Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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I had a "doer" moment, minus the psychotropics

shitty photoshopping is the best argument you have made yet, which is to say, youre an idiot.
Where do you live , if you don't mind me asking? I live in CT, USA. I am a former Catholic, but after 12 years of Catholic school, am now an atheist. You seem to live in Israel. I just was wondering because you seem very adamant as to the correct path to peace is the annihilation of those pesky, supposed Palestinians. Oh, I forgot, there is no such people, right. I sort could understand your logic, if I was bigoted against Muslims, which seems to be a driving force in your life. They all suck, and the world would be better off without them. Tough shit, they are here to stay, so we better learn to play nice. They are a temperamental race when they are fucked with, pretty much like a Jew. Do you have any Muslim friends? I do, and I really don't like him as much as I do Saul, who happens to be Jewish. Maybe you should go visit a nice Moroccan or Lebanese restaurant to get associated with some Muslims. You don't seem to know any nice ones.

You Connecticut Yankees may not know where I live. You can seem and surmise to label, all you want.

And I do more to educate myself, than all you could even think of.
so where are the forced evacuations?
and when id the fighting stop, to allow these imaginary evacuees to return to their homes?

same shit as above.
only through the mental gymnastics of the pallies and their mouthpieces can you assert israel has broken this convention.
where is the "collective penalty"?
has israel rounded up and executed random pallies for fatah hezzbollah and hamas' actions?
youre retarded.
this one demonstrrates israel's RIGHT to defend itself against attacks.
youre an idiot.
funny how this is also irrelevant, and it's also not "international law" it is the rules of the UN secretariat, which is TOOTHLESS.

more repetition of worthless "declarations of principles"
this has nothing to do with israel's occupation.
that aint aparthied, no matter how desperately you wish it was.
yep, another failure.
israel has done extraordinary measures to try and prevent the pallies from killing each other and israelis, and they have done it gently, even allowing fatah and hezzbollah to create their own governments with their own armed troops

whenever the pallies get up to shenanigans, the lefties cry and wail over the entirely justified, and expected israeli response, because youre all fools.

if the pallies put down their rockets and stopped trying to push israel into the sea they could have their own homeland tomorrow

they could have had it many times in the past, but they want ALL of it, and that aint gonna happen.
Why do you write so badly? It would be more effective, I think, if you used proper English and spelling. You really should try.
Ask you pet Muslim if he will renounce the Conquest of all religions in the name of Allah.

Go ahead. Ask them. They are very oily on this question and you will probably never get a straight answer to such a simple question.

In'sha Allah. If God wills it is the best I've ever gotten as an answer. You would be uncomfortable to even press for an answer. So. you will never even get any answer, most likely.
... you seem very adamant as to the correct path to peace is the annihilation of those pesky, supposed Palestinians. .

Nice fail. You try to say this is extermination. But that is the HAMAS lie.

The fact is HAMAS will not abandon for ANY PRICE, that Israel will CEASE TO EXIST.

So, the genocide stance belongs to HAMAS.

Of course, you know that. So, that is why you a tap dancing, justification spew, for hating Jews.

Just like someone said recently about battered women....they Provoked it, right?

Nice fail. You try to say this is extermination. But that is the HAMAS lie.

The fact is HAMAS will not abandon for ANY PRICE, that Israel will CEASE TO EXIST.

So, the genocide stance belongs to HAMAS.

Of course, you know that. So, that is why you a tap dancing, justification spew, for hating Jews.

Just like someone said recently about battered women....they Provoked it, right?
One more time, I don't hate Jews. Steven Spielberg is great.
Two of the top Israeli historians on the subject are Benny Morris and Ilan Pappe try reading them, alot of this is newest and most accurate it comes from the most current British records.

If you want a can start posting this information, would you like to see what their own historian say

wasn't hamas founded in the 80's Israel was killing cvilians long before that, its another bullshit excuse from the phsycopathic israeli government
Ask you pet Muslim if he will renounce the Conquest of all religions in the name of Allah.

