Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 122 59.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 12 5.9%

  • Total voters
believing in JC is a ploy in order to keep people alive and give them hope when everyone was getting stoned and killed, impoverished 2000+yrs ago. even now, it gives people something to live for and to feel better about themselves even in this day and age. with out hope and religion, this world would crumble in Anarchy as people wouldn't know what to do with themselves. I knew from a very young age that I didn't believe in God. I even went to vacation bible school for years and my daycare was at a church when I was a little tike. I believe in the scientific aspect of things. JC been around for what 2014 years (+/-). ok, who made the damn dinosaurs, who made the planets, who make the fossils that have been carbon dated (PROOF!!!!) from 1.5 MILLION years ago. there is NO proof of JC 1.5 million yrs ago. show me a fossil of his and ill believe.

I now have a 7mo old boy. I WILL have him baptized (as was I and his mom(who believes in god)), and I will let my son make up his own mind about God. its his choice, and no one elses.
believing in JC is a ploy in order to keep people alive and give them hope when everyone was getting stoned and killed, impoverished 2000+yrs ago. even now, it gives people something to live for and to feel better about themselves even in this day and age. with out hope and religion, this world would crumble in Anarchy as people wouldn't know what to do with themselves. I knew from a very young age that I didn't believe in God. I even went to vacation bible school for years and my daycare was at a church when I was a little tike. I believe in the scientific aspect of things. JC been around for what 2014 years (+/-). ok, who made the damn dinosaurs, who made the planets, who make the fossils that have been carbon dated (PROOF!!!!) from 1.5 MILLION years ago. there is NO proof of JC 1.5 million yrs ago. show me a fossil of his and ill believe.

I now have a 7mo old boy. I WILL have him baptized (as was I and his mom(who believes in god)), and I will let my son make up his own mind about God. its his choice, and no one elses.
That's a sad attempt to disprove God, seriously no offense.

There is no scientific proof that God didn't create the universe, earth, dinosaurs and you and your son.

Why would you even baptize your son if you are such a non believer??
so your telling me you don't believe in miracles?.....look at the trees, look at the grass, look at the birds, pay attention to thunderstorms and tornados...who the heck do you think created us?...answer..GOD
when jesus Christ was placed in his tomb he rose on the third day ..his father perfected him and he ascended into heaven to sit at the fathers right side......where do you come up with a fossil?..thats the dumbest thing I have ever heard of...if he ascended into heaven as a immortal that's it...
still no one has stated wich god they believe in
so your telling me you don't believe in miracles?.....look at the trees, look at the grass, look at the birds, pay attention to thunderstorms and tornados...who the heck do you think created us?...answer..GOD
firstly what makes you think it has to be a 'who' ? secondly you cant prove anything you have said ,so you are talking absolute rubbish .
you may aswell be talking about the tooth fairy , it has about as much credibility as your god .
jesus was just a very good kind man,maybe a lil crazy.......
i dont know how any logical person can believe in god.....every culture has a different god.....are they all wrong and christians are right?

i do believe in living a christian lifestyle....
if these guys were born on a different peace of land , for example somewhere in thee middle east they would be shouting about allah lol
if these guys were born on a different peace of land , for example somewhere in thee middle east they would be shouting about allah lol

Really if you look hard and don't just believe in scripture, you can trace all the North Hemi Religions back to China and Lau Tsu.

To me, every single religion on earth is just retelling and embellishing the same stories about life on earth. Lau Tsu had it that we are all connect to nature through the Way, the Tao he called it. Every religion is based on that idea with some various Culture Fiction thrown in.

Each day we re-incarnate with new chances (karma) and new challenges (karma) that we bring over from yesterday, not some past life.

There is a life have it, until you don't.

Says who? Your Church? Some book that was put together by one guy for the Emperor Constantine?

Do you know about Roman Senator Pizo and his suppiort for Herod? Do you know about his plot that backfired to protect the Jews from John the Baptist's crazy people.

Do you know that Peter believed, so totally in Apocalypse, that there should be no more children at all? And that is why the Romans killed him?

There is no direct Knowledge of Self offered in any of there religions though they all mention that.

All religions still say, "Know Self" in some way or another, but they know not what they speak.

Did you know that every single religion on earth or ever on Earth was and is a War Cult preying on supersitition?