Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

It's like saying everyone against a 2nd bush term was racist. They just strongly disagree with what he thinks is gonna be better for the nation. The number one priority would be avoiding a 2nd bush term (probably electing a democrat in the process) in hopes of not going to another pointless war. If that doesn't happen then compromise. I just think what she quoted was taken out of context and I don't see how everyone who agrees is racist.

see? that's what you did wrong..why don't you CHECK the FACTS before posting.
here is where you said that you had ot be coerced into serving black people against your will.

Do you see dead people too? I said I hate laws that coerce people.

That doesn't mean I do not VOLUNTARILY associate with good people of any race now does it dipshit poopy pants boy?
not out of context at all, actually. you living under a rock?

i didn't say everyone who agreed was racist, i said the person who said it was. and the people standing behind him as he said it.

Completely out of context. A quote about a guys top priority being to avoid re-electing a president he dislikes. And he's racist
He doesnt want him out because he is black he wants him out because he is a democrat.

Are you already drunk? You cant be that stupid... Oh wait....
No of course Bucks right and he wanted him out simply because he is black.

he went on in that same interview to say he would be happy to work with obama given certain conditions.

so obama goes on and gets 100% behind a number of republican ideas. what happens? does mitch and the pubster parade work with obama?

NOPE. they abandon their own ideas.

the dream act. cap and trade, tax breaks. infrastructure repair. payroll tax cut. all republican ideas. all anathema once obama got behind them.

it's clearly not political at that point.
he went on in that same interview to say he would be happy to work with obama given certain conditions.

so obama goes on and gets 100% behind a number of republican ideas. what happens? does mitch and the pubster parade work with obama?

NOPE. they abandon their own ideas.

the dream act. cap and trade, tax breaks. infrastructure repair. payroll tax cut. all republican ideas. all anathema once obama got behind them.

it's clearly not political at that point.

You are full of shit. The way Obama negotiates is that he comes up with a plan and if the Republicans attempt to alter it in any way they are labelled obstructionists. There hasnt been any negotiation for 6 years. Harry Reids desk is piled high with well over 100 bills issued from the House of Representatives that he has shitcanned while declaring the other house obstructionist. With a complicit media it has been going pretty well for them.

However, it appears that the media's patience is running thin along with the American people.
I wana agree with you somewhat but you act like the game isn't played both ways. Obama is just an innocent guy trying to help the country. PSHHH..... But look what i hate about republicans is they think one of there guys is the answer. It's complete bullshit both ways. They're both insane. They both say good things, they both say bad things, they both lie and mislead to get where they are. And yet we are here fighting eachother?
it's sad that all of obama's actions poll high..just not obama the person.

that rings loud and clear to anyone with a modicum of intellegiance.

Yeaaaahhhh, that's it. America elected a black guy and then slapped themselves in the forehead and said, "what was I thinking? I am a racist!"

Lard, I like ham sliced very thin, some mayo, lettuce, dill pickle on chiabatta bread. Make sure your hair is pretty and your nails are done. A little jiggle is always nice.
You are full of shit. The way Obama negotiates is that he comes up with a plan and if the Republicans attempt to alter it in any way they are labelled obstructionists. There hasnt been any negotiation for 6 years. Harry Reids desk is piled high with well over 100 bills issued from the House of Representatives that he has shitcanned while declaring the other house obstructionist. With a complicit media it has been going pretty well for them.

However, it appears that the media's patience is running thin along with the American people.

yes, yes, i can see it all clearly now..mean ole obama obstructing the VA BILL..why?..because the "last minute" amendments had absolutely nothing to do with the bill and all to do with guys would look less like losers if you just would research your statements.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) refused to allow a GOP substitute amendment to get an up-or-down vote because it included Iran sanctions, which he said were unrelated to veterans’ issues.

“I hope all the veterans groups have witnessed all the contortions the Republicans have done to defeat this bill,” Reid said Thursday. “Shame on Republicans for bringing base politics into a bill to help veterans.”

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Yeaaaahhhh, that's it. America elected a black guy and then slapped themselves in the forehead and said, "what was I thinking? I am a racist!"

Lard, I like ham sliced very thin, some mayo, lettuce, dill pickle on chiabatta bread. Make sure your hair is pretty and your nails are done. A little jiggle is always nice.

perhaps if you'd let the man do his job?
more man humour
I wana agree with you somewhat but you act like the game isn't played both ways. Obama is just an innocent guy trying to help the country. PSHHH..... But look what i hate about republicans is they think one of there guys is the answer. It's complete bullshit both ways. They're both insane. They both say good things, they both say bad things, they both lie and mislead to get where they are. And yet we are here fighting eachother?

I am not sure who you are wanting to agree with.

Dont get me wrong, I am more angry with the Republicans right now than the Democrats. The Democrats have put their party platform on steroids while the Republicans cannot seem to find their platform and are trying out some sort of Democrat-Lite platform in the hopes of courting people who theoretically should not be able to vote anyway... The Republicans are so focused on simply winning that they have abandoned
Here is a simple test, Lard: Does the executive branch (the president) make law? Feel free to use google and to read the constitution. Please explain your answer.

Is this a trick question? Because he is not supposed to but......