Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

more man humour

Underwear thief ^^

A 42-year old Minnesota man broke into the home of an acquaintance on his birthday, drank some of their alcohol and left with several pair of women’s underwear.
Randy Bina of St. Francis entered the Andover home while the occupants were away for the day. When they got home they found their front door open and the screen door damaged. Once inside, they noticed several bottles of alcohol moved, and found several items missing, including women’s underwear.

Neighbors were able to give a description to police and the homeowners immediately suspected Bina, a man they’ve known for several years. Bina was arrested in his truck in a bar parking lot with the missing items, including the underwear, on the seat next to him.
funny, you racist republican conservative types never seem to be in favor of any college funds. in fact, your type usually seems to be against those types of things. you guys want vouchers for private schools, to erase the department of education, to cut college loans and grants, etcetera.

by the way, the UNCF does fund anyone, regardless of their skin color. you are allowed to apply at any of the historically black colleges they fund, and i encourage you to do so. you might actually learn something there.

But they only fund the black students.

If there was a fund that would only fund white students you would be screaming from the rooftops that it was racist and unfair.

The problem you have is that you secretly believe that black people cannot get ahead without a hand up. You really do think they are inferior. And that is why you are a racist. The front you put up running around accusing others is just that, a front...
yes, yes, i can see it all clearly now..mean ole obama obstructing the VA BILL..why?..because the "last minute" amendments had absolutely nothing to do with the bill and all to do with guys would look less like losers if you just would research your statements.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) refused to allow a GOP substitute amendment to get an up-or-down vote because it included Iran sanctions, which he said were unrelated to veterans’ issues.

“I hope all the veterans groups have witnessed all the contortions the Republicans have done to defeat this bill,” Reid said Thursday. “Shame on Republicans for bringing base politics into a bill to help veterans.”

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Thank you for proving that the Democrats have absolutely no interest in negotiating. If the bill isnt exactly the way they want without amendment then the Republicans are obstructing. LOL!!!

You illustrated my point perfectly ;]
anti-miscegeny laws had nothing to do with the decision of hostile and racist business owners to deny service to blacks.

you need to stop jumbling, revising, and denying history to prop up your shitty, failed, racist arguments.

the independent decision of hostile racists like you to deny service based on skin color caused a lot of harm. you do not have a right to cause harm to others like that.

it really is as simple as that.

now go on, deny history and make a rape comparison, then tell us all how happy you'd be to serve a black customer. because that makes so much sense.

You, nor anybody else has the right to make somebody serve you or to force an association on them.

Human interactions that require force can only be just when they are done in a defensive way to REPEL an act of initiated aggression. So when you champion the idea that it is okay to make people serve another from the get go, you are wrong.
You, nor anybody else has the right to make somebody serve you or to force an association on them.

Human interactions that require force can only be just when they are done in a defensive way to REPEL an act of initiated aggression. So when you champion the idea that it is okay to make people serve another from the get go, you are wrong.

does that include being arrested by the cops ?
is it just for them to force association and touch people physically without permission of the individual being physically touched ?
does that include being arrested by the cops ?
is it just for them to force association and touch people physically without permission of the individual being physically touched ?

Sometimes. The nature of how a "crime" is defined is interesting. There are many so-called crimes that are not real crimes. A law can make some victimless acts "crimes", and can also make some real horrendous acts legal.

Good people leave others alone and they also ignore bad laws.

Cops are mostly not interested in morality, just paychecks and donuts.
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^^^^ The enforcement of some laws is criminal in the sense that the law itself is wrong.

It was illegal to help a runaway slave at one time. It is still illegal for most of us to fully own our own bodies.

Real crimes usually involve an actionable harm, hence there is a real victim. However the enforcement of victimless crimes is rampant and wrong.
Sometimes. The nature of how a "crime" is defined is interesting. There are many so-called crimes that are not real crimes. A law can make some acts "crimes", and can also make some real horrendous acts legal.

Good people leave others alone and they also ignore bad laws.

Cops are mostly not interested in morality, just paychecks and donuts.

a individual does not need to have committed a "crime" to be arrested they only need be "suspected" of a crime to have forced contact made physically on them (arrested)
But they only fund the black students.

If there was a fund that would only fund white students you would be screaming from the rooftops that it was racist and unfair.

The problem you have is that you secretly believe that black people cannot get ahead without a hand up. You really do think they are inferior. And that is why you are a racist. The front you put up running around accusing others is just that, a front...
the UNCF-administered scholarships are open to all ethnicities. UNCF's member colleges and universities admit students without reference to race or ethnicity. UNCF's largest scholarship program, the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, supports Hispanic American, Asian/Pacific American and Native American students as well as African Americans.
True story
i was sitting in the train station many years ago waiting to catch the train
since the train was late i started smoking my spliff i had rolled for the train journey in the train station
after about 10 minutes a black dude came into the train station and sat on the bench just before my bench
about 5 minutes after this 2 policemen came onto the station platform , i quickly threw my spliff behind me what a waste that turned out to be
the cops didn't even look at me they arrested the black dude .. who wasn't even smoking

i have to admit i was blowing my smoke in black guys direction though
when the cops grabbed the black dude he was not happy at all (arrested on suspicion)
coincidentally the black dude must of had drugs on him anyway as he threw a match box on the floor it missed the train tracks
the police picked it up and dragged him away LOL
the UNCF-administered scholarships are open to all ethnicities. UNCF's member colleges and universities admit students without reference to race or ethnicity. UNCF's largest scholarship program, the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, supports Hispanic American, Asian/Pacific American and Native American students as well as African Americans.

So it is all good if only whites are excluded?? No American Americans allowed :P

If only blacks were excluded it would be called what again?
So it is all good if only whites are excluded?? No American Americans allowed :P

If only blacks were excluded it would be called what again?
again they don't exclude, but you do have to qualify.
again what happened to your 350+ years head-start for you to even need help in attending college. Did your family not take advantage of privileges that this country had to offer your people?
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Thank you for proving that the Democrats have absolutely no interest in negotiating. If the bill isnt exactly the way they want without amendment then the Republicans are obstructing. LOL!!!

You illustrated my point perfectly ;]

thank you for agreeing that the GOP attaches amendments that have nothing to do with the bill.
You, nor anybody else has the right to make somebody serve you or to force an association on them.

Human interactions that require force can only be just when they are done in a defensive way to REPEL an act of initiated aggression. So when you champion the idea that it is okay to make people serve another from the get go, you are wrong.

you don't get laid much, do you?
funny, you racist republican conservative types never seem to be in favor of any college funds. in fact, your type usually seems to be against those types of things. you guys want vouchers for private schools, to erase the department of education, to cut college loans and grants, etcetera.

by the way, the UNCF does fund anyone, regardless of their skin color. you are allowed to apply at any of the historically black colleges they fund, and i encourage you to do so. you might actually learn something there.

A list of the colleges supported by the Koch brothers. Alphabetized because the list is so large: