Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Oh, did you count her?

You back your claim. You can't say Conventions are being broken by Israel.. Their enemy wears no uniform, uses War-Slaves, and are an internationally recognized,Terror Org.

Their propaganda has you fooled. HAMAS has no standing to sign the Geneva Accords, nor does the PeePee Authority Joke.

And they sure do not follow a single one of the Conventions. Uniforms and rank, etc are required. Kidnapping citizens for ransom is a clear violation, for example.

The tunnel that snatched those three teenagers is a war crime.

I've backed my claim. Where do you get your news from Islamist watch? Try outside of the US for some unbiased, independent reporting, unfortunately i don't think you'd recognise it if you saw as you've been feed so much bullshit.

3 Israelis were killed, Jewish extremists killed a Palestinian for retribution and now the IDF has killed over one thousand in what is basically collective punishment - sounds like a measured response.
I've backed my claim. Where do you get your news from Islamist watch? Try outside of the US for some unbiased, independent reporting, unfortunately i don't think you'd recognise it if you saw as you've been feed so much bullshit.

3 Israelis were killed, Jewish extremists killed a Palestinian for retribution and now the IDF has killed over one thousand in what is basically collective punishment - sounds like a measured response.

And that does not address a single issue re: geneva conventions.

Just a dodge and hand wave at HAMAS.

You cannot back the claim, since Israel is not bound by convention, fighting mutts. And what you call news is just propaganda and bald claims about war slaves.
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Despite your stupid scorn there is still no such thing as Palestine and never was such a thing.

The Bible is full of lies about everything, including about the Jews.
Golda is a heroic figure except to your buddies, HAMAS, and the Islamic Caliphate of ISIL, they represent.
And that does not address a single issue re: geneva conventions.

Just a dodge and hand wave at HAMAS.

You cannot back the claim, since Israel is not bound by convention, fighting mutts. And what you call news is just propaganda and bald claims about war slaves.

Breaches of Geneva conventions

Geneva Conventions IV, Article 49(6) (1949)
Geneva Convention IV, Articles 45, 46 & 49 (1949)
Geneva Conventions IV, Article 33 (1949); Geneva Conventions (Protocol I), Article 75(2d) (1977)

International law violations;

- U.N. Charter, Article 2(4) & 51 (1945) Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations Principle 1
- U.N. Charter, Article 1 (1945) Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations, Principle 5

- International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (1976)
- Hague Regulations IV, Article 43 (1907).

That's not including UNSC resolutions.
There is no such thing as Palestinian.
King Hussein of Jordan 1970
There is no such thing as Palestinian.
Roman Senator Gracus. 10 BCE.

There is no such thing as Palestinian.
King Solomon 1003 BCE
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Breaches of Geneva conventions

Geneva Conventions IV, Article 49(6) (1949)
Geneva Convention IV, Articles 45, 46 & 49 (1949)
Geneva Conventions IV, Article 33 (1949); Geneva Conventions (Protocol I), Article 75(2d) (1977)

International law violations;

- U.N. Charter, Article 2(4) & 51 (1945) Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations Principle 1
- U.N. Charter, Article 1 (1945) Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations, Principle 5

- International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (1976)
- Hague Regulations IV, Article 43 (1907).

That's not including UNSC resolutions.

There are many parts of the Geneva Convention. A lot of countries have just signed parts of it.

For example, U.S. did not sign the amendment in which guerrilla combatants were given the same protections as the military is given.

You can claim these were broken, but who is the other Signatory?

Israel is not fighting a Signatory of the Conventions, are you stupid or something?
There are many parts of the Geneva Convention. A lot of countries have just signed parts of it.

For example, U.S. did not sign the amendment in which guerrilla combatants were given the same protections as the military is given.

You can claim these were broken, but who is the other Signatory?

Israel is not fighting a Signatory of the Conventions, are you stupid or something?

4th Geneva convention does apply to Israel moron. Your "doerisms" are a thing of pure psychotropic fantasy.
It doesn't apply to HAMAS you idiot.

The rules are only for fighting Signers or the Accord.

The USA didn't sign it all. and neither did Israel.
Before you ask should we support isreal forever take a good long look at the history of isreal & it's people , the jews over there have been persecuted & slaughtered by the millions forever , when the country of isreal was carved out by the victors of ww2 from it's inception the country has been under attack by arabs , it's allways been a war started by arabs & they hate the fact that isreals leadership has taken a stance of blood for blood using the most advanced weapons in the world , the middle east wont just stop hating jews if we decide to leave isreal to it's own , the cries from arabs for the US to keep out of middle eastern affairs is a joke , if not for our involvement in their affairs they'd all be worshiping a swastika instead of allah . The launch of patriot missles wasnt to stop doves of peace sent by arab friends in hopes of friendly co-existance , from day 1 arabs have tried to wipe isreal off the map .

No we shouldnt abandon isreal , it's the only powerfull country in the middle east not governed by god , isreal knows from 1st hand experience what happens to them when they act passively twords agressive neighbors , they get Zyklon B up their ass .
Yes, I am aware of the history of the Jews. I feel sorry for them, actually. Historically, they have been ostracized like no other peoples, and that is a shame. Makes you wonder why though doesn't it. I

I totally agree. There is no two state solution. There is no such thing as Palestine.
Despite your stupid scorn there is still no such thing as Palestine and never was such a thing.

The Bible is full of lies about everything, including about the Jews.
Well, it seems that I agree with something you have to say, in that the Bible is basically a bad sci-fi novel. As far as the rest of your opinions, which mostly I disagree with, you really sound either like a right wing conservative Christian, or a member of Likud, or some other far right party Israeli political party. You say that Israel was "carved out by the victors of ww2". It actually was carved up much earlier than that, using Palestinians for the carving, starting with Balfour in 1917. Oh, and by the way, Palestine was the name used to describe that area in his Declaration. and the inhabitants were referred to as Palestinians. You should read it, it will enlighten you. The US blackmailed the world in 1948 for the UN to grant that area, which was still known as Palestine then, to the Jewish race. The only problem was that it was a rip off, and every country around that area now called Israel, knew it, and they decided to fight. The Jew's won because the US supplied the weapons and cash to succeed. The Jew's have never stopped taking land since, where even today they continue to create illegal settlements in areas deemed off limits by the UN, and by the US also. Seems they won't listen to anybody, even their "best" friend in the world. Maybe if the Jewish people didn't isolate themselves so much, which they always seem to do and still continues, there wouldn't be any excuse for anti Semitism. Sure, the Jews have had a hard time, but who hasn't? I am Irish, and we have a little history as far as being subjugated goes, and I don't want Israel to be the British, nor the Palestinians the Irish. Way too much blood for much to long.