Go ahead. Ask them. They are very oily on this question and you will probably never get a straight answer to such a simple question.

In'sha Allah. If God wills it is the best I've ever gotten as an answer. You would be uncomfortable to even press for an answer. So. you will never even get any answer, most likely.
That is a very personal thing, and I never asked them their beliefs on a God. I just liked the Jew better. Point being, their opinions have no bearing on mine. I feel the Palestinians are getting fucked, the same as the rest of the world apparently thinks. That makes your opinion a very small portion of world wide opinion. Go ahead, as I'm sure you will, keep showing support for those murderous bastards. What's the latest body count up to now, 1500 to maybe 50? Israel is it's own worst enemy, as it's right wing government keeps driving world opinion of it into the dirt.
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Why do you write so badly? It would be more effective, I think, if you used proper English and spelling. You really should try.
if you want to criticize somebody, and have nothing more substantive than their spelling, you might want to ensure that their ARE misspelled words before you make the claim you clown.

my english is more than adequate and my spelling was fine, you idiotic dimwit.
Two of the top Israeli historians on the subject are Benny Morris and Ilan Pappe try reading them, alot of this is newest and most accurate it comes from the most current British records.

If you want a can start posting this information, would you like to see what their own historian say

wasn't hamas founded in the 80's Israel was killing cvilians long before that, its another bullshit excuse from the phsycopathic israeli government

the field of "Israeli Historians Who Want To See Israel Destroyed By The PLO" is a pretty small group, and the "Top Two" are also the "Bottom Two" since there are only 2 of them in the club

and the genesis of hamas is irrelevant, since fatah and the PLO have existed since the 1940's

thats like claiming that since the United Brotherhood of The Klans only formed in the 90's the KKK is just a lie created by the SPLC to defame the south.
if you want to criticize somebody, and have nothing more substantive than their spelling, you might want to ensure that their ARE misspelled words before you make the claim you clown.

my english is more than adequate and my spelling was fine, you idiotic dimwit.
careful......idiotic dimwits will file a defamation suit..........for being compared to professor Einstein, here.
Since Israel is just America-lite why don't we annex it, kinda like Puerto Rica, turn it secular and move right in. It seems to have some good looking beaches and we would probably get on a lot better with the neighbors than the current occupants.

I've always found Jewish women to be particularly uninhibited in the sack, so our new state could make a humdinger of a sex-destination kind of place.

I think everybody is a little tired of all of the wining coming out of Israel since, well, pretty much since around the time of David, so let's just get a move on with this annexing business 'cause I'd really love fuck an Israeli.
the field of "Israeli Historians Who Want To See Israel Destroyed By The PLO" is a pretty small group, and the "Top Two" are also the "Bottom Two" since there are only 2 of them in the club

and the genesis of hamas is irrelevant, since fatah and the PLO have existed since the 1940's

thats like claiming that since the United Brotherhood of The Klans only formed in the 90's the KKK is just a lie created by the SPLC to defame the south.

I would put them up against any Israeli historians you could come up with, they are focused on accuracy not like Joan Peters From Time Immemorial and Alan Dershowitz fairy tales

and the beginning of Hamas is relevant for Israel's justification of killing civilians mostly women and children and committing horrific war crimes
I would put them up against any Israeli historians you could come up with, they are focused on accuracy not like Joan Peters From Time Immemorial and Alan Dershowitz fairy tales

and the beginning of Hamas is relevant for Israel's justification of killing civilians mostly women and children and committing horrific war crimes

What is the political platform of Hamas?
A question for ALL sides of this arguement .

Does anybody here honestly think if the USA were to exclude itself from ALL middle eastern affairs that the area would become stable , settle all issues & disputes , and lastly not export violence worldwide ?

Too late to stop blowback. you reap what you sow,.