There are a lot of articles out there. Google is your friend.
Trichomes go through polycyclic aromatization in the process of decomposition (drying) if I remember correctly, and who knows if I spelled that right.
There are varying opinions on this, but a quick search around ICM and the internet would yield quite a bit of information.. this is just you being wrong.
Even taking 'cured' buds, and then dry sifting them, the trichomes will change in appearance/taste/smell/stone after you harvest them from day 1 to a month later.. like different extracts.
Huge difference.
Curing is not only about the chlorophyl and other non-active plant material to break that down into simple sugars.
There is no such thing as cured resin Doer, seriously??????????
Not at all. How did you get that?
The flowers are cured approx 3 months by most connoisseurs. In Morocco the flowers are also cured 3 months before sieving. In Afghanistan they sieve the flowers as soon as they are dry and then let the resin cure in a container for 3 months. I also use the word cure for the "burbing" I recommend pressing of ice water sieved resin but it is only because I have not a better word for it.
If you use trims frozen while fresh, I would considered the resin uncured.
Curing cannabis flowers for 90+ days enhances the high profile, flavor and smell.
Its age old wisdom and common sense for any exp grower who has a clue about curing.
Argue science all day long, the complete and complex relationship between the compounds in cannabis is only now being researched.
on a side note......................I smell troll.
naww man the most flavorful hash is fresh rubbed like scissor hash. fact is facts i've had all kinds numerous times.More potent, no
More flavorful, yes
Listen, this silly tactic of calling people “trolls” because you can’t answer their questions with quantitative useable facts is just plain nonsense.
Nobody is calling you names!
In regards to BHO...
The term Concrete is specifically reserved for oil extracted from fresh material, no cure.
Oleoresin is the term used when extracting oil from dried/cured material.
Damn... I don't get the friggen nonsense bickering on stoner forums,
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
This should apply to the cannabis culture, it is based on unification of the souls and harmony with our surroundings.
Somebody always feel like they know more than another, and it leads to rude, uncalled for nonsense.
This thread is a perfect example why the boards have been dead for a while now.
For fucks sake...
I'm not posting about oil!!!! I've already done my oil research long ago... I've learned from the cream of the crop, I certainly don't need any erroneous statements using improper terminology.
(Seriously, re-read what you've posted about Concretes and Absolute Amber) @ Doer
Why the attitude dude??! I made no jabs at you...
As I stated, semantics and language barriers.
"There is no such thing as cured resin"
So, all these hash makers.... Ummmm,don't exist?! Orr wha??
Kind of replying to a couple threads here
Sometimes when people ask about the cure I point them to the bartender(also i say this because links are more tuned to the intelligence of) who knows a fresh lemon/lime (I am aware of the difference but related compounds) has very little limonin. After allowing to oxidize it forms from precursors present. The new compound can be detected at .5ppm..when we cure as I said the sensory threshold drops, the smells become stronger. Instead of just smelling good, it lingers in the back of your throat and smoke stinks the room up.
My cheese strains I don't even bother with for several months waiting forthat flavor.
As to no advantage to ccuring bud for concentrates, reread what I said curing does..ever done a long soak in butane?
Also as I said, fresh weed often tastes perfumey even soapy and "green" from corresponding aldehydes and ketones.
Lastly, yea learn how to work the Google. I don't have time to prove what I say anymore. If you want some of the dozens of studies I've put up, go look or try googling it. The original vp put up one of my favorites came from the Australian journal of forensic sciences was discussing the long term stability of extracts in and out of solution.
All of what crap, curing? No..
Decarbing obviously..
What are you trying to get at? I've never said otherwise?