Well-Known Member
wow....makum big laws. luvsem arabs. protect, protect.......
not one fucking sentence, protecting the mizrachi. not a fucking word. where is that in there?
1.2 million. half of Israels population came from the Middle East......... including Israel. not that it matters. Israel is the home of all Jews, and "one day we may be forced, to pull down the very pillars of humanity, before we allow even one Jew to be marched of to death."
abba eban
Yep not one fucking work about near east jews. Why? Because I couldn't give two fucks about which religion an individual subscribes to be it Jew, Muslim, Christian, whatever. That's not my business and it's why I'm a strong advocate for a "sea" of separation between church and state. Religion has not business in the political process, not now, not ever.
It's fuckwits like you and HAMAS that perpetuate the cycle of violence with your end time "pillars of humanity" garbage.
What I am deeply concerned about is Israels violations of the the Geneva Convention, International Law and Security Council resolutions. The humanitarian crisis it has created by blockading Gaza and it's treatment of Palestinian civilians.
We're told Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. By what standard?
Democracies don't act like Israel does in contravention to international laws/standards/norms.
Democracies have constitutions defining their land and borders.
Democracies don't use religious texts as constitutions - this results in inherent problems.
Why do I not expect the same from HAMAS? Because they are a designated terrorist organisation and made up of scum.
Israel may claim to be home to all Jews but they discriminate against arab jews too. The fact is Arab Jews in Israel are subject to institutional and societal discrimination.
The most significant human rights problems during the year were terrorist attacks against civilians; institutional and societal discrimination against Arab citizens, including the Bedouin, in particular in access to equal education and employment opportunities; societal discrimination against women; and the treatment of refugees, asylum seekers, and irregular migrants.
Other human rights problems included institutional and societal discrimination against non-Orthodox Jews and some minority religious groups, societal discrimination against persons with disabilities and Ethiopian Jews, and labor rights abuses against foreign workers
But religion is beside the point this is about Israels violation of human rights, its illegal occupation and subjugation of Palestinian civilians, its continued expansion of illegal settlements in total contrast to what the propaganda machine may say it stands for.