even consider it. You are steadfast in the support of Israel, and that I can understand, probably because you are Jewish. That's OK, but I feel that the US should not foot the bill, or the rest of the world for that matter for Israel's actions. They HAVE TO STOP being WORSE, than the enemy they are fighting. That is the world's opinion, not just mine.
I also support Kurdish autonomy, Armenian autonomy, South Sudanese independence. the US lends Israel 3B a year, which it spends at Weapons -R- Us; also known as Honeywell, Boeing, et al. we are the global masters of anti-missile tech and laser weaponry. gifts from the Yids.
its estimated that the tech we receive from Israel is valued at around 4B. where's our Pakistan dividend? Egyptian cooperation on our defense?"palestinian supporters" (Jew -haters), are the #2 reason a Jewish state is needed. we all know the 1st....................

israel has a right to defend themselves BUT all they have really done is slaughter civilians, more than 70% of the deaths in Gaza are CIVILIANS, of course Hamas sucks and they need to be stopped, it would be nice to see some precision by the Israelis instead of hitting UN shelters with woman and children in them, or those four little boys that died on the beach playing soccer? its clear Israel has targeted civilians or they are just shooting with their eyes closed
I also support Kurdish autonomy, Armenian autonomy, South Sudanese independence. the US lends Israel 3B a year, which it spends at Weapons -R- Us; also known as Honeywell, Boeing, et al. we are the global masters of anti-missile tech and laser weaponry. gifts from the Yids.
its estimated that the tech we receive from Israel is valued at around 4B. where's our Pakistan dividend? Egyptian cooperation on our defense?"palestinian supporters" (Jew -haters), are the #2 reason a Jewish state is needed. we all know the 1st....................

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and you are obviosly a plestinian hater and a jew supporter
You provided the proof that disproved your false ASSerstions.

Israel is indeed in violation of the 4th Geneva conventions, international law and multiple UNSCR.

Keep spinning your wheels though, your long winded responses are hilariously moronic

WOW, way to live up to the name of Grandmaster.
when fighting against spies saboteurs and assassins who wear no uniforms and hide among the populace, the geneva convention prpovides wide altitude for the occupying force

hence: NO TRIALS, because there is no crime.

if the pallies pursued their fight as dictated by the geneva convention, they MIGHT be able to make such claims but they dont so they cant.

if the israelis actually wanted to make a genocide or institute apartheid, or drive the pallies out to the arab nations THEY COULD, but they dont, so your narrative is nothing but sophistry.
I get it. I have been getting it since the PLO attacked airliners and the Olympics in 1972. Maybe you are too young to remember that, to understand that unless there is a Palestinian state, there is NO CHANCE FOR PEACE. The US should have gotten the message on 9/11, but they didn't and still don't, just like you apparently. You say it's all the Muslim's fault that the world is at war in the Middle East. Bullshit, I say. It is at least an equal measure of Jewish and American policies that created Jihad, or the argument to even consider it. You are steadfast in the support of Israel, and that I can understand, probably because you are Jewish. That's OK, but I feel that the US should not foot the bill, or the rest of the world for that matter for Israel's actions. They HAVE TO STOP being WORSE, than the enemy they are fighting. That is the world's opinion, not just mine.

HAMAS does not want peace.

So. wuddagonnado?
Israel yesterday destroyed the main power plant in Gaza, which provided most of the energy needed to run the hospitals, emergency shelters and water pump stations for over 75% of Gaza. It has been estimated that it will take at least a year to repair, even if Israel lifts the embargo which chokes off all construction material entering Gaza for over 7 years now. Israel deems concrete non-essential, and could be used for military purposes. What the fuck do they do now? We, the US, are so fucked by our unequivocal support of those bastard Israelis, at least in world opinion, that when the next suicide bomber attack a US embassy, we shouldn't wonder why. Keep on supporting those cocksuckers, and see where it gets us. I think in a deep pile of shit.
ya know who ELSE is blockading gaza?

EGYPT you fool.

egypt also recognizes that the gaza pallies are dangerous unstable lunatics.

if egypt actually had to take gaza back, they would institute the kind of pogrom you claim the israelis are doing, but it would be real, not a fiction crafted by pallie mouthpieces.
Not the USA nor Israel nor Russia nor EU nor China nor Iran want peace there.

The US should have gotten the message on 9/11...

...That is the world's opinion, not just mine.

so we should take lessons from terrorists, and submit to their demands if they pull off a scuccessful attack? sure, thats good thinking.

you can ensure new outrages every week with idiocy like that

and american policy is not determined by "world opinion"

it is set by AMERICAN opinion, and most of america doesnt agree with your cowardly chickenshit submission to terrorism.