Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 122 59.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 12 5.9%

  • Total voters
Well, If you are truly interested, there are two places to go.. I would recommend the first being "conversations with God" a PDF you can download and read.. the second being look toward Bashar. We are all GOD as GOD is us... I do not use the term God, but "All That Is"! And Bashar even says that Cannabis is a high vibrational thing!
Why is that?

God and Jesus are not proven by science; so why should we believe in God and Jesus?

God could never be proven by science.

If you look at how the universe was created, the big bang, it is a god like way of making it. Humans build things step by step. Science tells us that the universe went from nothing (no time, matter, energy, space, none of that of anything else to the universe in less than one second.

Science tells is how. Religion tells us why.

I'm not saying Christianity has it right. I'm not saying that any human religion has it right.

But their has to be something.

So the question was believe, I said no because believe has doubt, and to me there is no doubt.

I believe the mail will run tomorrow.

I do not believe I will fall if I jump off of the house, I know.

If you're looking for proof in science, you're looking at the wrong place..

Read the Bible or Koran and pray. One does not need to believe to pray. Read it earnestly and with thought, and ask for God to show you.

He just might.
once I retire in a couple years I am going to setup my pay pal account.... for all the believers who are not paying their 10% tithe and their love offering unto god I will just call the account... gods money...just remember god loves a cheerful giver and jesus said give to him that the day is coming that I will be asking to receive your money and don't forget the bigger the $eed the bigger your blessing... and do not forget there will be hell to pay for those who do not obey and that fire gets very hot!
just because u pray for something like money doesn't mean its gonna come just like that, god works in a mysterious ways, first off u may be really poor and see no way out and only then will u find out something about yourself and employment comes your way

im not particularly religious but i got an open mind
believing in JC is a ploy in order to keep people alive and give them hope when everyone was getting stoned and killed, impoverished 2000+yrs ago. even now, it gives people something to live for and to feel better about themselves even in this day and age. with out hope and religion, this world would crumble in Anarchy as people wouldn't know what to do with themselves. I knew from a very young age that I didn't believe in God. I even went to vacation bible school for years and my daycare was at a church when I was a little tike. I believe in the scientific aspect of things. JC been around for what 2014 years (+/-). ok, who made the damn dinosaurs, who made the planets, who make the fossils that have been carbon dated (PROOF!!!!) from 1.5 MILLION years ago. there is NO proof of JC 1.5 million yrs ago. show me a fossil of his and ill believe. I now have a 7mo old boy. I WILL have him baptized (as was I and his mom(who believes in god)), and I will let my son make up his own mind about God. its his choice, and no one elses.
ahh, so many things. you believe in science, and carbon dating??? carbon dating, lol??? not even a good argument...
yes, carbon dating. PROVEN scientific results. not some words written in a book from someone back in the day in 110* heat in the desert. who made the dinosaurs? what God decided, hey, why not make some HUGE ass reptiles to roam the planet for a few hundred thousand years. sorry, im not buying it at all.
Matthew 6:9-13New International Version (NIV)
9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
but deliver us from the evil one.[b]’
God is love-- love is a true thought of pure bliss and understanding ---absolutely void of evil-- the only way we can set the love free is to eradicate the evil thoughts, as there's no room for evil thoughts when love is the truth,,,

or im not quite sure about this one but i think George has something to do with it?? Lol

naaa ha ha , life is a dream,
find out who's dream it is and you'll have your god?
God is love-- love is a true thought of pure bliss and understanding ---absolutely void of evil-- the only way we can set the love free is to eradicate the evil thoughts, as there's no room for evil thoughts when love is the truth,,,

or im not quite sure about this one but i think George has something to do with it?? Lol

naaa ha ha , life is a dream,
find out who's dream it is and you'll have your god?
bongsmilieSomebody's high but I dig it