Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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What stage is that? I did exactly what UB said and waited till she got to 5-6 nodes.

your plant looks great, done the same thing often myself

but correct me, if I got this wrong but if UB said 5-6 nodes or you could say the 3rd set of nodes
and it looks like you waited till the 5-6 set of nodes, guessing 11-12 node before removing the top 7-8 nodes leaving you with 4 nodes or 2 sets of nodes which will give you 4 top shoots

so you didn't follow uncle Ben's advice
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What stage is that? I did exactly what UB said and waited till she got to 5-6 nodes.
I find if you air prune the roots in rockwool blocks the plant can have a lot of root in a short time in the block and leads a more robust plant overall (genetics permitting off course) and top about the 4th node.
your plant looks great, done the same thing often myself

but correct me, if I got this wrong but if UB said 5-6 nodes or you could say the 3rd set of nodes
and it looks like you waited till the 5-6 set of nodes, guessing 11-12 node before removing the top 7-8 nodes leaving you with 4 nodes or 2 sets of nodes which will give you 4 top shoots

so you didn't follow uncle Ben's advice

No. I waited till 5-6 nodes. Set of nodes? I don't know why what you're saying is so confusing. I don't know anything about "sets" of nodes....just nodes.

Waited till she grew 5-6 nodes and cut right above the second. So I did follow his advice.

With indica strains the nodes grow even (looks like a pair one each side of the main shoot ) each one at the top part the plant will become the top shoot

The pictures are showing where the nodes grow and in the picture there is 4 nodes
With indica strains the nodes grow even (looks like a pair one each side of the main shoot ) each one at the top part the plant will become the top shoot

The pictures are showing where the nodes grow and in the picture there is 4 nodes


I know you're trying to help but I think you may end up confusing the newer users.

I hope that you understand the danger of posting misinformation on a thread that is frequented by newbs.
With indica strains the nodes grow even (looks like a pair one each side of the main shoot ) each one at the top part the plant will become the top shoot

The pictures are showing where the nodes grow and in the picture there is 4 nodes
That picture is showing two leaf sets, each individual leaf set is stemming from a node. So that picture shows two nodes.

If those were the bottom two nodes then one would cut in between the 2nd and 3rd node (a space called the internode) to top for 4 main colas...

I think you're confusing yourself by thinking of alternating nodes, which indicates sexual maturity in a plant. Clones will have alternating nodes as they are the same sexual maturity as the host plant.

In this thread the OP specifies that this technique is for plants from seed, which means that the nodes will not alternate, at least not yet, which means that the pic above is perfect. If your nodes are alternating then you may be kinda far along for this kind of topping...

Have you ever googled "plant nodes definition", if not you may want to...

I was gonna send a PM but I think this needs to be laid out here for the general public.

Feel free to respond inline or via PM
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No don't get what you saying at all there are 4 leave soon to become fan leave that will support each node that grows next to it so with so 4 leaves 4 nodes this is basic stuff everyone needs to know

So when the plants have 5 leaves/nodes you remove the top node
The top nodes or pair of nodes will give 4 nodes/shoots left

Or as the 5/6 node starts to grow
you cut in half to fim

you may need to read up on this your self
No don't get what you saying at all there are 4 leave soon to become fan leave that will support each node that grows next to it so with so 4 leaves 4 nodes this is basic stuff everyone needs to know


So when the plants have 5 leaves/nodes you remove the top node
The top nodes or pair of nodes will give 4 nodes/shoots left

I'm using the same wording that is in the first post of this thread. It says to pinch or cut above the 2nd true node (opposing leaf set). Like this pic posted by @Uncle Ben in post #30...


What you are saying directly conflicts with the information in the original post of this thread and, as I said before, you may end up confusing the newer members

you may need to read up on this your self

If I'm wrong then please point me towards the appropriate links.

If you topped a plant with staggered nodes or level nodes you still need to cut off the 5th node to get 4 tops

ub had pictures up a while back
I rember it well when he done the same thread on thct*lk

and a few comments saying cut the 5/6 node to ub so I am sure ub ment cut above the 2nd set of nodes as its the only way you can end up with 4 tops
great pics

In the past when I said about remove a few leaves it was to give a plant that was strong like an indica mutt but a deeper canopy like the sativa plant with thicker stems, somwhere in the middle, you do it by hand or grow a 50% hybrid indica/sativa to give better yeilds and larger canopy

its all about getting the canopy shape just right

It good you have an open mind and share a lot of good knowledge with members on here :)

uncle bens indicas stretch 3ft because he's a nitrogen whore :mrgreen:. its the same when I use H&G
pinch new growth only... don't chop a plant in half! worst case scenario is youre a little off and fim it, but hey no stunt.
UB- random question, how often and when do you run fans in your veg/flower spaces?
Lol anyyyywho....Besides all the commotion, my topped plant looks AMAZING. Just 5 days ago I topped her and she looked all beat up. Now she's lookin' purrty. Can't wait to see the results of this technique. Thanks UB and everyone else responding!

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that's why I said :)

its all good, as it grows, tie the shoots down so it looks like an x shape and keep them all the same height if you can

you will have 4 top shoots before you know it :)
ub when you're mixing both the orthene & Imidacloprid as a soil drench,what rates per gal you use??

I don't use orthene and wouldn't because it's not needed plus I consider it not safe for personal consumption. With the imidacloprid 1/4 tsp/gal. just enough to saturate the pot with a little runoff.
I find if you air prune the roots in rockwool blocks the plant can have a lot of root in a short time in the block and leads a more robust plant overall (genetics permitting off course) and top about the 4th node.

Yeah, it's all a judgement call. I only use the 5th or 6th node as a guide. Usually by then the plant is well into it's latter juvenile stage with full term leafsets meaning the root system should be good too. I could top when the plant has 3 nodes or 8 and get the same result.
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