Well-Known Member
I doubt that.
I had a "doer" moment, minus the psychotropics
HAMAS. Gaza is HAMAS you fool.

I doubt that.
HAMAS. Gaza is HAMAS you fool.
Except having any power. Do you know how many crazy white guys there are out there??
As you accuse a lot of people being, I almost called you a fucking idiot because you get so caught up with the refusal that there is anything Palestinian, be it an area, or a people. LOOK IN THE DICTIONARY. It's listed , right, so therefore it exists. Or do you refute that. Oh, is my nom de guerre now Hamas? Cool.You feel sorry? You do not, Freud. You negated your intent with passive aggressive antisemitism.
- and that is a shame. Makes you wonder why though doesn't it?
- Maybe if the Jewish people didn't isolate themselves so much, which they always seem to do....
- there wouldn't be any excuse for anti Semitism.
Nice going HAMAS. That is the dogma of the Catholic Church. Irishman, you know it well.
Hey, HAMAS, just because a document calls the area, Palestine is nothing but politics. It doesn't make the people there, suddenly a Nation. It is just a modern version of Syria-Palistina. That is what the Romans called it.
ISIL calls the entire thing the Levant. So what?
You are an apologist for Islamist and will even deny that, as does HAMAS.
There is no such thing as a Palestinian. There has never been a nation of Palestine. This is a fight between Nation of Law against Sunni Jihad. We are also at war with Sunni Jihad and have been since the beginning of the USA. It why we we have a Navy.
It is why we have "Mission Accomplished" as a Navy Tradition.
As you accuse a lot of people being, I almost called you a fucking idiot because you get so caught up with the refusal that there is anything Palestinian, be it an area, or a people. LOOK IN THE DICTIONARY. It's listed , right, so therefore it exists. Or do you refute that. Oh, is my nom de guerre now Hamas? Cool.
As you accuse a lot of people being, I almost called you a fucking idiot because you get so caught up with the refusal that there is anything Palestinian, be it an area, or a people. LOOK IN THE DICTIONARY. It's listed , right, so therefore it exists. Or do you refute that. Oh, is my nom de guerre now Hamas? Cool.
I just think that if the US wasn't so obviously one sided, in the respect of our treatment of Israeli transgressions, such as the murdering those people on that Turkish ship that was sailing to Gaza last year to protest the embargo of Gaza, then maybe we wouldn't be such a high value target for Islamic extremists.A question for ALL sides of this arguement .
Does anybody here honestly think if the USA were to exclude itself from ALL middle eastern affairs that the area would become stable , settle all issues & disputes , and lastly not export violence worldwide ?
The video is probably a more palatable summary, but that link does lead to some decent research. I may have to read that first "tome" of his when it is published in English.Y'all should really read the link heckler posted.
War slaves? Like the father who just buried his son yesterday, and said that he was proud that he died defending Gaza? To this day, the overwhelming majority of the population that elected Hamas still support them, because Israel treats them worse. The embargo that has been going on for 7 years has driven them to desperation. Don't you fucking get it!They can call themselves skin heads or rag heads
It doesn't matter
Israel says today they will wipe out HAMAS and free the war slaves
That means you apologists for HAMAS will be free as well
I ain't apologizing for shit, broYes
There are not any in Gaza that are not war slaves of HAMAS
They are forced in this
While you apologize and blame Israel
I honestly think that at least there would be no ISISA question for ALL sides of this arguement .
Does anybody here honestly think if the USA were to exclude itself from ALL middle eastern affairs that the area would become stable , settle all issues & disputes , and lastly not export violence worldwide ?
Where do you live , if you don't mind me asking? I live in CT, USA. I am a former Catholic, but after 12 years of Catholic school, am now an atheist. You seem to live in Israel. I just was wondering because you seem very adamant as to the correct path to peace is the annihilation of those pesky, supposed Palestinians. Oh, I forgot, there is no such people, right. I sort could understand your logic, if I was bigoted against Muslims, which seems to be a driving force in your life. They all suck, and the world would be better off without them. Tough shit, they are here to stay, so we better learn to play nice. They are a temperamental race when they are fucked with, pretty much like a Jew. Do you have any Muslim friends? I do, and I really don't like him as much as I do Saul, who happens to be Jewish. Maybe you should go visit a nice Moroccan or Lebanese restaurant to get associated with some Muslims. You don't seem to know any nice ones.They can call themselves skin heads or rag heads
It doesn't matter
Israel says today they will wipe out HAMAS and free the war slaves
That means you apologists for HAMAS will be free as well
http://www.icrc.org/ihl/WebART/380-600056Breaches of Geneva conventions
Geneva Conventions IV, Article 49(6) (1949)
same shit as above.Geneva Convention IV, Articles 45, 46 & 49 (1949)
http://www.icrc.org/ihl/com/380-600038Geneva Conventions IV, Article 33 (1949); Geneva Conventions (Protocol I), Article 75(2d) (1977)
http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/chapter7.shtml- U.N. Charter, Article 2(4) & 51 (1945) Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations Principle 1
more repetition of worthless "declarations of principles"- U.N. Charter, Article 1 (1945) Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations, Principle 5
http://legal.un.org/avl/ha/cspca/cspca.html- International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (1976)
- Hague Regulations IV, Article 43 (1907).
Inserting Israel into the middle east at least 90 % of all middle eastern problems
No 911
No Iraq war
No Afghan war
No Syria civil war
and the list goes on and on and on
and the US tax dollar go on and on and on
hamas is sunni you fool.A) As Israel is a signatory the rules apply. I cannot make this any clearer. This is not even a point of contention.
B) HAMAS are adherents to militant Shia Islam, not Sunni islam (another doerism)